Analysis of Accessibility of Fire Hydrants in Vilnius Town: Raminta Raškauskaitė
Analysis of Accessibility of Fire Hydrants in Vilnius Town: Raminta Raškauskaitė
Analysis of Accessibility of Fire Hydrants in Vilnius Town: Raminta Raškauskaitė
PROBLEMS. Vilnius fire hydrants system is not currently analyzed, system is designed chaotically, not
all existing fire hydrants are in appropriate physical shape or can fulfil proper accessibility. There is
no database for this system observation.
GOALS. This project goals are to determine factors which contribute to hydrants in Vilnius, to identify
their damages, to improve existing system and create a database for firefighters through the use of
spatial analysis with geographic information system GIS based technologies. Moreover, to describe
methodology in order to use this GIS for future maintenance and observation purposes.
1. To create an existing hydrants system database using GIS with all
necessary municipal water extinguishing system parameters and
2. To analyze and evaluate existing system and develop methodology for
the evaluation of accessibility of fire hydrants with GIS.
3. To create detailed methodology and database with this research results
and evaluation in order to use this information for future analyses.
Fire services work hard to put fires out as quickly as possible, but that can be a
challenge when the nearest hydrant is far away or broken. It is important to
implement a fire hydrants database and methodology of this database usage in
order to avoid the loss, to secure hydrants physical condition and to share
information between responsible institutions. Also it is important to analyze
existing system, to find system weaknesses which identification and prevention
could improve firefighters work.
Many utilities audit or check their fire hydrants on a scheduled basis. The
opportunity to collect-and upload to a geographic Information system (GIS)-
valuable Information that can lead to increased productivity and improved
decision making by qualified personnel.
GIS also provides powerful spatial analysis that allows water utilities to effec
tively solve problems and make better decisions.
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