Design of A Rotary Kiln For The Reduction

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The key takeaways are reducing heat losses in rotary kilns through a double-layer insulation design using silicon carbide and vacuum.

The objectives are to calculate heat losses due to radiation, propose a design to reduce losses, calculate the reduced losses, design the modification using CAD software, and estimate costs.

Currently, heat losses are calculated based on the heat transfer coefficient and temperature differences between the kiln shell and surroundings in different zones.

Thermos Design of Rotary Kiln for

Reduction of Radiation Losses


• Introduction
• Objectives
• Energy Balance in a Normal Rotary Kiln
• Losses by Radiation
• Methods of reduction of losses
• Modified Design
• Calculations of the Reduction in heat loss
• Cost Estimation and Calculation
• Conclusion
• References

• A rotary kiln is a pyroprocessing device used to raise materials to a high

temperature (calcination) in a continuous process.
• The kiln is a cylindrical vessel, inclined slightly to the horizontal, which is
rotated slowly about its axis.
• The purpose of the refractory lining is to insulate the steel shell from the
high temperatures inside the kiln, and to protect it from the corrosive
properties of the process material
• Cement kilns are used for the pyroprocessing stage of manufacture of 
Portland and other types of hydraulic cement, in which calcium reacts with 
silica-bearing minerals to form a mixture of calcium silicates

• Calculate the loss of heat due to radiation by overall energy balance

• Proposing an Idea for the reduction of these losses
• Heat loss reduced by the introduction of the design
• Preparing the design using Autodessk Fusion360
• Cost estimation and analysis of the design proposed
Energy Balances in a Normal Rotary Kiln

• Heat Inputs
Heat input from combustion of fuel ,Heat input from sensible heat in
fuel, Organic substance in the kiln feed, Heat input from sensible heat in kiln
feed, Heat input from cooler air sensible heat, etc.
• Heat Outputs
Heat required for clinker formation, Loss with kiln exit gas,
Radiation losses, Losses by moisture, ashes etc.
Heat input Kcal/kg Percent
1 Combustion of fuel 969.0 74.09
2 Sensible heat, fuel 2.618 0.15
3 Organics in fuel 10.25 0.78
4 Sensible heat, kiln fuel 265.96 20.34
5 Sensible heat, cooler air 26.93 2.06
6 Sensible heat, primary air 9.076 0.69
7 Sensible heat, infiltered air 24.003 1.84
Total 1307.837 100
Heat output Kcal/kg Percent
8 Theoretical heat required 407.67 31.17
9 Exit gas losses 31.112 2.38
10 Evaporation 55.586 4.25
11 Dust in exit gas 5.88 0.45
12 Clinker discharge 28.80 2.2
13 Cooler stack 114.033 8.72
14 Kiln shell 68.893 5.27
15 Calcination of waste dust 35.103 2.68
Unaccounted losses 560.76 42.87
Total 1307.837 100
Losses by Radiation

• In the following equation qm is the heat transfer coefficient (kcal/m2hr) for the average shell temperature Tz, in
each zone of kiln
• Ss = kiln shell surface area = 3.14*L2*(L1/3)
• L1, kiln length = 65m L2, kiln diameter = 4.4m
• Ss = 3.14*4.4*(65/3) = 299.498 m2
• Q1 = Ss*qm (Tz1-T)*1/Wcl = 24.5663 kcal /kg
• Q2 = Ss*qm (Tz2-T)*1/Wcl = 23.019 kcal/kg
• Q3 = Ss *qm (Tz3-T)*1/wcl =21.308 kcal /kg
• Total Q = 68.8934 kcal/kg
Methods of reduction of losses

• The losses are reduced by introducing a thermos kind of design as an

• We use a double layer SiC structure, in between them vacuum is also present.
• The structure details are explained in following figures
Modified Design
Calculations of the Reduction in heat loss

• Effective heat transfer coefficient corresponding to vacuum is calculated as

h = 8.7094 cal/m2K
• Effective heat transfer coefficient including each layers of insulators are also
qm = 8.7049 cal/m2K
• Heat loss after including the insulation is calculated by the new heat transfer
• Q =68.8934 kcal/kg

• Q =0.0317 kcal/kg

• Percentage change in heat loss = 99.95%

Cost estimation and Calculation

• Assuming 98% pure SiC is used in the manufacture of layers and cost of 285$
per metric ton cost of adding layers is calculated to be 200,559 $
• Including the construction cost the initial cost is to be 204000$

• By assuming that 50% of heat acquired is used in clinkerisation and

calcination we can calculate that more input of raw materials can be
introduced into the kiln
• This thereby increasing the cement production and quality of cement
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