Entrep Product-is-Nature-and-Sustainability
Entrep Product-is-Nature-and-Sustainability
Entrep Product-is-Nature-and-Sustainability
Product Description Necessities
1. Cite the uniqueness of product over other existing products in
terms of characteristics variations and the like.
2. Use layman’s term in describing the firm’s product or service.
Present a product mix if the firm will be selling more than one
3. Illustrate the usefulness of the product/service. Provide
substantial information on effectiveness of marketing which
includes positioning strategies.
4. Present the nature including the content of raw materials that
will be used in the proposed product, and what is the source and
where to find it.
Levels of Product
• Tangible Products
-are the basic physical appearance which can be a service or idea having
precise specifications and is offered under a given/specified description or
model number.
• Augmented Product
-includes the image and service features of a certain entity.
• Generic Product
-emphasizes the impact of the product to the consumers, not the seller.
Types of Product
1. Goods are sale of the physical products from the manufacturer to the
consumer or final and ultimate user.
• Durable Goods
-are the physical products that are used over a long period of time.
• Non-durable Goods
-are the physical products that are quickly and easily be consumed or worn
out, become obsolete, unfashionable or no longer popular.
2. Services are intangible products that satisfaction can be measured in
future preferences
• Rented-goods Services
-are the consumer rented facility of the sellers in a
certain period of time.
• Owned-goods Services
-are the repair and maintenance services rendered
by the sellers to the product of the customers.
• Non-goods Service
-is personal service on the part of the seller, most
common are the expertise and profession of the seller.
Customer Service in the Enterprise
1. Define/list the customer service the company
can provide.
2. What are the company’s service strengths and
3. Give strategies for improving the company’s
customer service.
Characteristics of Services
1. Intangibility is the services that cannot be displayed,
transported, stored, packaged or inspected before lying.
2. The credibility of the service provided most of the time
3. Inseparability is the service provider and services that
cannot be separated .
4. Variability is when the service is difficult to standardize
because it varies upon the performance of the provider.
Consumer Products- these are goods and services destined/produced for the
final consumer for personal, family, or household use.
• Convenience Products- are purchased with the minimum or less effort because the
buyer has knowledge of product characteristics prior to shopping.
a.) Staples- are low priced items that are routinely purchased on a regular basis and
are products that are used everyday.
b.) Impulse- products are the items that the consumer does not plan to buy.
• Shopping Products- are products that the consumer acquire through further
knowledge and information in order to make final purchase decision.
a.) Attribute-based shopping products provide customer with information and
evaluated product features, performance, options, warranties and other factors.
b.) price-based shopping products enable customers to judge product attribute to
be the same and look around for the least expensive item.
3. Concept Testing- ideas which have passed the screening stage will require feedback from the
a. Demand Projections- sales potential; sales growth; rate of repurchased distribution intensity.
b. Cost Projections- per unit cost; raw material cost; cost of existing facilities and resources;
breakeven point.
e. Profitability- time to recover initial cost; per unit profits; distributions intermediaries; control
over price; return on investment.
5. Product Development- ideas are converted into tangible form. This stage
7. Commercialization- the involves the actual marketing of the product in the target
II. Introduction
A new product is introduced into the marketplace and the objective is to generate
customer interest.
III. Growth
The product gains wider consumer acceptance and the objective are to expand
distribution and the range of available product alternatives.
IV. Maturity
The product’s sales level and companies try to maintain lower price, better
product features for as long as possible.
V. Decline
The product’s sales fall as substitutes and new competitors enter the market .