ORACLE 10g Installation: Key Slides For Installing A Database Instance Called OASIS
ORACLE 10g Installation: Key Slides For Installing A Database Instance Called OASIS
ORACLE 10g Installation: Key Slides For Installing A Database Instance Called OASIS
This is where the Oracle installation files will be installed.
To manually install the Microsoft Loopback adapter in Windows XP, follow these steps:
1.Click Start, and then click Control Panel.
2.If must not be in Classic view. Under Folder Options, General, change to ‘Show common Tasks in folders’.
3.Unedr Pick a category, double-click Printers and Other Hardware.
4.Under See Also in the left pane, click Add Hardware, and then click Next.
5.Click Yes, I have already connected the hardware, and then click Next.
6.At the bottom of the list, click Add a new hardware device, and then click Next.
7.Click Install the hardware that I manually select from a list, and then click Next.
8.Click Network adapters, and then click Next.
9.In the Manufacturer box, click Microsoft.
10.In the Network Adapter box, click Microsoft Loopback Adapter, and then click Next.
11.Click Finish.
After the adapter is installed successfully, you must manually configure its options. If the TCP/IP properties are configured to use DHCP, the adapter
will eventually use an autonet address (169.254.x.x/16) because the adapter is not actually connected to any physical media.
The actual installation is now taking place. This can take about
five minutes on 2008 desktops until completed.
This slide just informs you that these tools will
be started.
This shows the progress of configuring the new
database instance, OASIS.
The configuration of the database is now complete.
The end of the installation
The installation process can now be exited, or you can
install another instance e.g.. EDEN as opposed to OASIS.
• Once the database has been installed, you should set up
some new userids. Note, you should not use SYS or
SYSTEM for your project.
– Open SQLPlus screen under:
• Start/Programs / Start/Programs/Oracle-OraDb10gHome_1/Application Development/SQL Plus
• using the SYSTEM userid.
– Create a userid called ‘root’ and grant it DBA privileges.
• Create user root identified by password;
• Grant dba to root;
– Shut down the database and open it again as root.
– Create a userid that you want to use in your database for your
project and grant it connect and resource privileges.
• Create user username identified by password;
• Grant connect, resource to username;
– Now shutdown the database and reconnect as username. Your
project should be done using the username userid. Root should
only be used to perform anything that needs dba priviliges.
This screen allows you to Login to the Database instance OASIS. It can be
found under: Start/Programs/Oracle-OraDb10gHome_1/Database Control-Oasis
In order to start the database you must use a userid that has DBA privileges.
Seen Slide 2 in this series. It is suggested that you log on as ROOT using the
password entered from the previous slide. For ‘ConnectAs’ select SYSDBA.
Note: You do not have to open the database in this manner. This is
required for a database that has many users and is accessed from
different locations over a network. This slide and the following slides are
for your information only. Use the SQL Plus screen to do your work.