One Dimensional Steady Heat Conduction Problems: Simple Ideas For Complex Problems
One Dimensional Steady Heat Conduction Problems: Simple Ideas For Complex Problems
One Dimensional Steady Heat Conduction Problems: Simple Ideas For Complex Problems
P M V Subbarao
Associate Professor
Mechanical Engineering Department
IIT Delhi
d 2T dT
A 2 0 C1 T C1 x C2
dx dx
Boundary conditions:
k h1 T (0) T1
dx x 0
T1 T2
k h2 T ( L) T 2 Rconv,1 Rcond Rconv,2
dx xL
Heat transfer for a wall with dissimilar materials
• For this situation, the total heat flux Q is made up of the heat flux in the
two parallel paths:
• Q = Q 1 + Q2
with the total resistance given by:
Composite Walls
d kA
dr 0
Homogeneous and constant property material
d A
dr 0
At any radial location the surface are for heat conduction
in a solid cylinder is:
Acylinder 2rl
Asphere 4r 2
T r C1 ln r C2
As the outside radius, ro, increases, then in the denominator, the first term
increases but the second term decreases.
Thus, there must be a critical radius, rc , that will allow maximum rate of
heat transfer, Q
The critical radius, rc, can be obtained by differentiating and setting the
resulting equation equal to zero.
Ti,Tb, k, L, ro, ri are constant terms, therefore:
1 k
ro ho ro
When outside radius becomes equal to critical radius, or ro = rc,
we get,
Safety of Insulation
• Pipes that are readily accessible by workers are subject to safety
• The recommended safe "touch" temperature range is from 54.4 0C to
65.5 0C.
• Insulation calculations should aim to keep the outside temperature of
the insulation around 60 0C.
• An additional tool employed to help meet this goal is aluminum
covering wrapped around the outside of the insulation.
• Aluminum's thermal conductivity of 209 W/m K does not offer much
resistance to heat transfer, but it does act as another resistance while
also holding the insulation in place.
• Typical thickness of aluminum used for this purpose ranges from 0.2
mm to 0.4 mm.
• The addition of aluminum adds another resistance term, when
calculating the total heat loss:
Structure of Hot Fluid Piping
T1 T2
T1 T2 T2 T3 T3 T4
R pipe Rinsulation RAl
Solving the three expressions for the temperature difference yields:
T1 T2 T2 T3 T3 T4 T1 T4
R pipe Rinsulation RAl Rtotal