Origin of Cosmic Rays: Randeer Pratap Gautam (Email-Randeer - Gautam@studium - Uni - Hamburg - De) Date: 29 January, 2020

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Origin of Cosmic Rays

Randeer Pratap Gautam

(email- randeer.gautam@studium.uni-

Date: 29 January,2020

1. Cosmic Ray Spectrum

2. GZK Cutoff
3. Anisotropic Distribution of Cosmic Ray Source
4. Composition
5. Particle Acceleration Mechanism
6. Hillas Criterion
7. SNRs as Galactic Source
8. Neutron Stars
9. Active Galactic Nucleus
10. References
Cosmic Ray Spectrum
 • Power law Spectrum:; where s=2.7 for E<1Pev; s 3 for <E< s 2.6
for E> .
• E< (Below knee): Dominated by Galactic Cosmic Rays(SNRs)
• <E< : Galactic CRs originate → Galactic Winds, Super Nova Explosions
• E> Dominated from CRs mainly from Extragalactic Sources.
• At ankle, the hardening for heavy nuclei dominant indicates the
complete transition from Galactic to Extragalactic CR. Where for
proton dominant, dip is due to propagation loses(dip models)

Credits for both imges: http://arxiv.org/abs/1101.4256

GZK- Cutoff

• Greisen, Zatsepin, and Kuzmin (GZK) stated microwave, infrared,
and radio backgrounds are opaque for high energy particles.
• Proton Reaction:  p+ γ → n+ ; threshold energy=
→ p+; energy loss per interaction=20%
→ p+; threshold=
energy loss in pair production→0.01%

• Heavy Nuclei Photo Disintegration: A+

  γ → A-1 + N
→ A-2 + 2N
• Interaction with IR Photons is effective only below

Image Credits for other two images:


Image Credits:
M. Nagano and A. A. Watson: Ultrahigh-energy
cosmic rays
Anisotropic Distribution of Cosmic Ray
• For Trans-GZK nuclei, the distribution of their
arrival directions is anisotropic; Magnetic Fields
are ineffective anymore.
• Pierre Auger Observatory analyzed events with
E>3 Eev (18,024 events); 27 events have E>56 Eev
have shown significant correlation with
anisotropic distribution.
• The correlation was most significant for AGN with
redshifts z < 0.018 (distances < 75 Mpc) and within
3.1 separation angles.
• Interesting results of clustering of Auger events
around Cen A Cluster(~3.8Mpc) is an indication of
first confirmed Cosmic Ray Source.
• Energy threshold that maximizes correlation is
found to be GZK Cutoff.

Auger map of the southern sky for the period January

1, 2004 through August 31, 2007.
The 292 objects from the twelfth V´eron-Cetty & V´eron (109)
catalog of quasars and active nuclei with z ≤ 0.017 are shown as red

• Depth in atmosphere of Shower

Maximum as indicator for the
components of Cosmic Rays received at
• A transition of heavy nuclei dominant
models to lighter nuclei at ankle →
transition from Galactic to extragalactic
cosmic rays; due to Galactic winds &
Super Nova explosions in Stellar winds.
• Further high energies, the dominant
constituents are gain Heavy nuclei →
Majority of Extragalactic sources ejects nuclei
with great metallicities

<Xmax > and RMS(Xmax) as a function of primary

energy, as measured by Auger Fluorescence detectors.
Monte Carlo Simulations for primary protons(blue) and
primary iron(Red)
Image credits: http://arxiv.org/abs/1101.4256
Particle Acceleration Mechanisms

• Fermi 2nd Order: First Fermi Acceleration Mechanism, 2nd Order
Fermi, Particles collide stochastically with the moving magnetic

• τesc= Total time of acceleration;

• Fermi 1st Order: Occurs when relativistic particles interact with strong
shock waves (another advantage over 2nd order Fermi) moving with
supersonic velocities.
• 1st Order Fermi predicts a Power Law Spectrum with spectral index (s)
=2; (unlike 2nd order)
• Energy Gain: ;
• Unipolar Inductors: Prominent in rotating bodies like Neutron Star
• ⇒
• Magnetic Reconnection: Reconfiguration of Magnetic Field Topology
due to the resistivity of outer layers on the currents→ Release of
High energy Particles . Image Source: http://www.telescopearray.org/index.p
• The basic mechanism of ejection of Solar Flares. art=2

• Also applied on Gamma Ray Bursts, Pulsar Winds

Hillas Criterion

 • Larmor Radius of Accelerated particle is expressed as the radius of Source:

