Origin of Cosmic Rays: Randeer Pratap Gautam (Email-Randeer - Gautam@studium - Uni - Hamburg - De) Date: 29 January, 2020
Origin of Cosmic Rays: Randeer Pratap Gautam (Email-Randeer - Gautam@studium - Uni - Hamburg - De) Date: 29 January, 2020
Origin of Cosmic Rays: Randeer Pratap Gautam (Email-Randeer - Gautam@studium - Uni - Hamburg - De) Date: 29 January, 2020
Date: 29 January,2020
• Greisen, Zatsepin, and Kuzmin (GZK) stated microwave, infrared,
and radio backgrounds are opaque for high energy particles.
• Proton Reaction: p+ γ → n+ ; threshold energy=
→ p+; energy loss per interaction=20%
→ p+; threshold=
energy loss in pair production→0.01%
Image Credits:
M. Nagano and A. A. Watson: Ultrahigh-energy
cosmic rays
Anisotropic Distribution of Cosmic Ray
• For Trans-GZK nuclei, the distribution of their
arrival directions is anisotropic; Magnetic Fields
are ineffective anymore.
• Pierre Auger Observatory analyzed events with
E>3 Eev (18,024 events); 27 events have E>56 Eev
have shown significant correlation with
anisotropic distribution.
• The correlation was most significant for AGN with
redshifts z < 0.018 (distances < 75 Mpc) and within
3.1 separation angles.
• Interesting results of clustering of Auger events
around Cen A Cluster(~3.8Mpc) is an indication of
first confirmed Cosmic Ray Source.
• Energy threshold that maximizes correlation is
found to be GZK Cutoff.
• Fermi 2nd Order: First Fermi Acceleration Mechanism, 2nd Order
Fermi, Particles collide stochastically with the moving magnetic
• SNRs are known to produced power law relativistic particles below the knee.
• Observation of SN 1006 from Japan’s ASCA X-Ray Satellite in 1995 is the first direct proof of SNRs are
indeed source of Galactic Cosmic Rays.
• The particle trapped inside the shock is accelerated by Diffusive Fermi Mechanism
• Emission of Synchrotron radiation as particles interacts with magnetic field
• With magnetic field 6-10 𝞵G, the energy of calculated from energy of synchrotron X-Ray emission as
⇒ Energy of Primary CR=200Tev
• Major
• explains the abundance of heavy nuclei(close to Iron) particles at Ultra
high energies(i.e., beyond GZK Cutoff); Surface contains Iron peak elements
from Supernova.
• Energy from Rotating Neutron Star is transferred to the particles via MHD
winds. (Energy of Cosmic Ray Particle ev)
• Newly Born Neutron stars ⇒ High Rotating Velocity( High Surface Magnetic
Field ()
• Dipole Field Structure is up to Light Cylinder Radius. Magnetosphere
corotates with the star inside Line Cylinder
• Requirement: Column Density of Envelop should become Transparent before
the spinning rate of the Neutron Star decreases.()
• Density of Envelop:
• Rate of Decrease in Rotation Speed:
where 3000 rad is the initial
spin rate and t8 = t/ s
Parameter space for which acceleration and
• Modified energy of Particles: escape of the accelerated particles through the
ejecta are allowed. The solid lines refer to
particle energy Ecr = 1020 eV and dashed lines
• Condition for Young Star to produce Iron dominated Cosmic Rays: to Ecr = 3 × 1020 eV.
The horizontal line indicates the minimum
period allowed for neutron Stars.
Credits for the image and Equations: Blasi P., Epstein R.I.,
Olinto A.V., 2000, ApJ, 533, 123
Active Galactic Nucleus
• Possible Acceleration Sites in AGN: Central Engine(Vicinity of
Black Hole and Accretion Disc), extended structures (jets, lobes,
hot spots and jet knots)
• Emission from Lobes in FR: Localized regions of intense
synchrotron emission, known as "hot spots", are observed
within their lobes()
• Maximum energy of protons emitted(considering the
synchrotron loss) is given as
Image Description: the two strong radio lobes with the
Shock bounding the cocoon expanding into the IGM
• For typical hot spot condition: B<300 µG, u ~ 0.5); with a velocity. Credits: Begelman & Cioffi 1989