Introduction To Sales Management
Introduction To Sales Management
Introduction To Sales Management
Store Inventory
Systematic Selling
Regular Customers
Pre - approach
Presentation &
Asking questions
Turning the objections into a benefit
Denying the objections tactfully
Third party certifications
Compensation to counter balance the
Closing The Sale
Process of helping the buyer to make a
decision that will be beneficial to both.
Requesting for the order.
Some indications of the buyer readiness to
buy are when the buyer examines the
product, asking another person’s opinion,
asking relevant questions, becoming more
friendly etc.
Closing The Sale
Some of the closing techniques:
Alternative choice close – Giving a choice
between two or more models and not between
buying and not buying.
Minor points close – Asking series of questions.
Assumptive close – Sales person earned the
customer trust to a great extent & conveys
assumptions through comments, actions, body
language etc.
Closing The Sale
Some of the closing techniques:
Summary of benefits close – Simple & very
popular. Consists in finding out the important
benefits, summarizing the benefits using FAB
statements & SELL sequence & finally making a
T account or balance sheet close – Draws a
large T on a piece of paper & putting the
reasons for the customer to act on the left side
& not to act on the right side.
Closing The Sale
Some of the closing techniques:
Special offer sale – After trying the best to
close but still some resistance from the
customer, making a special offer like some
additional discount or free delivery etc.
Probability close – In situations when the
customer says “I will think it over”.
Negotiation close – Win – Win situation
Follow up & Service
Sales persons must understand that the
job is not over after the order.
After getting order, the sales person
should check thoroughly the details such
as address of delivery, delivery period etc.
Follow up call at the time of delivery of the
Maintaining long term relationship.
Transactional & Relationship Selling
Transactional selling – One time exchanges with
the objective of getting orders from customers
whose profit potential are low. E.g. Stationary,
Cleaning chemicals etc.
Relationship selling – Building strong social,
economic & technical ties over a long period of
time. Trust & commitment the main key. E.g.
Automobiles, Consumer durables , Software etc.
Transactional & Relationship Selling
Sales team Less number junior level Team of seniors & juniors