PRO FES SIO NAL ASS OCI ATI ONS: Paula Jean A. Maca Sling N-411

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The Philippine Nurses Associations (PNA)
 the FNA was incorporated in 1924.
 July 8–13, 1929
The International Council of Nurses accepted the FNA as one of the
member organizations during the congress held in Montreal, Canada
 President Carlos P. Garcia proclaimed the last week of October as Nurses'
Week and authorized FNA to take charge of its observance in
Proclamation 593 done on October 17, 1958.
 The FNA became the PNA (Philippine Nurses Association) in 1966
 Dean Marco Antonio S. Sto. Tomas (1991)
 The PNA was organized on October 22, 1992 upon the initiation of Mrs.
Anastacia Giron Tupaz
 First president was Mrs. Rosario Delgado
 It was then called the Filipino Nurses Association, and its journal, the
Filipino Nurse
 Now its journal is called The Philippine Journal of Nursing
 PNA yearly recognizes outstanding
nurses in the fields of
Nursing administration
Nursing education
Community health nursing
 Anastacia G. Tupaz Award
 President Fidel V. Ramos declared 1997 as the
"Nurses Diamond Jubilee Year" under
Proclamation No. 1060.
 The PNA
“Most Outstanding Accredited Professional
Organization “
The purposes of the association are:

 To attain optimal level of professional

 To work for the welfare of member nurses
 To respond to the changing health needs of the
Philippine society
 To establish linkages with government, national
and international agencies in the attainment of
national health goals and welfare of member
Life Purpose/Aim
 To promote professional growth
towards the attainment of highest
standards of nursing.
The caring and fortifying light giver committed to
providing opportunities for the professional growth
and development of world class Filipino nurses.

 Provide strategic directions and programs that enhance the

competencies of nurses to be globally competitive.
 Passionately sustain the quality work life and collegial interactions
with and among nurses.
 Continuously strengthen the internal capacity and capabilities for
quality care and services to the nurses.
 Enthusiastically explore possibilities of collaboration towards
unification of nurses.
 The corporate power of the Association shall be vested
on the Board of Governors which shall be the highest
governing body of the Association. It is composed of
seventeen (17) members, five (5) from the National
Capital Region and twelve (12) from each of the
geographic and political regions of the Philippines who
elect among themselves the Chairman, Corporate
Secretary, President, Vice President for Programs and
Development, Vice President for Finance, Treasurer.
Each chapter, about ninety-two (92) in number, has its
own set of Board of Directors.
The National League of Government
Nurses (NLGN)
 NLGN is a duly incorporated organizationof
professional nurses employed by the
governmnentof the philippines
 Formerly known as the Department of Health
National League of Nurses
 It was founded by Annie Sand
 Nursing Consultant of the Department of
Healthon January 16, 1961
 DHNLN has expanded to become the
 The Annie Sand Leadership Award is
given to an outstanding nurse or retiree
who has contributed to the improvement
of nurses and nursing in government
Objectives of the Association
The association aims
 To promote and maintain the highest standards of nursing in government
 To address problems concerning nurses and nursing through participation
in formulation of all policies, guidelines, programs and laws affecting
nurses and nursing practice in the phils.
 To continuously upgrade professional competence through research,
training, scholarship grants both foreign and local, and discrimination of
information through nursing publications
 To collaborate with government, non government and other allied
professional groups for the promotion of health services
 To foster national and international goodwill among nurses and harness
all energies towards the attainment of common goals
 To help advance the science and art of nursing in the phils to meet the
needs of a changing society
 To recognize the exemplary performance and accomplishments of
Categories of Membership
1. Regular Members – nurses employed in government
service and retirees who have rendered a minimum of
5 years service in any government agency
2. Life Members – nurses who have been regular
members for at least three successive years and who
have paid the required life membership fee.
3. Honorary Members – persons who, because of their
outstanding service to the cause of nurses and nursing,
are elected to such honorary membership by the
Board but have no voting privileges
Benefits of Being a Member
A member of the NLGN enjoys a number of benefits
 He/She may attend updates, seminars, conventions organized by
the organization and earn continuing education units for license
 He/She may be represented to the proper authorities on matters
concerning nursing practice
 He/She may be recognized for exemplary performance with such
awards as the Annie Sand Leadership Award, and others.
 He/She may be given assistance in cash or in kind when sick or
when he/she becomes victim of calamities and national disasters
 He/She may receivea copy of the Newsletter, the NLGN’s official
 The members family will receive P3,000.00 for regular members
and P5,000.00 for life members as death benefits
 He/She may vote and be voted upon
 He/She may avail of a copy of its two published books at a
discounted price: The Administration of Hospital Nursing Service
in the Philippine Department of Health and Community Health
Nursing Services in the Philippine Department of Health
 He/She may be helped in the renewal of his/her PRC license upon
 He/She may avail of postgraduate scholarships offered by the
Department of Health through the recommendation of the National
League of Government Nurses
Association of Nursing Service Administrators of the Philippines,
Inc. (ANSAP)

