Basic of Vibration and Shock
Basic of Vibration and Shock
Basic of Vibration and Shock Topic
1 Material structural properties
2 Material composition (steel and aluminium)
3 Basic of vibration
4 Fundamentals used in vibration testing
5 Sensors and equipment used in Vibration testing
6 Military standards
Material structural properties
• It is the internal resistance offer by material against the externally applied load
• Stress is usually consider the geometrical property of the material E.g. length,
thickness, diameter etc.
• Stress notation
• Unit: (N/) or Pa Generally industrial Unit (N/) or MPa
Strain :
• Its is the resistance offer by material against the deformation due to external load.
• Strain take into account material properties like Grain orientation, toughness etc
• Strain notation
• Unit: (mm/mm) or (unit less)
between stress and strain is given by Hook’s laws
• Hook’s law “Within the elastic limit of material Stress is directly proportion to the
• Stress α strain
• α
• =E
• E= Young's modulus
lower value of I
Bimetallic (galvanic) corrosion risks from
contact with galvanized steel or aluminium
• Bimetallic corrosion can only occur when two dissimilar
metals are in 'electrical' contact. ANODIC (Least Noble)
• All metals have some kind of electrical potential. The
“Galvanic Series of Metals and Alloys” chart provides a Aluminium
realistic and practical ranking of metallic electrical Carbon steel or cast iron
potentials. Copper alloys (brass, bronze )
• The alloys near the bottom are cathodic and unreactive Lead
• Those at the top are most anodic and reactive Nickel alloys
CATHODIC (Most Noble)
“Oscillatory motion of a body is known as vibration”
Classification of vibration:
• (1) Natural vibration: If a system is disturbed from its initial equilibrium position and
the reason of disturbance is removed. The oscillation of system is called as free or
natural vibration.
• (2)Forced vibration: In this reason behind the motion will be present continuously.
• External vibration
• Due to unbalance mass(in case of rotation)
Based on direction of motion:
• Longitudinal Vibration:
• Transverse vibration:
• Torsional Vibration:
• On the basic Degree of freedom (DOF)
The ability of the system due to which it will resist the motion.
Vibration motion equation
• Free vibration undamped
(2) Free vibration damped
(3) Forced damped vibration
Amplitude F= Amplitude of force
isolation zone
Vibration testing
Vibration testing is the input of vibration excitation into a test specimen by means of a
mechanical or Electrodynamics shaker.
Vibration testing is used for many reason including: To provide an understanding of how a
product react to vibration input at various frequency.
Grm :The root mean square acceleration (Grms) is the square root of the area under the ASD
curve in the frequency domain. The Grms value is typically used to express the overall
energy of a particular random vibration event and is a statistical value used in mechanical
engineering for structural design and analysis purposes.
Power spectral density:
• PSD, also called acceleration spectral density (ASD), is widely used in random
vibration testing applications and is intended primarily as a tool for cancelling out the
effect bandwidth of a frequency spectrum. PSD is a unit of measure, described in
terms of energy per "filter", used to identify and denote energy strength deviations.
• Let us assume that by selecting the resolution of a random vibration system, we find
that we have a bandwidth choice of 160 Hz, 40 Hz and 10 Hz. We are going to take
data from 20 to 2000 Hz. The random vibration controller is now set for 10 Hz
resolution and a sine test signal of 1 grms is applied at 1000 Hz. Next, the resolution
is changed to 40 Hz, but our reading at 1000 Hz now reads 2 grms!
• So in order to normalized the random vibration data PSD concept is used to get
independent parameter which can represent the overall strength of random
vibration. Generally this value is obtained using the RMS (root mean square).
Testing equipment
• Accelerometer sensor: Generally Two types of accelerometer is used:
(1) Voltage type (2) Charge type