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Pioneer Institute of Professional Studies: Presented To Developed by

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Case on call centre

Presented to Developed by

Prof. Mona Tawar Swati Gupta

Prof. Rashmi Choudhary MBA IVsem -HF
Roll No.- 10010212
Situation analysis
Problem Identification
Main problem
Sub problem
SWOT analysis
Development of alternative
Selection of alternative
Ques & Ans

Abusive customers effect the emotions of the call centre employees,

it gives bad impact on their personal life.

Key persons involved- Erin Calabrese Telephone customer service representatives

at a financial services company
Jane –credit card customer.

Many companies provides training to handle all these situation.

Still some representatives take it personally and live unsatisfactory life.

Situation Analysis

1. Customers shows over aggressive nature towards

representatives .

2. Representatives are not comfortable in dealing with

aggressive customer even they are trained .

1. Customers uses abusive words and they exaggerate


2. Ineffective training programs.

Main problem

1. Representatives are not comfortable with dealing

aggressive customer as they uses abusive words, which
effect on their personal life and make stressful life.

2. Customer thinks that company only wants their earning

irrespective of customers needs.
Sub problem

Increase of absenteeism rate

Swot analysis

Good CSR force Ineffective training program



Advanced automated machines Competitors

Expansion Updated technology
Development of alternatives

a) Answer the phone immediate after first ring

b) Begin by listening
c) Do not answer emotion with emotion
d) Watch your tone
e) Take responsibility, take action
f) Apologize when warranted


g) Put their problem politely and gently

Selection of alternatives

Apologize when warranted

Take responsibility and take action


a) Acknowledge outstanding services

b) Lead brainstorming session
c) Create a fun contest
d) Throw a party
e) Let them laugh
f) Maintain a standard
Questions &answers

Que. From an emotional labor perspective, how does dealing with an

abusive customer lead to stress and burnout?

Ans. Customer service isn’t an easy job, and it takes plenty of strong
management to keep employees motivated and morale high.

Angry customers are one of the biggest challenges in the customer

service industry. These frustrated individuals can quickly ruin the day of
even best CSR – particularly if they are not trained staff to handle
complaints competently.

They take it personally

Que. If you were a recruiter for a customer service call center, what
personality types would you prefer to hire and why? in other words, what
individual differences are likely to affect whether an employee can handle
customer abuse on a day-to –day basis?

a) Communication skill
b) Soft skill
c) Adjust and manageable with every position
d) Typing speed
e) Interpersonal skill
f) Knowledge about company and their services
Que. What steps should companies take to ensure that their employees are not victim of
customer abuse? Should companies allow a certain degree of abuse if that abuse results
in satisfied customers and perhaps greater profit?

a) Train them properly
b) Ignore customer’s abusive words and warned them if they do repeatedly
c) Work according to process
d) Stick with your points
e) No companies should not allow a certain degree of abuses
f) Avoid mistake as much as , prefer customer needs
Case On Communication Barrier

Indane biscuits is a large scale factory located in industrial area

Workers works on daily basis

Key persons- personnel manager, supervisor and workers

They work systematically and co-ordination level is good in each level

Due to some communication barrier the factory had to suffer the position
of strike

And imposition of heavy penalties for re-opened

Situation analysis
Due to communication barrier ,massage get misunderstood
Problem identification

Communication gap barrier

Misinterpretation and misleading information

Main problem
1. Communication barrier

2. Lack of Co-ordination and convincing skill


1. Strike

2. Heavy penalties levied by labor department

Swot analysis

Situated in industrial area co-ordination

Good image Lack of convincing power


Business growth New technologies

Diversified to other segments
Developments of alternatives

Proper communication channel should be developed

Develops interpersonal skill

Selection of alternatives

New flow of communication should be adopted


Communication is two way process

Adopt the 6 C’s principles of communication

Questions and answers

Que. Identify the communication barriers in this case ?

1. Semantic barrier-interpretation
2. Different comprehension of reality-inferring barrier
3. Some social psychological barrier
Que. Identify the flows of communication in Indane Biscuits ?

Downward Communication
begins at the top of an organization and flows down. This information,
required for employees to do their jobs, includes employee
performance feedback, job instructions and promoting understanding
of the organization's mission and vision to its employees. This
information can be conveyed through circulars, letters and in meetings
and organizational publications
Que. What role did grapevine play in Indane Biscuits

Ans. Grapevine generally develops due to various reasons. One of them is

that when the employees sense uncertainty. Also, at times employees do
not have self-confidence due to which they form unions.
It hamper the goodwill of the organization as it carry false negative
information about the high level people of the organization.

Indane biscuits suffered the effect of grapevine with the

result of strike and heavy penalties.

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