Innovative Cold Mix Technology: (Construction and Maintenance of Roads)
Innovative Cold Mix Technology: (Construction and Maintenance of Roads)
Innovative Cold Mix Technology: (Construction and Maintenance of Roads)
Introduction of Dr P.K.Jain
Dr P.K.Jain worked at Central Road Research Institute for 38 years (1978-
2016). He performed duties of Head , Flexible Pavement, Secretary
,Research Council, Adviser, Pavement Engineering and Coordinator ,AcSIR
before superannuation on 31.1.2016.
He represented various committees of IRC and drafted IRC:SP:100, code of
practice for cold mix technology. He has handled over 300 research and
consultancy projects. He has also drafted several BIS codes and worked as
Chairman of PCD:6. He has published over 250 research papers and has 7
patents to his credit including CRRI patent of cold mix technology and pot
hole repair machine.
He has guided many M.Tech and PhD students. He has also delivered 50
invited lectures. He is conferred with National Award by President of India
for Innovation in Cold Mix Technology for Rural Road Construction.
He is core faculty at IAHE&Technical Advisor to Tinna
Cold Mix Technology
Cold mix technology is defined as a road construction and
maintenance process dealing with bituminous mix
prepared by mixing unheated mineral aggregate with a
special tailor-made cold mix binder such as Tina bitumen
emulsion which is mixed, transported, paved and rolled at
ambient temperature.
The energy input and GHG emission is minimum in this
innovative cold mix construction and maintenance
process .
The innovative cold mix process can be accomplished by
spray application as well as mixing process
NRRDA adopted this technology Under Technology
Initiative Programme
Sustainable for BRO roads
Energy Consumption and GHG Emissions in
Road Construction Technologies
t u res
y Bit
E n er
Hot Mix Technologies: Disadvantages
Heating of bitumen at 160-170°C
Heating of aggregates at 155-160°C
Production of hot mix at 150 °C
Laying of hot mix at 140°C
Compaction of hot mix at 100-130°C
High noise and air pollution
Emission of green house gases
Hot Mix Technologies: Disadvantages
High energy consumption
Unsafe to workers and their health
Limited working season
Reduced durability due to oxidation of bitumen
Stripping in presence of water
Hazardous to public
Contribute to global warming
Huge machinery needs
Suitability of Cold Mix Technology
Acid or
Structure of Cationic
Bitumen Emulsion
Cold Mix Binder ( Bitumen Emulsion)
Types of Bitumen Emulsions
i) Residue on 600 micron IS sieve 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 IS:8887
(% mass) Max
ii) Viscosity by Say bolt Furol IS:3117
Viscometer, Seconds
at 25°C - - - 20-100 30-150
at 50°C 20-100 100-300 30-300 - -
iii) Coagulation of emulsion at low Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil IS:8887
iv) Storage stability after 24 hr, % 2.0 1.0 1.0 2.0 2.0 IS:8887
v) Particle charge +ve +ve +ve - +ve IS:8887
vi) Coating ability and water IS:8887
a)Coating, dry aggregates - - Good - -
b)Coating after spraying water - - Fair - -
c) Coating, wet aggregates - - Fair - -
d) Coating after spraying water - - Fair - -
vii) Stability to mixing with cement, - - - - 2 IS:8887
% coagulation
viii) Miscibility with water No No No Immiscibl No IS:8887
(coagulation) Coagulat Coagulati Coagulati e Coagul
ion on on ation
ix) Tests on Residue:
a) Residue by evaporation, % 60 67 65 - 60 IS:8887
b) penetration, 25°C/100 gm/5 80-150 80-150 60-150 - 60-120 IS:1203
c)Ductility at 27°C, cm., min. 50 50 50 - 50 IS:1208
d) Solubility In 98 98 98 98 98 IS:1216
Trichloroethylene, %, min.
Important Properties of
Bitumen Emulsion
Lower viscosity of bitumen emulsion make it
unstable , therefore not acceptable for roads
Viscosity can be enhanced by increasing
viscosity of dispersion medium and reducing
particle size
Factors Controlling Breaking
Texture of aggregate
Water absorption of aggregate
Dust and PI of dust
Humidity in weather
Mechanical factors
Surface area of aggregates
Surface chemistry of aggregates
Water quality
Properties of emulsifier
Properties of bitumen
Factors Controlling Emulsion Quality
Chemistry of bitumen
Chemistry of emulsifiers
Particle size of bitumen in emulsion
Dose of emulsifier
Type of colloidal mill
Quality of water
Bitumen content
Viscosity of bitumen
Viscosity of emulsion
Temperature of water and emulsion phase
Properties Affecting Emulsion Quality
Chemical properties of bitumen
Chemical Properties of Emulsion
Dose of emulsifiers
Quality of colloidal mill
Sequence of adding ingredients
Quality of water
Viscosity of dispersed phase
Viscosity of dispersion medium
Temperature of different phases
Handling of Emulsion
Storage temperature shall be 10 to 50˚ C
Shall not be heated above 70˚ C
Do not freeze below 4˚ C
Temperature of aggregate shall not exceed 80˚ C
Do not use air jet for circulation
Warm pump to maximum 65 ˚C
No dilution in general
Use of Good quality water ,if needed
Handling of Emulsion
Check quality of water if dilution is recommended
Roll to and fro before use
Inlet pipe below return line
Pumping from bottom of tank
Certificate of testing , MSDS from supplier
Date of expiry and manufacturing must be
Test report by suppliers
Laboratory Level Tests (IS : 8887)
Bitumen or
40.2 21.4 43.5 18.2
8.2 2.7
141.5 7.5 141.5 7.5
Total 189.9 37.1 187.7 28.4
Comparison of Fuel and Material Consumption
for Typical Cold Mix and Hot Mix Construction
(1 Km Rural Road Construction)
Specification Cold Mix (Present Innovation) Hot Mix (Conventional)
Special grade MS emulsion are also available for pothole and patch mix
Technical expertise for site work is also available as technical support service
Selection of Cold Mix Treatments
Title of Treatment Traffic (CVPD) Climate Choice of
Temperature Rainfall Emulsion