Contact-Less Tachometer Using Arduino

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Presented by:
Arpan Singh
Nishant Kumar
Hitesh Singh
 Tachometer is used for measuring rotational speed
 Can be used to measure speed of a rotating shaft

Types of Tachometer:

 On the basis of data acquisition – contact or non contact

 On the basis of the measurement technique – time based or
frequency based technique of measurement
 They can also be classified as analog or digital type
Comparison Between Analog and
Digital Tachometers

Analog Tachometer Digital Tachometer

 Has a needle and dial  Has a LCD or LED

type of interface readout

 No provision for  Memory is provided

storage of readings for storage

 Cannot compute  Can perform

average, deviation, statistical functions

etc like averaging, etc
Digital Tachometers
Classification Based on Data
Acquisition Technique

 Contact type – The wheel of the tachometer needs

to be brought into contact with the rotating object

 Non Contact type – The measurement can be made

without having to attach the tachometer to the
rotating object
Classification Based on Measurement

 Time Measurement – The tachometer calculates

speed by measuring the time interval between
the incoming pulses
 Frequency Measurement – The tachometer
calculates speed by measuring the frequency of
the incoming pulses
Component Used
Arduino UNO
 ARDUINO UNO is a development board based on
microcontroller Atmega328.
 It has
 14 Digital Input/Output,
 6 analog Input/Output,
 16MHz ceramic resonator,
 USB connection,
 8a power jack,
 ICSP header and a reset button.
 It has 32KB of memory.
InfraRed Sensor
 Used to detect objects and obstacles in front of sensor.
 Sensor keeps transmitting infrared light and when any object
comes near, it is detected by the sensor by monitoring the
reflected light from the object.
 It can be used in
 robots for obstacle avoidance & line follower robot,
 for automatic doors, or contact less tachometer by
measuring RPM of rotation objects like fan blades.
IR Sensor Continued..
 Power Supply : 5V DC Power
Consumption: 50mA max
 Detection range 20 cm
 Operation range varies according to
color of the object, light color has more
 Detection Indicator LED
 Digital output. Active with logic “1”
 Dimensions : 41x27 mm
LCD Display
 LCD (Liquid Crystal Display) screen is
an electronic display module
 16x2 LCD means it can display 16
characters per line and there are 2
such lines.
 In this LCD each character is displayed
in 5x7 pixel matrix.
 Alphanumeric LCD display module,
meaning can display alphabets and
LCD Display Continued..
 Features of 16×2 LCD module
 Operating Voltage is 4.7V to 5.3V
 Current consumption is 1mA without backlight
 Consistsof two rows and each row can print 16
 Each character is build by a 5×8 pixel box
 Can work on both 8-bit and 4-bit mode
 It can also display any custom generated characters
 Available in Green and Blue Backlight
Jumper Wires
 Simply wires that have connector pins at
each end,
 used to connect two points to each
other without soldering.
 Jumper wires are typically used
with breadboards.
 It is a solderless device for temporary
prototype with electronics and test circuit
 Most electronic components in electronic
circuits can be interconnected by inserting
their leads or terminals into the holes and
then making connections through wires where
 The breadboard has strips of metal
underneath the board and connect the holes
on the top of the board.
Circuit Operation
 When the IR sensor is powered, the IR transmitter starts emitting IR rays.
 As the motor shaft rotates such that the white spots comes in contact with the
sensor, the IR rays are reflected by the dot and falls on the IR receiver.
 The photo diode, which is used as the IR receiver, starts conducting whenever
the IR rays are reflected.
 At this point, the output of the IR sensor is given to the comparator and the
output of the comparator is HIGH when the IR rays are reflected and the
output of the comparator is LOW when there are no reflections. Hence, the
output of the comparator is in the form of an ON-OFF pulse.
 This pulse is given to the microcontroller as a timer input and the
microcontroller is programmed to calculate the number of times the motor
rotates in a second.
 The speed of the motor is calculated by multiplying the value of final count by
60 to get the speed in revolutions per minute
 This value is then displayed on the 16*2 LCD display
Application of the Circuit
 The Contactless Digital Tachometer circuit can be used
to calculate speed of rotating wheels, discs and motor
 Can be used at places where direct contact with motor
shafts or wheels is not possible to be made, as in case of
vehicles and also in industrial machines.
 This circuit can be used at homes to check speed of small
battery operated fans and other motor based devices.
 The ICs used in this circuit are CMOS devices and are
highly static, making it impossible to touch them with
bare hands.
 It has limited life time due to use of battery for powering
the circuit.
 Speed calculation may be affected by the varying duty
cycle of the timer.

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