 ANSAP was founded in 1963 but was recognized 10

years later in 1973.
 It is composed of nursing service administrators both in
government and private agencies.
Its Objectives are to:
 Provide dynamic leadership in the acquisition of knowledge and
techniques in nursing service administration
 Uphold the highest standards of professional ethics, integrity, and
dedication to the cause of nursing and nursing service administration
 Initiate programs which will elevate members to the highest level of
competence in nursing administrative practice
 Pool resources through collaborative action with other national
nursing associations for the promotion of professional, social, and
economic welfare of nursing service practitioners through legislative
and/or other means
 Participate actively and stand courageouslyin support of vital issues
affecting public welfare
 ANSAP initiated the development of standards of
Nursing Service and Nursing Practice in 1976
 Together with the PNA Department of Nursing
Practice, these standards were reviewed and revised in
 Additional nursing standards in Critical Care,
Community Health, Operating Room,and psychiatric
Nursing Practice, were developed
 In partnership with B-Brawn Company, ANSAP
recognizes outstanding nursing administrators and
nursing practitioners yearly starting 2002
Association of Deans of Colleges of Nursing in the

 The Association was first established in April

1959 with Deans of Colleges of Nursing as its
 In 1965 schools of nursing were included
 However, since the basic 3 years program has
been phased out, it is now called “Association”
instead of “council”
Main Purpose
To promote, elevate, and maintain the
standards of clinical instruction program
of nursing students and to improve
nursing service and facilities of the
clinical field in the hospitals and public
health agencies
The other purposes of the
association are:
1. To participate in the formulation of
legislations affecting nursing education
2. To make representations in discussions of
problems and solutions of the same to the
Department of Health, Evaluation Committee
of Accreditation of Training and the Student
Affiliation, Budget Office/Congress, as the
case may be
 The association’s main interests are in the
improvement of clinical instruction
programs and of the nursing service and
the maintenance of a standard of nursing
school administration
The Military Nurses Association of the

 was officially organized on September 5, 1965

in V. Luna Hospital AFP in Quezon City by a
group of dynamic nurses and corps officers
both active,
 Inactive and retired who felt the need for
putting up a medium wherein they can express
their ideals and aspirations to better serve their
Objectives of the Association:

 To establish and maintain the highest standard of military nursing

to the AFP, both in peace and in war
 To develop the social, cultural, and educational well being of its
members in line with the current trends in nursing
 To cultivate and maintain the spirit of camaraderic and promote
the general welfare of its members
 To encourage active participation in the activities of both local and
national nursing organizations and to promote effective
cooperation and coordination among the military nurses and
members of other allied professions
 To publish periodicals and bulletins as sources of information and
 To establish code of conduct for its members
 To promote reciprocity between military nurses
of the Philippines and those of allied countries
 To undertake activities that are geared toward
social action and community development
 The Military Nurses Association of the
Philippines is doing its share in programs of
national interest
 Its official organ is the Philippine Military
Nursing Journal
The Occupational Health Nurses Association of the
 This organization was found as The Industrial Nursing Unit of the
Philippine Nurse's Association in 1950 and
 Ms. Magdalen Valenzuela was credited as the founder
 The first chairperson was Ms. Perla Gorres.
 Sept. 10, 1969 - It became the Occupational Health Nurse's
Association of the Philippines (OHNAP), Ms. Annie Santos as the
first president
 Sept. 25, 1979 - It was registered with the Securites and Exchange
Commission under registry
 It is probably the only nursing professional organization that
confers a certified title to qualified members
 February 2, 1984 - an important role was given by DOLE to
OHNAP to conduct occupational health training programs
pursuant to the Labor Code and PD#442
Its purposes are:
1. To contribute to the promotion of public health through the conservation
and promotion of the industrial worker’s health and that of hjis family
2. To keep up with modern methods and techniques of public health
nursing in general and of industrial nursing in particular in order to
promote the quality and quantity of nursing service
3. To provide expert nursing guidance for industrial health workers
4. To attain good relationship and understanding among industrial nurses
in particular and all nurses in general
5. To provide a medium whereby common problems of industrial nurses
may be threshed out for the benefit of all
6. To raise the insight of industrial nurses beyond the walls of their
industrial clinics so they may see their place not only in the nursing
service but in the total public health program as well
7. To gain support from agencies employing nurses
 Over the years and with six different individuals
serving as president continues to provide various
services to occupational health nurses in the country
primarily through its education thrust
 By this year, the organization would have already
achieved 52 postgraduate and 6 advanced classes on
occupational health nursing.
 the organization has now have more than 2,500
members and 13 chapters all over the country.
 OHNAP stands proud of its achievements and looks
forward for the times ahead in the global stage in the
spirit of everlasting service.

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