Lecture 01,02, Basic Concept of Quran

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Basic Concept of Quran

Lecture 01 &02
Names of Quran-e-Kareem
• 1. AL-QURAN (The Reading)
• 2. AL-FURQAN (The Criterion)
• 3. AZ-ZIKR (The Advice)
• 4. AL-KITAB (The Book)
• 5. AT-TANZEEL (The Revelation)
What is Quran?
• The Holy Book
• Revealed to Mohammad (S.A.W)
• Revealed by Allah (S.W.T)
• The fourth Holy Book
• Provide guidance to whole universe
When the Quran was revealed?
• Muslims believe that the Quran was verbally revealed by God to
Muhammad(PBUH) through the angel Gabriel (Jibril), gradually over a
period of approximately 23 years, beginning on 22 December 609, when
Muhammad was 40 years old, and concluding in 632, the year of his
death of Muhammad(PBUH) .
• How many verses are in the holy Quran?

• Allah and his messenger knows all the things. The total number of Ayats
in the Quran is around 6,666. The text is also divided into 30 sections
known as Parah, All Parah have equal length. The number of Surah are
Undertaking in life
• No other undertaking in your life can be so important and vital, so
blissful and rewarding, as your journey to and through the Quran. It is
a journey that will take you through the endless joys and riches of the
words that your Creator and Lord has sent to you and for all mankind.
Sources of Knowledge and commitment with
• you will find a world of untold resources of knowledge and wisdom to
guide you on the pathways of life, to mold your thoughts and actions.
In it you will find deep insights to enrich you and steer you along the
right path.
• you will receive a radiant light to illumine the deeper reaches of your
soul. Here you will encounter profound emotions, a warmth to melt
your heart and bring tears running down your cheeks. It is crucial for
you because, as you travel through the Quran, at every step you will
summoned to choose, and to commit to Allah.
Call of Allah (S.W.T)
• To read the Quran is nothing less than to live the Quran willingly,
sincerely, devotedly, and totally. The outcome of your entire life
depends on how you heed the call given by Allah. The journey is
therefore key for your existence, for mankind, for the future of human
civilization. A hundred new worlds lie in its verses.
For Example Quran says in verse Az-zariyat,51:21
‫و فی انفسکم افال تبصرون‬
And also – in your own selves do you not see
In another Quranic vers, Quran says: ‫تدبرون‬77‫فال ی‬7‫ ا‬you are not thinking in
Guide way of Success here and hereafter
• Whole centuries are involved in its moments. Know, then, that it is the
Quran, and only the Quran, which can lead you on and on to success and
glory in this world and in the world to come.
• Quran Presents Many Concept:
In reading the Qur’an, we often come across many concepts with which we
are familiar in our daily lives. These concepts are the key to an
understanding of the Qur’an.
Like Wisdom, tolerance, loyalty, nonbelief, belief a the favours of Allah,
Faith, Prophet hood,
Example in Quaran
• wisdom is a favour granted exclusively to believers. Contrary to the
prevalent conviction, it does not remain constant; it changes
depending upon the strength of personal faith.
• Wisdom is a divine guidance for the soul; displaying a righteous
attitude and conduct to earn the pleasure of Allah, observing Allah’s
limits, obeying the commandments of Allah, distinguishing good from
evil, conducting oneself in the best possible way, giving the best
decisions to attain the hereafter-all these become possible through
Difference of meaning
• Let’s take “wisdom” as an example. “Wisdom” is randomly used to
express intelligence, smartness etc. Yet, none of these meanings bear
any similarity whatsoever to the word´s actual meaning in the Qur’an.
• What is the difference?
He can be very intelligent; yet, being unfaithful, he can never conceive
what wisdom really is? Intelligence is often believed to be synonymous
with wisdom. Some, on the other hand, interpret wisdom as a kind of
intelligence blended with some sort of dignity and maturity. In reality,
however, an unbeliever, even a mature, experienced, intelligent and
sober one, lacks wisdom.
What is essential?
• That is why an accurate understanding of Quranic content and the
meaning of these concepts is essential. It is necessary also to know
the Qur’an by heart and to apply it to our daily life. We can not able
to cover in few days all concept but we try to understand the main
concept of Quran-e-kareem. Let us talk about the concepts of Quran.
Main References for more Information
• “An Approach to the Quranic Sciences” by Mulana Mufti Taqi Usmani
Four Main Concept in Quran
• Whole teaching of Quran in these Four Concepts:
• Ilah(‫ہ‬77‫) ٰ لا‬
• Rabb(‫)رب‬
• Ibadah (‫)عبادۃ‬
• Deen (‫)دین‬
Ilah (‫ہ‬77‫) ٰ لا‬
• It stresses again and again in Quran that Allah Almighty is the Ilah
;that there is no ilah but He,
• ‫قولوا ال ٰالہ اال ہللا تفلحون۔‬
• ‫ال ٰالہ اال ہللا محمد الرسول ہللا‬