• It thus sets the upper limit for the maximum energy of particles can be accelerated by a source

Image Credits: http://arxiv.org/ab

SNRs as Galactic Source

 • SNRs are known to produced power law relativistic particles below the knee.
• Observation of SN 1006 from Japan’s ASCA X-Ray Satellite in 1995 is the first direct proof of SNRs are
indeed source of Galactic Cosmic Rays.
• The particle trapped inside the shock is accelerated by Diffusive Fermi Mechanism
• Emission of Synchrotron radiation as particles interacts with magnetic field
• With magnetic field 6-10 𝞵G, the energy of calculated from energy of synchrotron X-Ray emission as
⇒ Energy of Primary CR=200Tev

Image Description: Non –Thermal Synchrotron

Emission Spectrum of the bright
supernova remnant SN1006 from

Image Description: SNR shock wave

goes through interstellar space, it heats
This picture of the bright supernova remnant up the gas it plows into X-rays are
SN1006 was taken with the ASCA CCD produced by hot gas in the inner region
cameras. (Credit for all images in this slide: of remnants.
Neutron Stars

• Major
• explains the abundance of heavy nuclei(close to Iron) particles at Ultra
 high energies(i.e., beyond GZK Cutoff); Surface contains Iron peak elements
from Supernova.
• Energy from Rotating Neutron Star is transferred to the particles via MHD
winds. (Energy of Cosmic Ray Particle ev)
• Newly Born Neutron stars ⇒ High Rotating Velocity( High Surface Magnetic
Field ()
• Dipole Field Structure is up to Light Cylinder Radius. Magnetosphere
corotates with the star inside Line Cylinder
• Requirement: Column Density of Envelop should become Transparent before
the spinning rate of the Neutron Star decreases.()
• Density of Envelop:
• Rate of Decrease in Rotation Speed:
where 3000 rad is the initial
spin rate and t8 = t/ s
Parameter space for which acceleration and
• Modified energy of Particles: escape of the accelerated particles through the
ejecta are allowed. The solid lines refer to
particle energy Ecr = 1020 eV and dashed lines
• Condition for Young Star to produce Iron dominated Cosmic Rays: to Ecr = 3 × 1020 eV.
The horizontal line indicates the minimum
period allowed for neutron Stars.
Credits for the image and Equations: Blasi P., Epstein R.I.,
Olinto A.V., 2000, ApJ, 533, 123
Active Galactic Nucleus

• Possible Acceleration Sites in AGN: Central Engine(Vicinity of
Black Hole and Accretion Disc), extended structures (jets, lobes,
hot spots and jet knots)
• Emission from Lobes in FR: Localized regions of intense
synchrotron emission, known as "hot spots", are observed
within their lobes()
• Maximum energy of protons emitted(considering the
synchrotron loss) is given as
Image Description: the two strong radio lobes with the
Shock bounding the cocoon expanding into the IGM
• For typical hot spot condition: B<300 µG, u ~ 0.5); with a velocity. Credits: Begelman & Cioffi 1989

E < 5 × 1020 eV for a < 0.1

• Shear Acceleration: Particles traversing perpendicular to the jet

• The highest energy of particles from this acceleration is

restricted by Hillas Criterion, i.e.,
Gyro Radius<Jet Radius
• Particle energy upto 1019 ev
The size-field diagram for knots (triangles),
hot spots (boxes) and lobes (circles) of
individual powerful active galaxies.
Credits: arXiv:0808.0367v2
• http://cds.cern.ch/record/1249755/files/p533.pdf
• http://arxiv.org/abs/1101.4256
• http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2009ARNPS..59..319B
• Blasi P., Epstein R.I., Olinto A.V., 2000, ApJ, 533, 123
• https://ned.ipac.caltech.edu
• https://heasarc.gsfc.nasa.gov/docs/objects/heapow/archive/nebulae/asca_sn1006.html
• : Kayama et al, Nature (1995), 378:255)
• https://indico.cern.ch/event/758617/contributions/3146206/attachments/1751792/2838723/Wakefield_intro.pdf
• http://www.telescopearray.org/index.php/history/ultra-high-energy-cosmic-rays?showall=&start=2
• http://www.srl.caltech.edu/personnel/dick/cos_encyc.html
• Mechanisms and sites of ultra high energy cosmic ray origin M. Ostrowski
• M. Nagano and A. A. Watson: Ultrahigh-energy cosmic rays
Thank You

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