The document discusses various control loops for automatically controlling cement mills, including constant feed rate, ratio control of feed components, total feed control, sound control in Chamber 1, milling temperature control, and total feed control. It identifies potential problem areas with mill control like inaccurate weigh feeders, undersized separators, and buildup inside the mill. The document proposes developing an action plan to improve automatic cement mill control at HBM by considering options like new control systems from vendors and improving online analysis, while addressing challenges like reliability and commitment of resources.
The document discusses various control loops for automatically controlling cement mills, including constant feed rate, ratio control of feed components, total feed control, sound control in Chamber 1, milling temperature control, and total feed control. It identifies potential problem areas with mill control like inaccurate weigh feeders, undersized separators, and buildup inside the mill. The document proposes developing an action plan to improve automatic cement mill control at HBM by considering options like new control systems from vendors and improving online analysis, while addressing challenges like reliability and commitment of resources.
The document discusses various control loops for automatically controlling cement mills, including constant feed rate, ratio control of feed components, total feed control, sound control in Chamber 1, milling temperature control, and total feed control. It identifies potential problem areas with mill control like inaccurate weigh feeders, undersized separators, and buildup inside the mill. The document proposes developing an action plan to improve automatic cement mill control at HBM by considering options like new control systems from vendors and improving online analysis, while addressing challenges like reliability and commitment of resources.
The document discusses various control loops for automatically controlling cement mills, including constant feed rate, ratio control of feed components, total feed control, sound control in Chamber 1, milling temperature control, and total feed control. It identifies potential problem areas with mill control like inaccurate weigh feeders, undersized separators, and buildup inside the mill. The document proposes developing an action plan to improve automatic cement mill control at HBM by considering options like new control systems from vendors and improving online analysis, while addressing challenges like reliability and commitment of resources.
DAVID BAIRD + MARK STOERKER DAVID BAIRD + MARK STOERKER CEMENT MILL CONTROL AIMS OF THIS PRESENTATION To describe the various Control Loops available for automatically controlling Cement Mills. To identify the benefits to be gained. To establish Where we are at present . To ask the ?-Where do we go from here ? To help you to develop an Action Plan to improve mill control within HBM. OPEN CIRCUIT CEMENT MILL CONTROL LOOPS Open Circuit Mill Controls Clinker Gypsum Other Feed TPH Mill sonic Chamber 1 exit temperature Cement SSA m 2 /kg and temperature Water injection Mill outlet temperature CLOSED CIRCUIT CEMENT MILL CONTROL LOOPS CLOSED CIRCUIT CEMENT MILL CONTROL LOOPS AUTOMATIC LOOPS Constant Feed Rate-( tph ) Ratio control of Feed Components-( % Clinker.Gypsum,MAC) Total Feed Control (Rejects and fresh feed). Sonic control (Folaphone)- Chamber 1 noise level. Separator (H.E.S.) -airflow control. Milling temperature control-( water injection % -C1+2) Power -Mill Motor and Bucket Elevator KW. ABERTHAW CM 10 ABERTHAW CM 10 - - AUTO AUTO + + MANUAL MANUAL CONTROL LOOPS CONTROL LOOPS MILL FAN DAMPER LIMESTONE RATIO CONTROL CEMENT MILL CONTROL LOOPS 1 CONSTANT FEEDRATE AND RATIO CONTROL OF FEED COMPONENTS Accurate weight and Ratio control of the clinker / gypsum / Limestone / MAC / Pozzolan is essential if we are to avoid. STEP changes/variability in cement quality. STEP changes in mill performance / stability due to feed grindability changes. Effect of Gypsum, Limestone + Pozzolan Effect of Gypsum, Limestone + Pozzolan on Cement mill performance on Cement mill performance G 1% SO3 = + 30 m2/kg Surface Area G 1% Gypsum = + 5% Production G 1% Gypsum = + 12 m2/kg Surface Area G 1% Limestone = -2.5% B.C.I Grindability G 1% Limestone = +2%Production at constant SSA. G 1% Pozzolan = -0.4 to -0.67 % B.C.I.Grindability CLINKER CHEMISTRY VARIATIONS CLINKER CHEMISTRY VARIATIONS- -AFFECT ON MILL AFFECT ON MILL PERFORMANCE PERFORMANCE consumption and Chemistry for two closed circuit mills No 2 Mill SRC N1 Mill (OPC) N1 Mill (OPC) N2 Mill (SRC) Mill Only Kwh/t L.S.F. L S F C 2 S C 3 S 32.5 33.0 33.5 C 2 S C 3 S Mills under Automatic Total Feed Control LSF +5% C2S =+ 1 kWh/tonne BLUE CIRCLE TECHNICAL CENTRE ESTIMATING THE COSTS OF POOR MILL CONTROL C em ent S S A V ariations 300 340 380 420 460 Tim e S S A -
