Evapotranspiration: Noel Jr. A. Lanquibo Kyle Anjao Alex Kent Belicario Paolo Benedict Sur

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 Difference between Evaporation and Evapotranspiration
 Types of Evaporation
 Historical evidence and previous works of evapotranspiration
 Factors affecting evaporation

Difference between Evaporation and Evapotranspiration

• Loss of water in the form of vapour from soil, snow, lake, streams,
reservoir, seas, and depressions to the atmosphere due to energy of
sun is called evaporation.
• Transpiration is the process by which water leaves the living plant
body and enters the atmosphere as vapour. The process involves
collection of water in the body of the plant and finally evaporation of
it to the atmosphere from stomata of the leaves. This loss of water
by these two processes to the atmosphere is most commonly called
Types of evaporation
• Potential Evaporation or Potential Evapotranspiration or PE is a
measure of the ability of the atmosphere to remove water from the
surface through the processes of evaporation and transpiration
assuming no control on water supply.
• Actual Evaporation or Actual Evapotranspiration or AE is the
quantity of water that is actually removed from a surface due to the
processes of evaporation and transpiration .
• Open-water evaporation land is covered by water, either salt, fresh
or somewhere in between. Marshes and ponds, the edge of a lake
or ocean, the delta at the mouth of a river, low-lying areas that
frequently flood.
Open-water Evaporation
Historical evidence and previous works of
• Biswas (1972) is on the opinion that transfer of water in the form of
vapour by the process of ET has intrigued and fascinated the
scientists since early recorded history.
• Aristotle wrote the first treatise on meteorology and evaporation
which were the effect of sun’s heat.
• Leonardo da Vinci in late 1400s wrote Where there is life, there is
light and where vital heat is, there is movement of vapour.
• Pan evaporation developed in late seventy’s has remained to be
same till today.
• In 1795, Dalton constructed lysimeter for runoff and drainage.
• Fitzgerald (1886) identified many quantities and variables related to
pan and lake evaporation.
Historical evidence and previous works of
• Rohwer (1931) worked on evaporation from free water body.
• Thornthwaite and Holzman (1942) measured evaporation from
land and water surface.
• Robinson and Johnson (1961) had published a bibliography on
evaporation and evapotranspiration of the United States since
• Theoretical work by Penman (1948) in which he combined vertical
energy budget with horizontal wind surface and lysimeter studies
by Harold and Dreibelbis (1958, 1967) are significant contributions.
• Tanner and Fucks (1968), Van Bavel (1966), Monteith (1965),
Rejitema (1965) modified Penman Model by direct net radiation
estimate and wind profile theory.
Historical evidence and previous works of
• Hillel and Talpez (1976) commented that plant roots and soil
moisture have received considerable attention in recent years.
• Wartena (1974) has provided a useful summary of the past century
research on evapotranspiration (ET).
• Examples of integrated system approach have been reported by
Ritchie (1972), Van Keulen (1975), Van Bavel and Ahmed (1976),
Brutsaert (1982) and others.
• Researchers like Tanner (1957), Goodell (1966), and Penman et al
(1967) have provided a good description of ET from vegetal cover,
which requires energy input, water availability, and transport
process from earth’s surface to atmosphere.
Factors affecting evaporation
• Radiation- the most important factor of evaporation. Solar radiation
supplies continuous energy, which is essential for evaporation.
Evaporation is directly proportional to radiation. Solar energy near
the equator is more, therefore evaporation is much more.
• Vapour Pressure
 the pressure at which water vapour is in thermodynamic
equilibrium with its condensed state. The higher the pressure the
water would condensed.
 The evaporation rate varies directly with difference of vapour
pressure between air and water.
Factors affecting evaporation
• Temperature
 The higher the air temperature the higher the evaporation rate
because there is more heat available in the air. It can also absorb
more water before it becomes saturated.
 Evaporation is also present in cold season, although it is less
temperature because some of the heat energy absorbed at lower
depth in hot water released in cold season.
Factors affecting evaporation
• Wind velocity
 The higher the wind velocity the more the evaporation. It change
the water vapour pressure by moving out air about rapidly, thereby
causing it to expand. It creates extra room for water vapour and
evaporation will continue to occur while the wind is blowing.
 When there is no wind, the water vapour will be in still condition.
 Even the wind velocity is high, it will not increase correspondingly.
 There is always critical velocity of wind beyond the which
evaporation does not increase. Wind velocity near the ground and
water level is effective and influence on evaporation is more if the
wind velocity is turbulent.
Factors affecting evaporation

• Atmospheric pressure
 The more the atmospheric pressure the lesser the evaporation
according to Dalton’s law.
 On higher altitudes the atmospheric pressure are lesser, hence
evaporation should have been more.
 But it is not necessary because the temperature at high altitudes is
low which reduces evaporation.
Factors affecting evaporation

• Area of water surface

 If more area is exposed to air, allowing water molecules acquire
more heat energy from the surroundings. Due to the increase of
heat energy , there is more rapid movement of the water molecules
which helps them to overcome the force of attraction and
 When air moves large water body, it holds water vapour and
eventually water vapour holding capacity decreases as it moves
further. It will depend on the humidity of the air.
Factors affecting evaporation
• Quality of water
 If the water contains dissolved salts, it reduces the saturated water
vapour pressure and E will decrease, according to Dalton's law.
 Also the turbidity of water has some indirect effects.
Factors affecting evaporation
• Nature of evaporating surface
 Types of evaporating surface:
1. Land surface
2. Water surface
3. Snow surface
 The temperature will be the same. Evaporation in saturated soil surface is the
same on the adjacent water surface. When it decrease, the soil is dry.
 Evaporation is dependent on the availability of water on the surface. It is
dependent on pressure or absence of vegetal cover.
 Factors that affects the evaporation rate:
1. Bare ground
2. Grass and croplands
3. Light forests and dense forest.
Factors affecting evaporation
• Salinity of water
 This falls under quality of water. If the soil is saline, evaporation
• Depth of water in the water body
 If the depth is higher, it increases the evaporation in winter.
 In summer, the lower the depth the higher the evaporation.
• Humidity
 The more the humidity, the water holding capacity is lesser, the less
the evaporation.
 If water content is less in air, the more evaporation will take place.
 Because if the air is already filled with water vapor, it will not have
any place to hold the excess vapour and therefore, evaporation will
occur at an extremely slow rate.

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