NCM 107 Handouts

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We sincerely hope that this booklet would help you understand and appreciate all the things about Nursing Associations.

A leader is a dealer in hope. -Napoleon Bonaparte

Copyright 2012. Group 3.Azagra, Gabrielle Vincent. Buela, Cheryl.

Carrasco, Carmela Joyce.Geneblazo Alfrem .Lontok, Geraldine Eunice. Napeas, Nikki Angelo. Roxas, Geneva. BSN 4A

Y O U R B O O K L E T n a M A K U L E T t o E N D U R E N C M 1 0 7






Nursing Associations
Alumni Association (bebe kereke he as as) Becoming interested, well informed and active member of their profession Keeping school friendship alive Recognizing outstanding alumni through an achievement award program Keeping abreast of school activities, programs and problems Helping to interpret the programs in the service of training qualified students Assisting in securing endowment funds for a variety of purposes Assisting members of the association in job placement Activities of alumni association (coto pre pura ac pu) Conduct a scientific meeting for new updates To endow room in hospital for its sick members or scholarship for graduates studies Presenting awards or citation for outstanding contributions in school Put up scholarship for the school Raise money for new building and funds Acquaint and assist the students with social activities and helping in their profession Publishing newsletter or magazines NLPGN( National League of the Philippine Government nurses)
-incorporated organization of professional nurses employed by government of the Philippines previously known as Department of Health national league of nurses (DHNLN) January 16, 1961- first founded by Annie Sand

Annie Sand Leadership Award- given to outstanding nurse or retiree contributed the improvement of nurses and government agencies Objectives of Association ( pacu fae) Promote and maintain the highest standards of nursing in government agencies Address the problems concerning nurses and nursing through participation in formulation of policies and guidelines, programs and laws affecting nurses Collaborate with government, non government and allied professional groups for promotion of health services Upgrading professional competence through research, training, scholarship Foster national and international good will among nurses and harness all energies towards the attainment of common goals Advance the science and art of nursing in the Philippines Exemplary performance and accomplishment of members Benefits of the member ( re mare he revo av av at) Represented to the proper authorities on matters concerning nursing practice May given assistance in cash or in kind for the sick or victim of calamities and national disaster Recognized for exemplary performance with awards as Annie Sand Leadership Award Helped in renewal of PRC license upon request Received a copy of Newsletter, The NLPGN official publication Vote and be voted upon Avail copy of its two published books at discounted price: The Administration of Hospital Nursing Service in the Philippine Department of health and Community Health Nursing Services in the Philippine Department of health Avail post graduate scholarships offered by DOH through recommendation of NLPGN Attend updates, seminars, conventions organized by the organization and earn continuing education units for license renewal

ANSAP( Association of nursing service administrators of the Philippines ) 1963- First founded by St lukes hospital Mrs. Rosita A Furia- first President of ANSAP, Chief nurse of Quirino Memorial Medical Center Dr. Perla Sanchez- it was reorganiszed ten years later 1973 as its president Objectives: (p a p I p u ) Provide dynamic leadership in the acquisition of knowledge and techniques in nursing service administration Abreast of latest research findings initiate and conduct research and disseminate results thereof for information and improvement of nursing practice Pool resources through collaborative action with other professional, social and economic welfare of nursing service practitioners Initiate programs that elevates to highest level of competence in nursing administrative practice Participate actively and stand courageously of vital issues in public welfare Uphold the highest standard of professional ethics, integrity and dedication ASSOCIATION OF DEANS OF PHILIPPINE COLLEGES OF NURSING IN THE PHILIPPINES Established in April 1959 with Deans of Colleges of Nursing as its members. . is a non-stock, non-profit organization with the Deans of different Colleges of Nursing as members and is a duly-recognized specialty organization of the Philippine Nurses Association (PNA).

VISION As an association, it envisioned itself as innovative, competent and empowered in leading institutions achieve excellence in nursing education for national and global development.

