LEC-2 Types of Research
LEC-2 Types of Research
LEC-2 Types of Research
Type of Research
On the basis of purpose
1. Exploratory Research: This is conducted
when there are few or no earlier studies to
which references can be made for
information. The aim is to look for patterns,
ideas or hypotheses rather than testing or
confirming a hypothesis.
2. Descriptive Research: This describes
phenomena as they exist. It is used to
identify and obtain information on the
characteristics of a particular issue. It may
answer such question as:
• What is the absentee rate amongst a
particular group of workers?
• What are the feelings of workers faced with
3. Analytical or Explanatory Research: This is
continuation of descriptive research. The
researcher goes beyond merely describing
the characteristics, to analyze and explain
why or how something is happening. It may
answer questions such as-
• How can the number of complaints made by
customers be reduced?
• How can the absentee rate among employees
be reduced?
4. Predictive Research: Predictive research
goes further by forecasting likelihood of a
similar situation occurring elsewhere. It aims
to generalize from the analysis by predicting
certain phenomena on the basis of
hypothesized, general relationship. It may
attempt to answer questions such as-
• Will the introduction of an employee bonus
scheme lead to higher levels of productivity?
• What type of packaging will improve our
Predictive research provides ‘how’, ‘why’
and ‘where’ answers to current events as well
as similar events in the future.
On the basis of process
Usage Find out what to investigate. Know what to investigate.
When research ideas are When research result are
needed. Emphasis on needed. Emphasis on
understanding. Focus on testing and verification.
understanding from Focus on facts and reasons.
respondents’ point of view.
• Validity
• Generalisablity
to the
Deductive Approach