OB MBS Unit 4 Personality & Attitudes
OB MBS Unit 4 Personality & Attitudes
OB MBS Unit 4 Personality & Attitudes
Concept of Personality
Hofstede's Framework of Personality
Approaches to Understanding Personality Traits and
- Cattel's 16 Personality Factors (16PF),
-The "Big Five" Personality Theory
Personality Profiling Using DISC (Dominance, Influence,
Steadiness, Compliance) Methodology
Fundamental Interpersonal Relations Orientation Behavior;
Personality Traits - Locus of Control, Authoritarianism,
Dogmatism, Machiavellianism, Risk Propensity, Self-esteem,
1 By Brajesh Jha
Syllabus cont…
Concept of Attitudes
Components of Attitudes
Functions of Attitudes
Changing Attitudes- Barriers to changing attitudes, Providing
New Information, Use of Fear, Resolving Discrepancies,
Influence of Friends or Peers, The Co-opting Approach;
Organizational commitment- Meaning and dimensions
(Affective, Continuance, and normative);
Guidelines to Enhance Organizational Commitment;
Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCBs): Concept.
2 By Brajesh Jha
Concept of Personality
3 By Brajesh Jha
Examples of PERSONALITY in a
4 By Brajesh Jha
Nature of Personality
5 By Brajesh Jha
Hofstede's Framework of
Personality (Impact of Culture on
6 By Brajesh Jha
1. Power distance
2. Individualism
3. Uncertainty avoidance
4. Masculinity
5. Long-term orientation
6 Indulgence (vs. restraints)
7 By Brajesh Jha
Approaches to Understanding
Personality Traits and Dimensions
8 By Brajesh Jha
Early Search for Primary Traits:
Cattel's 16 Primary Factor (16 PF)
9 By Brajesh Jha
10 By Brajesh Jha
11 By Brajesh Jha
Myers-Briggs Type Indicator
12 By Brajesh Jha
Katharine Cook
Briggs and her
daughter Isabel
Briggs Myers.
13 By Brajesh Jha
Myers-Briggs Type Indicator
MBTI measures:
Extroversion vs. Introversion
(how people prefer to focus their attention)
Sensing vs. Intuition (collect information)
Thinking vs. Feeling
(process and evaluate information)
(orient themselves to the outer world)
14 By Brajesh Jha
15 By Brajesh Jha
The ‘Big Five’ Personality Traits
16 By Brajesh Jha
17 By Brajesh Jha
The Big Five Personality Dimensions
18 By Brajesh Jha
Model of How Big Five Traits Influence
OB Criteria
19 By Brajesh Jha
Determinants of Personality
Nature (Inborn Factors)
1. Biological Factors (Determinants)
a. Heredity b. Brain c. Physical Features
Nurture (Environmental & Situational Factors)
2. Cultural Factors
3. Family and Social Factors
a. Identification Process
b. Socialization Process
20 4. Situational Factors By Brajesh Jha
21 By Brajesh Jha
22 By Brajesh Jha
23 By Brajesh Jha
24 By Brajesh Jha
25 By Brajesh Jha
26 By Brajesh Jha
27 By Brajesh Jha
Personality Traits (Major Personality
Attributes Influencing OB)
28 By Brajesh Jha
1. Locus of Control
29 By Brajesh Jha
2. Authoritarianism
31 By Brajesh Jha
4. Machiavellianism
(High Mach. vs. Low Mach)
32 By Brajesh Jha
5. Self-Esteem
(High SE vs. Low SE)
Potential to predict
Self Esteem is one of the
attributes of personality
that has the potential to
predict performance.
This trait of personality is
the degree that a person
likes or dislikes
33 By Brajesh Jha
6. Self-Monitoring/Adjusting
(High SM vs. Low SM)
“Self monitoring is a
personality trait that
measures an
individual’s ability to
adjust his or her
behaviour to
external situational
34 By Brajesh Jha
7. Risk Propensity/ Taking
(High vs. Low)
35 By Brajesh Jha
8. Personality Type
(Type A vs. Type B)
36 By Brajesh Jha
Concept of Attitudes
37 By Brajesh Jha
Salient Features of Attitudes
38 By Brajesh Jha
Components of an Attitude
39 By Brajesh Jha
Components of an Attitude
40 By Brajesh Jha
Types of Job Related Attitudes
Job Satisfaction
Job Involvement
Organizational Commitment
41 By Brajesh Jha
Job Satisfaction
42 By Brajesh Jha
Job Involvement
43 By Brajesh Jha
Organizational Commitment
44 By Brajesh Jha
Functions of Attitudes
45 By Brajesh Jha
46 By Brajesh Jha
Changing Attitudes
Barriers to Changing Attitudes
1. Prior Commitment
2. Insufficient Information
47 By Brajesh Jha
Techniques (Ways) to Change
Attitudes: Overcoming Barriers
48 By Brajesh Jha
Organization Commitment
49 By Brajesh Jha
Dimensions of OC
50 By Brajesh Jha
Consequences of OC
Positive Consequence
Negative Consequences
51 By Brajesh Jha
Organizational Citizenship Behaviours
52 By Brajesh Jha
OCBs as a Process/Model
Leadership behaviour
53 By Brajesh Jha
Personality Profiling/
DISC Methodology
DISC is the short form of dominance, influence, steadiness,
and conscientiousness. It was initially developed by William
Marston. It is a major personality assessment tool. It's types
The Dominant "D" type are: They see the big picture, can be
blunt, accepts, challenges, and gets straight to the point.
The Inspiring "I" type are: Shows enthusiasms, optimistic,
collaborative and dislikes being ignored.
The Supportive "S" types are: Cool mannered, prefer
supportive action, etc.
The Cautious "C" type are: Enjoy independence, objective
reasoning, want details, and fear being wrong, etc.
54 By Brajesh Jha
Figure: The DISC Profile & Descriptive
55 By Brajesh Jha
Fundamental Interpersonal Relations
Orientation Behaviour (FIRO-B)
56 By Brajesh Jha
Thank you
57 By Brajesh Jha