Mission: Its mission is to develop transformational leadership and strengthen management competence among deans and faculty; to advocate faithful adherence to the ethico-legal-moral standards of the nursing profession and to the ADPCN Code of Ethics; provide services through continuous improvements in the nursing curriculum, instructional strategies, research capabilities; and to create conductive cultural and collegial relationships among deans, faculty and students. MAIN PURPOSES (PEM) >Promote >Elevate >Maintain the standards of clinical instruction program


1.Participate in the formulation of legislations 2.Make representations in diccussions of problems and solution MAIN INTERESTS (IM) 1. Improvement of clinical instruction programs 2. Maintenance of a standard Nursing school MILITARY NURSES ASSOCIATION OF THE PHILIPPINES September 5, 1965- MNAP was officially organized Its official organ is the Philippine Military Nursing Journal 1st military nurse- Brigadier General Elvegia R. Mendoza Military Nurses Association of the Philippines (MNAP) is a dulyrecognized specialty organization of the Philippine Nurses Association (PNA). The current President is , Col. Ofelia Hernando. OBJECTIVES: (ED-CE-PE-PU) 1.To establish and maintain the highest standard 2.To develop the social, cultural and educational well being 3.To cultivate and maintain the spirit of camaraderie 4.To encourage active participation 5.To publish periodicals and bulletins

6.To establish code of conduct for its members 7.To promote reciprocity 8.To undertake activities that are geared toward social action OHNAP Occupational Health Nurses Association of the Philippines The Industrial Nursing Unit of the Philippine Nursing Association was organized on November 21, 1950 through the hard works of Mrs. Magdalena Valenzuela September 20, 1969 the associations name was renamed. OHNA was establish for the purpose of promoting friendship and to organize nurses in industrial and commercial enterprises into an Industrial Nursing Unit. VISION: A nationally recognized organization for the total growth and professional development of Occupational Health Nurses MISSION: To continuously provide opportunities to all nurses into a complete Occupational Health Nurses Mr. Eularito Tagalog National President PDNAP The Private Duty Nurses Association of the Philippines The association existed in 1975 and its founding president was Mrs. Grace Oppus Villanueva It is largely through the efforts of the association that the rates of private duty nurses were modified and specific qualifications were formulated. The association was established for the purpose of solving the problems of the hospitals regarding private duty nurses Also called Association of Private Duty Nurse Practitioners in the Philippines VISION: This is an organization of professional nurses that seeks to envision the highest of ethical ideas, acquire more knowledge, new trends and skills in private duty nursing, to provide advance delivery of quality health care to individuals.

MISSION: (TIFHPA) -To provide total nursing care To implement high standards -To formulate plan of care based on the individual needs -To provide health education -To provide clients with nurses who are expert generalist in nursing. -To be continuously actively involved in national professional organizations. PNSI Psychiatric Nursing Specialist Foundation of the Philippines Inc. The association views mental health and illness as states of adaptation used by the individual in coping with the circumstances in life. The Psychiatric nurse (a RN possessing at least a masters degree in psychiatric nursing) The PNSI likewise adheres to the goals of psychiatric care which is to effect improvement in the individuals competence in living with himself and others Objectives (TUHO) -Provide therapeutic and supportive services - To undertake research studies -Help client identify and develop his inherent potentials and latent abilities and to utilize it -To offer educational programs Services Offered (Nca-CPNTLP) 1. Nursing supportive care -Child day care -Adult day care 2. Continuing education 3.Psychological testing and evaluation 4.Nursing researchers 5.Training and extension services 6. Library 7. Publications

PHILIPPINE NURSES ASSOCIATION Philippine Nurses Association PNA Life Purpose. To promote professional growth towards the attainment of highest standards of nursing. Vision. The caring and fortifying light giver committed to providing opportunities for the professional growth and development of world class Filipino nurses, Filipinos and people of the world. Mission Zealously provide strategic directions and programs that enhance the competencies of nurses to be globally competitive. Passionately sustain the quality work life and collegial interactions with and among nurses. Continuously strengthen the internal capacity and capabilities for quality care and services of the nurses. Enthusiastically explore possibilities of collaboration towards unification of nurses. Board of Governors The corporate power of the Association shall be vested on the Board of Governors which shall be the highest governing body of the Association. Each chapter, about ninety-two (92) in number, has its own set of Board of Directors. It is composed of seventeen (17) members, five (5) from the National Capital Region and twelve (12) from each of the geographic and political regions of the Philippines who elect among themselves the: Chairman Corporate Secretary President Vice President for Programs and Development Vice President for Finance Treasurer AMERICAN NURSES ASSOCIATION Article III MEMBERSHIP

