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TAL Dub II User Manual EN

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Togu Audio Line© 2008, Patrick Kunz
Tutorial Version 0.0.1

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TAL-DUB II ................................................................................................................. 1
Introduction................................................................................................................. 3
Installation .................................................................................................................. 3
Windows.............................................................................................................. 3
OS X.................................................................................................................... 3
TAL-DUB II ................................................................................................................. 4
1. Delay................................................................................................................... 4
2. Feedback ............................................................................................................ 4
3. Drive.................................................................................................................... 4
4. High cut filter ....................................................................................................... 5
5. High cut filter ....................................................................................................... 5
6. Panorama ........................................................................................................... 5
7. Modulation .......................................................................................................... 5
8. VU Meter............................................................................................................. 5
9. Options................................................................................................................ 5
INPUT.................................................................................................................. 5
PING PONG ........................................................................................................ 5
FX........................................................................................................................ 5
MIDI LEARN........................................................................................................ 5
9. Dry / Wet ............................................................................................................. 6

Cubase and VST are trademarks of Steinberg Soft- und Hardware GmbH

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TAL-DUB II is a free vintage delay processor and supports all common sample rates.
It’s not allowed to sell this software or make any modifications.

Please use at your own risk. We take no responsibility for any damage caused of our

The plug-in is SSE optimized. At least a Pentium II or higher is required or an AMD
equivalent. All hosts that are compatible with VST 2.3 or VST 2.4 plug-ins are
Copy the TAL-DUB-2.dll file into the VST plug-in folder of your host. Maybe a rescan
of the plug-in directory or a restart of the host is required. This depends on the VST

The plug-in is a Universal Binary and works for Intel and PPC Computers and needs
a VST 2.3 or VST 2.4 compatible host like Cubase or Ableton Live.

Copy the TAL-DUB-2.vst file into the VST plug-in folder of your host or into the OS X
directory: “/Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/VST/”. Maybe a rescan of the plug-in directory or a
restart of the host is required. This depends on the VST host.

Copy the TAL-DUB-2.component file into the OS X directory:
“/Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/Components/”. Maybe a rescan of the plug-in directory or a
restart of the host is required. This depends on the host.

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1. Delay
Delay time of the dub effect. If the option boxes value is at man the delay processor
is not synced and the delay can be adjusted with the pots. Otherwise the delay is
synced to the selected value.
It’s possible to adjust the left and right channel independently. The link button allows
changing both values at the same time.

Technical Details
Manual Delay Length 0..2s
Synced Delay Lengths 1/16, 1/8, 1/4, 1/2, 1/1, 2/1
1/16T, 1/8T, 1/4T, 1/2T, 1/1T, 2/1T
1/16., 1/8., 1/4., 1/2., 1/1., 2/1.

2. Feedback
Feedback value of the delay effect. It’s possible to adjust the left and right channel
independently. The link button allows changing both values at the same time.
The maximal value is something over one.

3. Drive
4 x over sampled tube distortion effect. The volume pot allows to readjust the volume
of the distortion stage if required.
It works as a post effect and isn’t included in the feedback loop. It’s possible to make
very clean and distorted delay lines.

Technical Details

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Over sampling 4x over sampled
Distortion function Approximated tanh function

4. High cut filter

6dB high cut filter with resonance.

Technical Details
Filter type Non linear 6dB low pass filter with resonance

5. High cut filter

A 3dB low cut filter. Works as a post effect and does not affect the feedback section.

Technical Details
Filter type 3dB high pass

6. Panorama
Adjusts the panorama of the stereo output. Works as a post effect and does not
affect the feedback section.

7. Modulation
Gives the possibility of modulate the delay value. A sinus LFO with adjustable rate is
available. It’s possible to modulate the filter cutoff and the delay time.

Technical Details
LFO type Sinus
LFO rate 0..~10 Hertz

8. VU Meter
Shows the gain reduction of the distortion stage. This value depends on the drive
value. A lot of drive means a lot of gain reduction.

9. Options
Not only the delay line, also the input itself will be filtered in this mode,

Sets the delay in the ping pong delay mode.

In this mode the filter works outside of the delay loop as a post effect. This allows
filtering the delay without damping the delay line itself.

First make sure that the sequencer is stopped and TAL-DUB II gets no Midi events
from the host. Then just click the Midi Learn button and do following:

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1. Change a pot or slider value with the mouse
2. Move en extern hardware pot (The SW-controller should move now)
3. Disable Midi Learn or make the next mapping

9. Dry / Wet
Allows adjusting the volume of the original and the processed signal.

Technical Details
Range 100% dry to 100% wet

Have fun :)

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