Had there been therein (in the heavens and the earth) gods
besides Allâh, then verily both would have been ruined.
Glorified be Allâh, the Lord of the Throne,
(High is He) above what they attribute to Him!
‫وما كان معه من إله اذالذهب كل اله بما خلق ولعال بعضهم على بعض سبحان هللا عما‬
each god would have taken away what he had created, and
some would have tried to overcome others!
  Say (O Muhammad SAW to these polytheists, pagans, etc.):
"If there had been other âliha (gods) along with Him as they
assert, then they would certainly have sought out a way to the
Lord of the Throne (seeking His Pleasures and to be near to
Rabb ‫)رب‬
• There is not any other rabb, He does not share with anyone else. The
qualities and attributes implied by this term. He  alone should
therefore be accepted as one’s and no-one else should in the least be
believed to  possess the attributes which this word imply.
• ‫الحمد ہلل رب العالمین‬
• ‫ہللا ربی و ربکم‬
Ar-Ruboobeeyah (Maintaining the unity of lordship)
Ar-Ruboobeeyah (Maintaining the unity of lordship)

In Arabic the word used to describe Creator-Sustainer

quality is Ruboobeeyah which is derived from the root
"Rabb" (Lord).

This category is based on the fundamental concept that

Allah alone caused all things to exist when there was
He sustains and maintains creation without any need from
it or for it; and He is the sole Lord of the universe and its
inhabitants without any real challenge to His sovereignty.
• It also demands that we should give our ibadah to Him and Him  only,
and not to anyone else, and make our deen exclusive to Him and
reject all other deens! And to every  Messenger We ordained before
you (O Prophet), the message which We gave for himself and for
others) was none other  than that ”There is no Ilah but Myself, and
therefore give your ’ibadah to Me alone.
• Al-Ebaadah (Maintaining The Unity of Worship)
• ‫وما خلقت الجن و االنس اال لیعبدون‬
• Deen is an Arabic word which is commonly associated with Islam, but
it is also used in Arab Christian worship.
• The Meaning of Islam: Islam is derived from the Arabic root
"Salema«(7‫م‬7‫) سل‬: peace, purity, submission and obedience. In the
religious sense, Islam means submission to the will of God and
obedience to His law.
Meaning of Deen
• “Deen “ means absolute sovereignty (of Allah).

• “Deen” means absolute submission (of man to the absolute soverign).

• “Deen” indicate reward and accountability.

• “Deen” expresses a way of life or a code of conduct.

Deen and Religion
• The concept of Deen covers the whole life and not just formal worship
or belief in God; Deen a nation has to follow the code of life
collectively as well as personally. Thus the range of Deen is much
wider and covers all actions, public and private. Hence the right word
for Deen in English is God's code of life given by His revealed word.
• whereas, the concept of religion covers only belief in God and His
worship formally. It is considered a personal matter between a person
and his or her God.
• Now the question is what Deen considered to be God’s deen?
Individual Life Collective Life

Belief Social System

Modes of Worship Economic System

Customs Political System

Religion Deen
Scope ofofIslam

Individual Life

Collective Life

Morality Politics

Spirituality Economy

Ideology Society
Deen in sight of Allah is only Islam
DEEN and Religion is clarified but prior to this a deliberation over the
meaning and interpretation of both the words should be opted for
only to facilitate a better understanding of the subsequent matter.

