Design of A Rotary Kiln For The Reduction
Design of A Rotary Kiln For The Reduction
Design of A Rotary Kiln For The Reduction
• Introduction
• Objectives
• Energy Balance in a Normal Rotary Kiln
• Losses by Radiation
• Methods of reduction of losses
• Modified Design
• Calculations of the Reduction in heat loss
• Cost Estimation and Calculation
• Conclusion
• References
• Heat Inputs
Heat input from combustion of fuel ,Heat input from sensible heat in
fuel, Organic substance in the kiln feed, Heat input from sensible heat in kiln
feed, Heat input from cooler air sensible heat, etc.
• Heat Outputs
Heat required for clinker formation, Loss with kiln exit gas,
Radiation losses, Losses by moisture, ashes etc.
Heat input Kcal/kg Percent
1 Combustion of fuel 969.0 74.09
2 Sensible heat, fuel 2.618 0.15
3 Organics in fuel 10.25 0.78
4 Sensible heat, kiln fuel 265.96 20.34
5 Sensible heat, cooler air 26.93 2.06
6 Sensible heat, primary air 9.076 0.69
7 Sensible heat, infiltered air 24.003 1.84
Total 1307.837 100
Heat output Kcal/kg Percent
8 Theoretical heat required 407.67 31.17
9 Exit gas losses 31.112 2.38
10 Evaporation 55.586 4.25
11 Dust in exit gas 5.88 0.45
12 Clinker discharge 28.80 2.2
13 Cooler stack 114.033 8.72
14 Kiln shell 68.893 5.27
15 Calcination of waste dust 35.103 2.68
Unaccounted losses 560.76 42.87
Total 1307.837 100
Losses by Radiation
• In the following equation qm is the heat transfer coefficient (kcal/m2hr) for the average shell temperature Tz, in
each zone of kiln
• Ss = kiln shell surface area = 3.14*L2*(L1/3)
• L1, kiln length = 65m L2, kiln diameter = 4.4m
• Ss = 3.14*4.4*(65/3) = 299.498 m2
• Q1 = Ss*qm (Tz1-T)*1/Wcl = 24.5663 kcal /kg
• Q2 = Ss*qm (Tz2-T)*1/Wcl = 23.019 kcal/kg
• Q3 = Ss *qm (Tz3-T)*1/wcl =21.308 kcal /kg
• Total Q = 68.8934 kcal/kg
Methods of reduction of losses
• Q =0.0317 kcal/kg
• Assuming 98% pure SiC is used in the manufacture of layers and cost of 285$
per metric ton cost of adding layers is calculated to be 200,559 $
• Including the construction cost the initial cost is to be 204000$