Pioneer Institute of Professional Studies: Presented To Developed by
Pioneer Institute of Professional Studies: Presented To Developed by
Pioneer Institute of Professional Studies: Presented To Developed by
Case on call centre
Presented to Developed by
Ans. Customer service isn’t an easy job, and it takes plenty of strong
management to keep employees motivated and morale high.
a) Communication skill
b) Soft skill
c) Adjust and manageable with every position
d) Typing speed
e) Interpersonal skill
f) Knowledge about company and their services
Que. What steps should companies take to ensure that their employees are not victim of
customer abuse? Should companies allow a certain degree of abuse if that abuse results
in satisfied customers and perhaps greater profit?
a) Train them properly
b) Ignore customer’s abusive words and warned them if they do repeatedly
c) Work according to process
d) Stick with your points
e) No companies should not allow a certain degree of abuses
f) Avoid mistake as much as , prefer customer needs
Case On Communication Barrier
Due to some communication barrier the factory had to suffer the position
of strike
1. Strike
Selection of alternatives
1. Semantic barrier-interpretation
2. Different comprehension of reality-inferring barrier
3. Some social psychological barrier
Que. Identify the flows of communication in Indane Biscuits ?
Downward Communication
begins at the top of an organization and flows down. This information,
required for employees to do their jobs, includes employee
performance feedback, job instructions and promoting understanding
of the organization's mission and vision to its employees. This
information can be conveyed through circulars, letters and in meetings
and organizational publications
Que. What role did grapevine play in Indane Biscuits