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nt a ti o n

pl e m e
i gm aI m s try
i x S I nd u
Lean S eena Textile
in Nav

e me nt
Ma n a g
Pr o je c t
Presented By:
 Rohail Fakhar
 Uzair Ahmed
 Hamza Iqbal
 Waqar Haider
 Abdul Qadeer Kiyani
Naveena Group

Based in Pakistan, Naveena produces yarn and

fabric and offers full-package solution to traders,
importers and major brands. The company was
founded in 1967 and has been exporting its
products all over the world since then.

Product design and development is conducted by

a team of highly qualified management and
technical staff as well as tech designers, cost
analysts and specialists that create product as
per customer’s request. The operating objective
is to create a close co-ordination between all the
divisions. Every unit operates in the most efficient
manner in-order to achieve competitive prices,
timely delivery and quality products.

Lean Six Sigma –

Lean Six sigma is a combination of waste
elimination and process improvement techniques
Lean Manufacturing and Six Sigma.


Lean Six Sigma (LSS) concept is the integration of two
quality management concepts which are Lean
Manufacturing and Six Sigma where by it attempts to
increase the scope and size of improvements achieved
by either concept alone.
Lean Manufacturing focuses on waste reduction and non-
value added activities in production, while Six Sigma
focuses on process variation reduction with both concepts
aiming to reduce waste.
Lean Six Sigma


As quality plays a pivotal role in all aspects of life, reducing
the number of defectives, wastes and lead time in textile
industry is an important function. Textile industries in
Pakistan are facing stiff competition from China, India and
At this critical juncture, it is paramount for the manufacturers
to reduce defects in their products and become competitive
Lean Six Sigma

Problem Statement: The textile industries are suffering from

higher defects rate in their products and wastes.

Goal Statement: To reduce the defect to minimum level and

there by improve quality, reduce wastes and increase
Lean Six Sigma

Data Collection Period:
The team prepared a systematic data collection plan
of collecting data for a period of three months (from
December 2016 to January 2017).The company
manufactures variety of garment products like T-
shirts, Kurta, Shirt and Pajamas.One product, i.e.,
Executive kurta is inspected for defects since this was
the critical product for the company as it had lot of
demand and the profit margin for this particular
product is high..
Lean Six Sigma

Inspection of Executive kurta results

Batch Checked Pieces Defective
1 320 25
2 340 28
Sr NO. Total 3950
3 310 26
4 340 29
5 330 22
1 Number of 326
6 320 20
7 330 27 2 Defective % 8.25
8 320 28 3 Sigma 2.9
9 340 31 4 yield 91.75
10 310 25
11 350 33
12 340 32

  Total-3950 Total-326
Lean Six Sigma

Sewing Assembly Line

Sewing assembly line consists of 16 work stations. From the hourly
production report, it was calculated that, for 10 hours production, the
maximum production was 300pcs/day. So, the hourly sewing output would
be 30pcs
Sewing assembly line Balancing
Assembly is a manufacturing process in which interchangeable parts are
added in a sequential manner using certain material flow and design
layouts. The line assembly is the efficient utilization of facilities with
minimum material handling as well as easy production control.
Lean Six Sigma

Task Description Task Time Sleeve hemming 0.69

Sleeve attach 1.62
Main label tack 0.51 Sleeve attach 1.62
Shoulder attach 0.51 Side seam close with wash 1.35
care label
Shoulder placket attach 0.84
Side seam close 0.60
Shoulder placket tack 0.84
Side seam close both 1.59
Neck binding 0.50 sides
Shoulder placket tack 0.65 Bottom hemming 0.81
Sleeve gathering 1.05 Sleeve tack & Neck tack 1.20
Sleeve hemming 0.69
Lean Six Sigma

Customer Takt Time

Customer Takt time is defined as the ratio between the
planned operating time per to the customer demand.

Customer Takt Time = available working time/ daily

= 90 seconds/piece
Lean Six Sigma

In this phase data collected in the previous phase have been analyzed in
order to identify the root cause(s) or source(s) of defects.

The tools used in this phase were Cause & effect diagram. Through
brainstorming with the shop supervisors, end line quality inspector all
potential causes were identified. The identified causes are given in Cause
& Effect diagram. Only the major types of defects are considered for the
cause and effect diagram.
Lean Six Sigma

Sr. Defects Occurr %Occ

No. ence urrenc
1 Front and Back 18 9.1
2 Misplaced Printing 14 7.1

3 Rundown 73 36.9

4 Broken 45 22.7

5 Labels and Button 18 9.1

6 Oil Strains 12 6.1

7 Embroidery 8 4

8 Different Shades 10 5.1

Lean Six Sigma

Improve Phase
Through discussions with the managers and supervisors the following
remedial actions were implemented for the each cause.
Defects Action
Rundown The operators are trained to
control the speed of the machine.
Broken The broken threads are due to the fabric and the initial
swatch test is tightened so that wrong fabric does not roll out.

