Software Project Managment: Dr.G.Jose Moses

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Dr.G.Jose Moses

Professor of CSE
Recognised Research Supervisor of JNTUK & GIETU
Raghu Engineering College(Autonomous)
Software Project Management: Project Management Essentials, What is
Project management, Software Configuration Management.
Software Project Management: Project Management Essentials is an
activity crucial to the success of software projects.
The goal of Software Project Management is to enable a group of people to
work efficiently on a project, using a systematic process, in order to produce
a quality software product. Software Project Management uses a more
established and specialized approach as compared to general project
People: People (or stakeholders) in a project are those who are either
involved in or affected by the project. Each person in the project has certain
roles and responsibilities according to their skill set. The people should be
motivated, trained, rewarded, deployed, and retained as and when required
to improve their capabilities.

Following are the various categories of people involved in an effective

software project management.

Senior managers: The senior manager, like all managers, is responsible for
planning and directing the work of a group of individuals, monitoring their
work, and taking corrective action when necessary. Senior managers may
guide workers directly or they may direct several supervisors who manage
the workers.
Project Managers: A software project manager is a person who undertakes
the responsibility of executing the software project. Software project
manager is thoroughly aware of all the phases of SDLC that the software
would go through.
A project manager closely monitors the development process, prepares and
executes various plans, arranges necessary and adequate resources,
maintains communication among all team members in order to address
issues of cost, budget, resources, time, and quality and customer
Programmers: A Programmer writes a complete program A software
engineer writes a software component that will be combined with
components written by other software engineers to build a system.
Customers: Customers are the people who specify the need for getting the
software developed. They are involved in defining requirements,
development, and services delivery of the product.
Process: A software process describes the characteristics and organization of activities in
order to produce software. Software processes are applied in a project to produce a
The general activities of software processes include definition, development and
The selection of an appropriate software process model according to the project is a
challenge for the project manager.
There are various software process models such as waterfall model, prototyping model,
spiral model, agile process model, and RUP process model.
Each of these software process models has its own characteristics and limitations.
Generally the project manager decides which process model is most appropriate for the
customer’s whose requested the product, features of the product itself, and the project
environment in which the software team works.

Product: A product is a final outcome of the project. It is produced with an effective

project management process. The project manager must determine the requirements
and the expected outcomes at the beginning of the project. Project scope of the
product must be clearly defined which helps us to produce a quality product.
Project planning activities: The project planning activities include both
business-level and technical level planning.
Business-level planning addresses the relationships with the customers
where as technical level planning focuses on performing the technical
Business planning includes the project and business objectives, proposal
writing, analysis and inclusion of functional requirements, product demand
and its scope, and legal issues.
Technical planning concentrates on technical issues such as selection of the
development life cycle model, planning documentation methods, and
tools, risk management planning, financial planning, etc.
It is an uncertain event that may have positive or negative impact on the project.
Risk affect all the aspects of the project like budget,schedule…etc.

Risk Management
It is the process of identifying and migrating risk.

Risk Activities in project management

• Plan Risk Management
• Identify Risk
• Qualitative Risk Analysis
• Quantitative Risk Analysis
• Plan risk response
• Monitor and Control risk
Risk management has a great impact on software quality and the productivity on
the software development process.
Risks basically threaten the project, product and business
there are three types of risks
1. Project risks: project risks are concerned with project planning and scheduling
these risks can be related to budget schedule and resources most of the projects
run behind schedule become over budget and have un availability of skilled
engineers if the projects are not properly planned and there may be the possibility
of risks
2. Product risks:Product risks are concerned with design of development of
software products. These risks affect the product quality and its performance these
risks include may include the changing requirements technical un certainty
excessive constraints lack of technical knowledge
3. Business risks: business risks may have a negative impact on the operation or
profitability of an organization for example an organization is unable to produce the
products which are demanded in the market a compotator has launched an
alternative product business risks are mainly due to wrong decisions implemented
in the companies
Planning the Risk Management: Analysis and
decision making to implement risk management.

• Schedule
• Cost
• Quality
• Scope
• Resource
• Customer Satisfaction
• Identify Risk
Which Risk has more probability of affecting the project.(Information gathering)

• Qualitative Risk Analysis

Asses impact and likelihood of the identified risk. Risk urgency assessment.

• Quantitative Risk Analysis

Data gathering-Direct,Diagram(UML) and modelling techniques.

• Plan risk response

Eliminates the threats before they happen
Negative risk or threart-Aviod,Transfer,Mitigate,Accept.
Positive risk or opportunity – Exploit,Share,Enhance.

• Monitor and Control risk

Risk re-assessment
Risk Audit
Trend Analysis.
Risk management activities:
1. Risk identification
2. Risk analysis
3. Risk planning
4. Risk monitoring and control

Risk identification: the risk identification activity starts with a list of

potential risks that may have an impact on the achievement of the
defined objectives
There are different techniques for identifying risks such as
interviewing, reporting, assumption analysis critical path analysis and
utilization of risk.
2.Risk analysis: during risk analysis each risk is analyzed
independently by examining identified risk and assessing
3.Risk planning: once the risks are identified an appropriate management
plan is developed for modifying risks. project manager may use the risk
resolution strategies for the reduction of the risks.
general risk management strategies are risk avoidance, risk minimization,
risk acceptance and risk transfer.
4.Risk monitoring and control: risk monitoring and control ensures new
risks detected and management risk action plans are implemented to
reduce the impact of risks policies and standards.
Configuration Management

The process of software development and

maintenance is controlled by configuration

Configuration management is different in

development and maintenance phase due to
different environment.
Configuration Management Activities

• The identification of Components and Changes

• The control of the way by which the changes
are made
• Auditing the changes
• Status accounting recording and documenting
all the activities that have taken place
Documents required for Configuration
Management Activities

Project Plan
Software Requirements Specification
Software Design Description
Source code listing
Test plan/Procedures/Testcases
User manuals

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