Allah says in the holy Quran Verily the Deen in the sight of Allah is
only Islam
“ ‫” ان الدین عند ہللا االسالم‬
Deen in Holy Quran
 The Deen in the sight of Allah (SWT) is only Islaam "The Deen
before Allah (accepted by Allah) is Islam" (Aal-Imran 3:19) Deen has
been approved of and favoured by Allah "Today, I have completed
your Deen, and have completed my bliss upon you and accepted for
you Islam as a Deen." (Al-Mai’da 5:3)7‫تممتعلیکم‬7‫ و آ‬7‫ دینکم‬7‫کم‬7‫ملت ل‬7‫ک‬7‫ ا‬7‫یوم‬77‫لا‬
 Deen is complete "Today, I have completed your Deen..” (Al-Mai’da
5:3) Deen is Pure “Unquestionably, for Allah is the pure religion.
(Az-Zumar 39:3)
Some more Concepts
• For Example words Idolatry ‫ک‬ ( ‫ر‬Y‫( ش‬
• ‘Shirk’, the word used for idolatry in Arabic means
partnership/association”. In the Qur’an, to practise idolatry is to
associate any other being, any other person, or concept with Allah,
considering them to be equal to Allah, and to act upon this unsound
• In translations of the Qur’an, idolatry is explained as “associating a
partner with Allah”. It is expressed thus: “having another god besides
Allah”, or “worshipping another god besides Allah”.
• ‫ان الشرک لظلم عظیم‬
Quran says about Shirk:
• And he said: “You have taken (for worship) idols besides Allah, out of
mutual love and regard between yourselves in this life; but on the Day of
Judgment you shall disown and curse each other: and your abode will be
the Fire, and you shall have none to help you.”
(Al-Ankaboot, 25)
• “Take not (for worship) two gods: for He is just One Allah: then fear Me
(and Me alone).” To Him belongs whatever is in the heavens and on earth,
and to Him is duty due always: then will you fear other than Allah?
(An-Nahl, 51-52)
The concept of Fitnah ‫قتل‬YY‫شد من لا‬Y‫فتنۃ ا‬YY‫لا‬
• In Surat Al-Baqara verses 191 and 217, Allah states fitnah to be
“worse than slaughter”. To have a better understanding of fitnah as an
offense, it would be helpful to examine the case of “killing a man”, an
offense described by the Qur’an.
• From the foregoing we know that fitnah, in certain cases and at
certain times, might lead people astray. The Qur’an repeatedly recalls
the stories of people in the past who went astray. For instance, when
Moses was away from his people, they followed Samiri, who made a
statue of a calf, and worshipped it. This is recounted in the Qur’an: as
“being led astray”
The Concept of Loyalty and Obedience

• He who obeys the Messenger, obeys Allah: But if any turn away, We
have not sent you to watch over their (evil deeds).
(An-Nisa, 80)
• Being truthful is one of the most important subjects that a believer
should be sensitive to. While informing us about hypocrites who are ever
ready to escape from their obligations, Allah bids us give our attention to
the pledge they take in the Qur’an about not turning their backs and
accordingly states that such people bear a heavy responsibility.
• And obey Allah and the Messenger, so that you may obtain mercy.
(Al-Imran, 132)
• Under all circumstances, believers should be committed to obedience
for all time. Hypocrites, too, can be obedient, but only when the
conditions are not so tough and demanding. However, in times of
difficulty and trouble, only true believers persevere in their
obedience. In the Qur’an, Allah informs us that hypocrites living in the
time of the Prophet find the fight for faith to be difficult. However,
they join believers in their struggle when they find that it means
“immediate gain and an easy journey”.
Main References for more Information
• ‫ابواالعلیمودودی‬
ٰ ‫قران کی چار بنیادی اصطالحیں از سید موالنا سید‬
This book is also available in English
“Four Concept of Quran”

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