Section 1. Member A nurse who has been duly registered with the Professional Regulation Commission (PRC) as required by the Philippine Nursing law shall qualify for membership to the Association. Section 2. Classification of Membership: Regular Membership is conferred upon a nurse who has paid the required fee for the current year. Life Membership is conferred upon a nurse who has been a regular member for three (3) consecutive years and who shall have paid the required fees. Honorary Membership is conferred upon a person who may not be a nurse, who is not qualified under Article III, Section 2, paragraph a and b hereof, but who has rendered distinguished service to the Association in the attainment of its goals subject to the approval of the Board of Governors. Associate Membership is conferred upon nurses residing abroad upon compliance of requirements for membership. Section 3. Place of Membership - A nurse must seek membership in the chapter of the province or city where one holds office or residence. In case of transfer to another Chapter, the member shall accomplish a transfer form to be submitted to both Chapters, to be approved by the receiving chapter. In no case can a nurse be a member of more than one Chapter. Section 4. Dues- Every member shall pay membership dues as determined by the BOG. Section 5. Termination of Membership Membership to the Association maybe terminated on the following: non-payment of annual dues; and violation of the Philippine Nurses Association By-laws violation of the Nursing Law

Section 6. Reinstatement Reinstatement shall be made in accordance with rules and regulations as prescribed by the Board of Governors. Section 7. Rights, Duties and obligations of Regular and Life Members Every Member of the Association has the right to: present any suggestion that will benefit the Association, that such suggestion is in writing, signed by the maker, endorsed by the chapter and submitted to the Board; voted and be voted upon; inspect or cause to be inspected at any time during office hours the books and papers of the Association for a lawful and definite purpose; be heard and to defend himself/herself before removal or dismissal from the Association and the right to appeal; seek protection or assistance on matters affecting him/her in the practice of the profession; transfer to another chapter if not contrary to the provisions of this PNA By-laws. Section 8. Rights of Honorary Members Honorary members shall have the rights, duties and obligations as provided in Article III, Section 7 except the right to vote and to run for any elective position. American Nurses Association Is the only full-service professional organization representing the interests of the nation's 3.1 million registered nurses through its constituent and state nurses associations and its organizational affiliates. Advances the nursing profession by: fostering high standards of nursing practice promoting the rights of nurses in the workplace projecting a positive and realistic view of nursing lobbying the Congress and regulatory agencies on health care issues affecting nurses and the public

Mission Nurses advancing our profession to improve health for all. ANA Board of Directors - 2012 - 2014 President Karen Daley, PhD, MPH, RN, FAAN First Vice President Cindy Balkstra, MS, RN, CNS-BC Second Vice President Jennifer Mensik, PhD, RN, NEA-BC Secretary Teresa Stone, BSN, RNC, PRP Treasurer Teresa Haller, MSN, MBA, RN, NEA-BC Director-At-Large Thomas Ray Coe, PhD, MHA, RN, CNAA, BC; FACHE Director-At-Large Barbara Crane, RN, CCRN Director-At-Large Jennifer Davis, MSN, RN Director-At-Large Devyn Denton, RN Director-At-Large Rose Marie Martin, BSN, RN, OCN Director-At-Large Andrea Gregg, DSN, RN Director-At-Large, SN Linda Gural, RN, CRRN Director-At-Large, SN Gayle M. Peterson, RN-BC Director-At-Large Faith M. Jones, MSN, RN, NEA-BC Director-At-Large Patricia Travis, RN, PhD, CCRP INTERNATIONAL COUNCIL OF NURSES International Council of Nurses Is a federation of more than 130 national nurses associations (NNAs), representing the more than 13 million nurses worldwide. Founded in 1899, ICN is the worlds first and widest reaching international organization for health professionals. Operated by nurses and leading nurses internationally, ICN works to ensure quality nursing care for all, sound health policies globally, the advancement of nursing knowledge, and the presence worldwide of a respected nursing profession and a competent and satisfied nursing workforce. Mission To represent nursing worldwide, advancing the profession and influencing health policy. ICN Goals and Values The three goals are:

to bring nursing together worldwide. to advance nurses and nursing worldwide. to influence health policy. The five core values are: Visionary Leadership Inclusiveness Flexibility Partnership Achievement Vision A visions power lies in its ability to motivate and align efforts. For a vision to truly be a force in peoples hearts, it must: Be legitimate Be shared Express peoples highest aspirations for what they want to create in the world Stretch beyond the limits of current realities Conceivably be achievable within a specific time frame Council of National Representatives Is the governing body of the ICN and sets policy, admits members, selects a board of directors, and sets dues. As of 2007, there were 128 National Representatives (one for each member organization). National Representatives are selected by each member association. The CNR meets every two years. the ICN is governed by a 15-member board of directors. Members of the board include the ICN president and 14 directors elected on the basis of proportional representation from the ICN's seven geographic areas. Directors are term-limited to two consecutive four-year terms of office. The board meets at least once a year, although it usually meets three to four times a year. The ICN has four officers. They include a president and three vice presidents. The officers function as an executive committee for the board, and as the board's budget and finance committee. The president is elected by the CNR. The president serves a four-year term of office, and is limited to one term in office. The vice presidents are elected from among the board members. The highest

