Nursing Theories/ Theorist That Have Foundation in Clinical Practice

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Nursing Theories/ Theorist that

have Foundation in Clinical

Relationship between Theory Practice &
The relationships between practice, theory and research are complex, interlinked, and influenced by Political, economic and social order concerns represented in policy interventions, public
scrutiny, accountability, marketisation and globalization.
It is within this complexity that individuals must make their way, responding to day-today challenges and making sense of their experiences. As human beings we learn to act or do and as
social beings we take forward our interests and values which inform our practices and directions of travel in the world. We may be curious and want to make sense of what we do by
understanding how and why we do it and it is this quest that leads to theories and research on practice. Our purpose here is to examine the problematic nature of the relationships between
practice, theory and research, identifying areas of complementarity, dissonance and challenges, to reveal how they can contribute to enhancing practice education. In problematising these
relationships we consider three key questions: − What is the nature of theory in relation to practice? − What kinds of research are appropriate for informing and illuminating practice?
− What are the consequences for education for practice? We explore the territory of practice and consider its relationship with theory, the nature of knowledge and ways of knowing as a
means for understanding how individuals learn to become practitioners. Our intention is to offer alternative ways of conceiving these relationships for the benefit of practice education and
empowering practitioners to engage creatively and critically with theory and research for practice. PROBLEMATISING THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN PRACTICE, THEORY AND RESEARCH
Perspectives drawn from different fields of practice reveal the dynamics at work in the relationships between practice, theory and research and set the scene for considering the
connections, dissonance and challenges they represent for understanding the “know-how,” “know-why” and “know-that” of practice. Polkinghorne’s (2004, pp. 2-3) argument for a return to
judgment-based care highlights challenges for professional practice, controlled by a “technified worldview,” where care interventions are directed by “empirically demonstrated technical
sequences” derived from scientifically validated knowledge which holds that technique “produces change, not the caregiver.” Clients and professionals are displaced by the precedence and
power afforded to scientifically validated

Activity: Students are given this text to read, discuss, evaluate, and
present main points in class.
Borrowed and Shared Theories
• Not all theories in nursing are unique nursing
theories; many are borrowed or shared with other
Unique Nursing Theories
• Theories developed by Neuman, Watson, Parse,
Orlando and Peplau are considered unique nursing

Theories and concepts that originated in related

sciences have been borrowed by nurses to explain
and explore phenomena specific to nursing.
• General System Theory
• Social Cognitive Theory
• Stress & Coping Process Theory

A theory introduced by a Biologist ,Von Bertalanffy.

(systems are open to and interact with their
environment, & that they can evolve as they acquire
new properties).
• Focuses on the arrangement of and relations
between the parts that connect into whole.
Nursing Theories/ Theorist that have
Foundation in General System Theory.
Following work of Nursing Theorist have
influence of General System Theory
• Roy's, adaptation Model
• King’s interacting systems framework & theory of
goal attainment
• Neuman's System Model
Social Cognitive Theory Presented by Albert Bandura

• It explains human behaviors, self efficacy , the

ability of ones personal abilities to perform a task
is judged by self evaluation.
• Reciprocal interaction between cognitive, behavior,
& environmental influences.
• People learns through observation, imitation &
modeling the behaviors, attitudes, & outcomes
seen in others.
Nursing Theories/ Theorist That Have Foundation In
General System Theory.

Used in Health Teaching for Clients Behavior


Nola J. Pender is a nurse theorist who identifies

social leaning theory as central to Health Promotion
Model, using self efficacy as a central construct.
Stress & Coping Process Theory by Richard Lazarus

“A systematic theoretical framework for examining the

concept at multiple levels and to specify antecedents,
processes, and outcomes relevant to both the phenomena
and the concepts of stress”
Patricia Benner, author of philosophy of caring, clinical
wisdom & Ethics in nursing practice , used this concept in
coping stress.
Sister Callista Roy also used concepts of stress coping from
Selye's adaption model.
Theoretical framework guides nursing practice to:
• Organize patient data
• Make decisions related to nursing interventions
• Plan patient care
• Predicts out comes of care
• Evaluate patient out comes

• Grand nursing theories

• Mid-range nursing theories
• Nursing practice theories
Grand Nursing Theories

• Have the broadest scope and present general

concepts and propositions.
• This limited use for directing, explaining, and
predicting nursing in particular situations.
• Consist of conceptual frameworks defining broad
perspectives for practice and ways of looking at
nursing phenomena based on the perspectives.
Mid-range Nursing Theories

• Narrower in scope than grand nursing theories and offer an

effective bridge between grand nursing theories and nursing
• Present concepts that guide theory-based research and nursing
practice strategies.
• More tangible and verifiable through testing.
The functions includes:
• To describe,
• To explain, or predict phenomenon.
Nursing Practice Theories

• Have most limited scope and level of

abstraction/inclination. use within a specific range
of nursing situations.
• Provide frameworks for nursing interventions,
• Predict outcomes and the impact of nursing
• Capacity is limited, and analyzes a narrow aspect
of a phenomenon.
An Overview Of Different Theories And Their Concepts
1. Nightingale 1860:

• External influences(environment) can prevent, suppress or

contribute to disease or death.

2.Peplau 1952:

• Nursing is therapeutic interpersonal process

3. Henderson 1955:

• 14 basic Human Needs

4.Abdellah 1960:

• Delivering nursing care for the whole person to meet the

physical, emotional, intellectual, social and spiritual needs of
the client and family.
5.Orlando 1962:

• Client is a an individual, with need; that, when met, diminishes distress,

increases adequacy or enhances well being.

6.Johansson's theory 1968:

• Focus on how the client adapts to illness and how actual or potential
stress can affect the ability to adapt. The goal of nursing to reduce
stresses to that; the client can move more easily through recovery.
7. Rogers 1970:

• Maintain and promote health, prevent illness, and

care for and rehabilitate ill and disabled client
through Humanistic Approach, Humanistic Science
of Nursing.

8. Orme 1971:

• Self -Care deficit theory. Nursing care becomes necessary

when client is unable to fulfill biological, psychological,
developmental or social needs.

9. King 1971:
• Use communication to help client reestablishment
positive adaption to environment.

10. Neuman 1972:

• Stress reduction is goal of system Model of nursing

11.Roy 1979:
The Adaption Model is based on the physiological,
Socio-biological and dependence, independence
12.Watson's Theory 1979:
Defines the outcomes of nursing activity in regards to
the humanistic aspects of life.

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