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Analysis of Accessibility of Fire Hydrants in Vilnius Town: Raminta Raškauskaitė

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21-oji Lietuvos jaunųjų mokslininkų konferencija „MOKSLAS – LIETUVOS ATEITIS“

Teminė konferencija „Civilinė inžinerija ir geodezija“ 2018 m. kovo 23 d.

Sekcija „Keliai ir saugus eismas“

Analysis of accessibility of fire

hydrants in Vilnius town
Raminta Raškauskaitė
21-oji Lietuvos jaunųjų mokslininkų konferencija „MOKSLAS – LIETUVOS ATEITIS“
Teminė konferencija „Civilinė inžinerija ir geodezija“ 2018 m. kovo 23 d.

Sekcija „Keliai ir saugus eismas“


PROBLEMS. Vilnius fire hydrants system is not currently analyzed, system is designed chaotically, not
all existing fire hydrants are in appropriate physical shape or can fulfil proper accessibility. There is
no database for this system observation.

GOALS. This project goals are to determine factors which contribute to hydrants in Vilnius, to identify
their damages, to improve existing system and create a database for firefighters through the use of
spatial analysis with geographic information system GIS based technologies. Moreover, to describe
methodology in order to use this GIS for future maintenance and observation purposes.
1. To create an existing hydrants system database using GIS with all
necessary municipal water extinguishing system parameters and
2. To analyze and evaluate existing system and develop methodology for
the evaluation of accessibility of fire hydrants with GIS.
3. To create detailed methodology and database with this research results
and evaluation in order to use this information for future analyses.

Analysis of accessibility of fire hydrants in Vilnius town

21-oji Lietuvos jaunųjų mokslininkų konferencija „MOKSLAS – LIETUVOS ATEITIS“
Teminė konferencija „Civilinė inžinerija ir geodezija“ 2018 m. kovo 23 d.

Sekcija „Keliai ir saugus eismas“


Fire services work hard to put fires out as quickly as possible, but that can be a
challenge when the nearest hydrant is far away or broken. It is important to
implement a fire hydrants database and methodology of this database usage in
order to avoid the loss, to secure hydrants physical condition and to share
information between responsible institutions. Also it is important to analyze
existing system, to find system weaknesses which identification and prevention
could improve firefighters work.
Many utilities audit or check their fire hydrants on a scheduled basis. The
opportunity to collect-and upload to a geographic Information system (GIS)-
valuable Information that can lead to increased productivity and improved
decision making by qualified personnel.
GIS also provides powerful spatial anal­ysis that allows water utilities to effec­
tively solve problems and make better decisions.

Analysis of accessibility of fire hydrants in Vilnius town

21-oji Lietuvos jaunųjų mokslininkų konferencija „MOKSLAS – LIETUVOS ATEITIS“
Teminė konferencija „Civilinė inžinerija ir geodezija“ 2018 m. kovo 23 d.

Sekcija „Keliai ir saugus eismas“



The research could be an useful toolkit for future Vilnius hydrants

maintenance and computerized management system.
Documenting field assessments via a GIS database can result in reduced
out-of-service fire hydrants (accurate documentation – lower maintenance
Repairs can be grouped on a map by type or hydrant model to help repair
crews work more efficiently. Hydrants that are not included in a utility’s GIS
database can be eas­ily added to increase system information accuracy.
Documenting manufacturer, model, year, and hydrant valve operator size
helps man­age part inventories for repairs.

Analysis of accessibility of fire hydrants in Vilnius town

21-oji Lietuvos jaunųjų mokslininkų konferencija „MOKSLAS – LIETUVOS ATEITIS“
Teminė konferencija „Civilinė inžinerija ir geodezija“ 2018 m. kovo 23 d.

Sekcija „Keliai ir saugus eismas“



Vilnius hydrants water network database were created and analysed.

Method of analysis:
Research GIS data consists of map layers containing spatial and
attribute data. In vector-based GIS systems, attribute data is linked to
each spatial feature to provide descriptive and analytical information. To
perform the tasks of this research, the following data were collected for
each district in Vilnius: fire hydrant locations and their flow rates,
physical condition.
The condition survey data elements are analysed and visualized on a
map as long as the data has been located geographically.
Each Vilnius dirstrict fire hydrants evaluation are compared with
respective of system development.
Analysis of accessibility of fire hydrants in Vilnius town
21-oji Lietuvos jaunųjų mokslininkų konferencija „MOKSLAS – LIETUVOS ATEITIS“
Teminė konferencija „Civilinė inžinerija ir geodezija“ 2018 m. kovo 23 d.

Sekcija „Keliai ir saugus eismas“


1. Lithuania needs a comprehensive computerized database for fire hydrants, which

could fulfil fast and more efficient work for firefighters and responsible organizations.
GIS through effective spatial data storage and query can produce dynamic fire maps.
2. Optimization and maintenance through the GIS based technologies could simplify
system management, reduce maintenance costs, identify backlogs and spread
information in more efficient way.
3. Related system data were imported into a computer environment as a GIS supported
database. The data in the database was visualized, analyzed and queried in order to
demonstrate the capabilities of the system.
4. System damages and limitations were identified. Development of network and
maintenance strategy was described.
5. Identification of damaged hydrants and inaccessibility gives an opportunity to create
strategy for future system maintenance and failures prevention.
6. Future research could be focused on monitoring, implementing of new technologies in
the system and revising of national regulations.

Analysis of accessibility of fire hydrants in Vilnius town

21-oji Lietuvos jaunųjų mokslininkų konferencija „MOKSLAS – LIETUVOS ATEITIS“
Teminė konferencija „Civilinė inžinerija ir geodezija“ 2018 m. kovo 23 d.

Sekcija „Keliai ir saugus eismas“


• GIS is rapidly becoming an essential tool to analyze, define, clarify,

and visualize community fire problems in the development and
execution of fire protection policy. In this thesis GIS is used to mark
exact locations of fire hydrants. Instead of using addresses or
approximate locations, firefighters now have precise coordinates of
immaculate condition hydrants and areas with damaged hydrants.
• GIS could not only be used for fire hydrants systems but also for
identifying the shortest fire trucks routes, using database for fire risk
information, buildings fire resistance, the high fire risk areas, making
future research and evaluation for failures prevention. It will be the
first step in changing the general conception of the fire database

Analysis of accessibility of fire hydrants in Vilnius town

21-oji Lietuvos jaunųjų mokslininkų konferencija „MOKSLAS – LIETUVOS ATEITIS“
Teminė konferencija „Civilinė inžinerija ir geodezija“ 2018 m. kovo 23 d.

Sekcija „Keliai ir saugus eismas“

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Analysis of accessibility of fire hydrants in Vilnius town

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