Electronic Devices and Circuits: Shcherbakov Bogdan
Electronic Devices and Circuits: Shcherbakov Bogdan
Electronic Devices and Circuits: Shcherbakov Bogdan
Energy bands in intrinsic and extrinsic silicon; Carrier transport: diffusion
current, drift current, mobility and resistivity; Generation and
recombination of carriers; Poisson and continuity equations, Open
circuited p-n junction, Biased p-n junction, current components in PN
junction Diode, diode equation, V-I Characteristics, temperature
dependence on V-I characteristics, Diode resistance, Diode capacitance,
energy band diagram of PN junction Diode.
Discrete Semiconductor 3
Semiconductor Materials
Conductor and Insulators.
N-type, P-Type, electron, and hole current
PN junction, depletion region, potential
In valance band: In valance band holes generated due to free electrons. Electrons
in the valance band are although still attached with atom and not free to move,
however they can move into nearby hole with a little change in energy, thus
leaving another hole where it came from. Effectively the hole has moved from
one place to another in the crystal structure. It is called hole current.
Electron Hole Current. 8
N-type semiconductor 9
Electrons in the conduction band and holes in
the valence band make the semiconductive
material to conduct but they are too limited to
make it a very good conductor..
Diode symbol
p n
Diodes 15
Diode, semiconductor material, such as silicon, in which half is doped as
p-region and half is doped as n-region with a pn-junction in between.
The p region is called anode and n type region is called cathode.
p n
Diode symbol
It conducts current in one direction and offers high (ideally infinite)
resistance in other direction.
Forward Biased 16
Forward bias is a condition that allows current through
pn junction.
Dynamic Resistance:
• The resistance of diode is not constant but it changes over the entire curve. So
it is called dynamic resistance.
Diode V-I Characteristic 22
VI Characteristic for reverse bias.
The pn junction
excited by a constant-
current source
supplying a current I
in the forward
The depletion layer
narrows and the
barrier voltage
decreases by V volts,
which appears as an
external voltage in
the forward direction.
Current Components of PN Junction 25
n p ( x p ) n p 0e VT
Exponential relationship
Small voltage incremental give rise to great
incremental of excess minority carrier
The pn Junction Under Forward- 27
Bias Conditions
Distribution of excess minority concentration: ( x-xn )
pn ( x ) pno [ pn ( xn ) pn 0 ]e
( x+x p )
n p ( x ) n p 0 [n p ( x p ) n p 0 ]e Ln
Lp D p p
Ln Dn n
n ,are
p called excess-minority-carrier lifetime.
The pn Junction Under Forward- 28
Bias Conditions
The total current can be obtained by the diffusion
current of majority carriers.
I I pD I nD
A( J pD J nD )
dp ( x ) dn( x)
A( q q )
dx x xn dx x x p
D p pn 0 Dn n p 0 V
Aq ( )(e VT
Lp Ln
The pn Junction Under Forward- 29
Bias Conditions
D p pn 0 Dn n p 0
I s qA( )
Lp Ln
2 Dp Dn
qAni ( )
L p nD Ln n A
The pn Junction Under Forward- 30
Bias Conditions
I-V characteristic equation:
i I(
s e
• Exponential relationship, nonlinear.
• Is is called saturation current, strongly depends on
• or 2 , in general
• VT is thermal voltage.
n 1 n 1
The pn Junction Under Forward- 31
Bias Conditions
assuming V1 at I1 and V2 at I2
I2 I2
V2 V1 nVT ln 2.3nVT lg
I1 I1
* For a decade changes in current, the diode voltage drop
changes by 60mv (for n=1) or 120mv (for n=2).
The pn Junction Under Forward- 32
Bias Conditions
Turn-on voltage
A conduction diode has approximately a constant
voltage drop across it. It’s called turn-on voltage.
For silicon
For germanium VD ( on ) 0.7V
VD ( on ) 0.25V
Diodes with different current rating will exhibit
the turn-on voltage at different currents.
Negative TC,
TC 2mv / C
Junction Capacitance 33
Diffusion Capacitance
Charge stored in bulk region changes with the change of
voltage across pn junction gives rise to capacitive effect.
Small-signal diffusion capacitance
Depletion capacitance
Charge stored in depletion layer changes with the
change of voltage across pn junction gives rise to
capacitive effect.
Small-signal depletion capacitance
Diffusion Capacitance
C dQ
According to the definition: d dV Q
Aq [ pn ( xn ) pno ] L p
pI p
Qn n I n
Diffusion Capacitance 35
C dQ
According to the definition: j dV R VR VQ
VF = 0.7V