vote-getter is the First Vice President, the second-highest vote-getter the Second Vice President and the third-highest vote-getter the Third Vice President. Day-to-day operations of the ICN are overseen by a chief executive officer (CEO). In practice, the CEO exercises most of the power within the ICN. ICN Structure PNRC Philippine National Red Cross GOALS - RIRE Goal 1 Significantly reducing the impact of disasters, climate change, public health emergencies and illnesses on the most affected families and communities. Goal 2 Improving health and well-being at the individual, family and community levels. Goal 3 Reducing unnecessary suffering from armed conflict and from other forms of violence. Goal 4 Ensuring that the Philippine Red Cross is a well-functioning National Society. Principles: humanity, impartiality, neutrality, independence, voluntary service, unity, and universality SERVICES ReDI Na Sa SoCo Red Cross Youth Disaster Management Services International Humanitarian Law National Blood Services Safety Services Social Services Community Health and Nursing Services AORN Association of periOperative Registered Nurses Deborah Spratt, MPA, BSN, RN, CNOR, NEA-BC, CRCST, CHL President

Renae Battie, MN, RN, CNOR Vice President Our Mission Our mission is to promote safety and optimal outcomes for patients undergoing operative and other invasive procedures by providing practice support and professional development opportunities to perioperative nurses. AORN will collaborate with professional and regulatory organizations, industry leaders, and other health care partners who support the mission. Our Vision AORN will be the indispensable resource for evidence-based practice and education that establishes the standards of excellence in the delivery of perioperative nursing care. Our Values Communication: Open, Honest, Respectful Innovation: Creative, Risk Taking, Leading Edge Quality: Reliable, Timely, Accountable Collaboration: Teamwork, Inclusion, Diversity By Laws ARTICLE I The name of this professional organization is AORN, Inc., ARTICLE II Purposes ARTICLE III Membership and Dues (Unrestriced) ARTICLE IV - Officers ARTICLE V Board of Directors (has power, authority, and responsibility to manage the affairs of the Association) ARTICLE VI Nominating and Leadership Development Comittee ARTICLE VII Eligebility, Elections, Vacancies, Removal ARTICLE VIII - Meetings ARTICLE IX Organizational Units ARTICLE X Executive Director and Headquarters ARTICLE XI Official Publication NANDA (North American Nursing Diagnosis Association) President Jane Brokel, PhD, RN, FNI University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA & Trinity Health

Novi, MI, USA (Elected until 2016) President-Elect and Chair of Diagnosis Development Committee Shigemi Kamitsuru, PhD, RN, FNI Kango Laboratory Tokyo, Japan Treasurer / Secretary Anne G. Perry, EdD, RN, FNI, FAAN Southern Illinois University Edwardsville, IL, USA Our Purpose NANDA International exists to develop, refine and promote terminology that accurately reflects nurses' clinical judgments. Our Vision NANDA International will be a global force for the development and use of nursing's standardized terminology to ensure patient safety through evidence-based care, thereby improving the health care of all people. Our Mission To facilitate the development, refinement, dissemination and use of standardized nursing diagnostic terminology Similarities and Differences of Different Nursing Association Basically all Nursing Association were organized: (PAPAEFE) Promote harmonious relationship between nurses Adheres problems concerning nurses Promote safety and optimal outcomes for patients Advancement of nursing knowledge Enhance the competencies of nurses globally competitive Fostering high standards of nursing practice Ensure quality care for patients Nursing Association differs from: (STSM) Specific purposes they were created for The focus of their mission and vision

Status as an organization Membership qualification




National Associations: Philippine Nurses Association (PNA) The National League of Philippine Government Nurses (NLPGN) Association of Nursing Service Administrators of the Philippines (ANSAP) Association of Deans of Philippine Colleges of Nursing in the Philippines (ADPCN) Military Nurses Association of the Philippines (MNAP)

Occupational health Nurses Association of the Philippines (OHNAP) Philippine Association of Public Health Nursing Faculty (PAPHNF) Private Duty Nurses Association of the Philippines (PDNAP) Operating Room Nurses Association of the Philippines (ORNAP) Psychiatric Nursing Specialists Foundation of the Philippines (PNSI) Catholic Nurses Guild (CNG) Integrated Registered Nurses of the Philippines (IRNUP)

International Orgs: International Council of Nurses (ICN) International Committee of Catholic Nurses (ICCN) World Health Organization (WHO)

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