Front and Back shoulder The operator are trained to increases accuracy in joining the
front and back shoulder.
Labels and Button Axis The operator are trained to minimize the error in attachments
of labels and button.
Misplaced printing The operator are trained for the placing the screen on
table and printing the T- shirt with an accuracy
Lean Six Sigma

Based on the Cause and Effect diagram the operators are trained in all
aspects of their job and after the remedial actions are taken, the products
are checked for defects. Batch Checked Pieces Defective
1 330 18 Sr NO. Total Checked  
Inspection Of Executive Kurta 2 310 15 1 Number of 222
after Implementation of Lean 3 340 20

Six Sigma. 4 340 22

2 % Defective 5.62
3 Sigma 3.1
5 310 16
4 yield 94.38
6 330 18
7 350 19
8 310 19
9 340 23
The results are indicating that 10 330 17
the sigma level goes up 2.9 to 11 320 15
3.1 and % of defectives has 12 340 20
been reduced to 2.63%.   Total-3950 222
Lean Six Sigma

Capability Study
A task can be done by machines of different types and also by operators
of different labor types. The processing time of any task is a variable
determined by the skill level and efficiency of the operator. The work is
divided in such a way that each operator gets equal work load. The
conceptual framework proposed and briefly summarized in the preceding
section serves the purpose of demonstrating how the proposed
framework would work.
Lean Six Sigma
SR No Task Description Task Time( Immediate
Min)  Predecessor(s)
1 Main label tack 0.51 -

2 Shoulder attach 0.51 1

3 Shoulder placket attach 0.84 2

4 Shoulder placket tack 0.84 3

5 Neck binding 0.50 4

6 Shoulder placket tack 0.65 5

7 Sleeve gathering 1.05 -

8 Sleeve hemming 0.69 7

9 Sleeve attach 1.62 8,6

10 Sleeve attach 1.62 9

11 Side seam close with wash care label 1.35 10

12 Side seam close 0.60 10

13 Side seam close both sides 1.59 12,11

14 Bottom hemming 0.81 13

15 Sleeve tack & Neck tack 1.20 13

Task Precedence Relations and Immediate Predecessors

Lean Six Sigma
Station Task Assigned Task Description Task Time (min)
1 7 Sleeve gathering 0.51
  1 Main label tack 0.51
2 8 Sleeve hemming 0.84
3 2 Shoulder attach 0.84
4 3 Shoulder placket attach 0.50
  4 Shoulder placket tack 0.65
5 5 Neck binding 1.05
  6 Shoulder placket tack 0.69
6 9 Sleeve attach ( Right ) 0.69
  10 Sleeve attach ( Left ) 1.62
7 12 Side seam close with 1.62
wash care label
8 11 Side seam close 1.35
9 13 Bottom hemming 0.60
10 14 Sleeve tack 1.59
11 15 Neck tack 0.81

Work elements assigned to stations

Lean Six Sigma

Capability Study
The manufacturing line is redesigned to form a lean line with an
optimum layout which results primarily in the productivity
improvement. The area of the current layout was determined and
the rearrangement of the machines in the layout so that there is a
decrease in the area. The machines are kept in single straight line
according to the operation sequence.

The final garment from last operation is fully checked and corrected
immediately for any defects. Two workers iron the garments and
pass to packing section were two workers in front of them who
inspects the ironing, attach
Lean Six Sigma

Control Phase
After implementation of the solutions, the progressive
outcomes were shared with owner and managers of the
textile industry. The defects are identified and reduced. Now
the challenge is to withstand the progresses and refining the
system continuously. For this purpose a control plan is
Lean Six Sigma

A task can be done by machines of different types and also

by operators of different labor types. The processing time of
any task is a variable determined by the skill level and
efficiency of the operator. The work is divided in such a way
that each operator gets equal work load. The conceptual
framework proposed and briefly summarized in the preceding
section serves the purpose of demonstrating how the
proposed framework would work
Lean Six Sigma
Control Plan
The management needs to take initiative on the following
obligatory activities to withstand the progresses after Six
Sigma implementation.
 The operators of textile industry must be given training on
a continuous basis on the issue of quality.
 The management should give incentives for high quality
 Always use good quality threads, needles and other
garment accessories.
 The focus should be on preventing defects rather than
correcting defects.
 The organization should develop a proper Quality

This study found that the Textile factory was operating

at a defect percentage of 8.25. After implementing the
lean six sigma the percentage defective is reduced to
2.63. There is also found a significant improvement of
the Sigma level of the industry. It is shifted from 2.9 to

The problem of batch processing of existing is

addressed by using single piece movement of WIP.
Thus by converting long assembly line into work cells,
the assumed worker multi-skilling seems effective as
well as communication between operators is fast and
accurate. The other benefits observed are the flexibility
of rework reduction.

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