m 2 / k g T arg et G ood C on trol P oor C on trol Control +/- m 2 /kg Range kWh/tonne Avg. kWh/t Poor 40 340 420 37.0 50.8 43.9 Good 10 340 360 37.0 40.3 38.6 Savings 5.3 kWh/t Overgrinding Overgrinding - - Power Penalty Power Penalty m 2 / kg Variability Max m 2 / kg Chamber 1 kWh/tonne Penalty kWh/tonne 0 340 9.0 0 +/- 10 350 9.4 0.4 +/- 40 380 10.6 1.6 When we overgrind, we waste power in Chamber 1: When we overgrind, we waste power in Chamber 1: CEMENT MILL CONTROL LOOPS 2 SOUND CONTROL-CHAMBER 1 Can act as protection against overfilling Chamber 1 by cutting feed if noise level drops due to other factors ie blockages within the mill or at the mill discharge. Feed cuts off at fixed sound level. A modification used at Aberthaw is to use Sonic to input to the Total Feed Control Loop. This forward feeds the effects of gradual build up in filling level. Folaphone (Mill Sonic) Location Sensor 25 mm from shell Rigid stand 0.5 m from end of mill Chamber 1 Mill centerline or below This bloody thing will never work! Direction of Mill CEMENT MILL CONTROL LOOPS 3 MILLING TEMPERATURE CONTROL Essential for Cement quality control and to avoid Mill internal coating problems. Control of Chamber 1 water injection should be based upon material temperature at Intermediate Diaphragm Mill outlet temperature control should be based upon the material temperature not gas temperature due to the effects of inleaking air. CEMENT MILL CONTROL LOOPS 3 MILLING TEMPERATURE CONTROL (2) With a High Efficiency Separator-install a gas recycle system with 2 damper controls (fresh air and recycle) to control milling temperatures. Control of mill airflow is normally manual. Check mill exit gas dew point temperature and increase mill airflow if high water injection is used. Mill outlet material temperature control should be typically 110 - 115 C to avoid Flash/False set . Mill Temperature Control Thermocouple in diaphragm Pickup transmitter Water injection chambers 1and 2 Thermocouple 140 o C Inleak 15 o C Thermocouple 90 o C CEMENT MILL CONTROL LOOPS 4 TOTAL FEED CONTROL Essential for maintaining a constant mill filling level to achieve optimum grinding efficiency (optimum voids filling/powder loading-see C.T.C notes). The separator characteristics remain more constant with constant feedrate thus avoid large variations in Cut size and Recirculating load. Typical relationship:- . PLUS 1.4 PLUS 1.4 tph tph Rejects = minus 0.6 Rejects = minus 0.6 tph tph Fresh Fresh Feed Flow Feed Flow Overfilled / Underfilled Mills OVERFILLED Poor Grinding Efficiency High Voidage Filling Noise Level Low Coating problems UNDERFILLED Poor Grinding Efficiency Low Voidage Filling Noise Level High Risk of high wear and media/liner breakages CLOSED CIRCUIT CEMENT MILL CONTROL SOME PROBLEM AREAS POTENTIAL CONTROL PROBLEMS Inaccurate weigh feeders. Rejects flow spiking. Undersized Separators with non linear characteristics. Undersized Separator fan. Excessive inleaking air over mill (>30%) and Separator (>10%) dust filter plants. Undersized Bucket Elevator limiting circulating load. Poor airslide design causing uneven feed+rejects flow. Hold up inside mill due to nibs/poor internals causing surging. Cement Separator/Fan Weigh feeders Mill Internals Mill Fan Mill Dust filter To storage Elevator/Airslides POTENTIAL PROBLEM AREAS POTENTIAL PROBLEM AREAS Main filter A VIEW INSIDE- WHAT CAN COMPLICATE AUTOMATIC CONTROL Material Surges Chamber 1 Chamber 2 Material Surges Build up of Nibs at diaphragm WORN/BROKEN SLOTS ALLOW NIBS TO ENTER CHAMBER 2 WORN/BROKEN SLOTS ALLOW NIBS TO ENTER CHAMBER 2 WORN WORN LINERS LINERS GAPS GAPS IN IN SECTIONS SECTIONS PROBLEM AREAS PROBLEM AREAS- -MILL INTERNALS MILL INTERNALS THE FUTURE- WHERE DO WE GO FROM HERE? POSSIBLE OPTIONS FOR MILL CONTROL POSSIBLE OPTIONS FOR MILL CONTROL G ABB LINKMAN - - NORTHFLEET NORTHFLEET G MAGOTTEAUX GO CONTROL - - COOKSTOWN COOKSTOWN G POLYSIUS / FLS MILL EXPERT SYSTEMS G ARTIFICIAL NEURAL NETWORK SYSTEMS,PANTEK ETC. - - BOWMANVILLE ? BOWMANVILLE ? G IMPROVE ON LINE ANALYSIS-SSA/PSD - - MALVERN MALVERN , SO3, - - ITECA, FLS LAB X 3000. ITECA, FLS LAB X 3000. 45 um ,ETC WHAT NEW / OLD PROBLEM AREAS WILL WE FACE WHAT NEW / OLD PROBLEM AREAS WILL WE FACE WITH THESE NEW SYSTEMS? WITH THESE NEW SYSTEMS? G Level of reliability e.g. on line P.S.D. Analysers and Sampling systems. G Needs a Works Champion. G Needs commitment and capital to have the best chance of success. G Expert system must be able to control process-e.g. avoid artificial limitations imposed by airslide/elevator/separator speed/mill internal limitations etc. YOUR TASK YOUR TASK DEVELOP AN ACTION PLAN TO DEVELOP AN ACTION PLAN TO IMPROVE AUTOMATIC CEMENT IMPROVE AUTOMATIC CEMENT MILL CONTROL WITHIN H.B.M. MILL CONTROL WITHIN H.B.M. BASE YOUR PLAN ON A CLOSED BASE YOUR PLAN ON A CLOSED CIRCUIT MILLING SYSTEM. CIRCUIT MILLING SYSTEM. HOW MUCH DOES THE LEVEL OF CONTROL AFFECT MILL PERFORMANCE?