Laboratory Safety and Management

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Laboratory Safety and


Sophia Cheng
Science Education Section, EDB
 Who is the one responsible for
laboratory safety in individual

 Who is the one responsible for

laboratory safety in science KLA?
Can accidents be prevented?
Accident Statistics (05/06)
 464 schools responded (response rate : 93.4
 Statistics
• 296 schools without accident (64%)
• 554 cases in 168 schools (36%)
• 1.19 cases per school
 500 students and 8 staffs injured; most injuri
es were minor cuts or scalds
 Cause of accidents: Carelessness
(students: 91.7%;teachers: 0.5%; LTs: 1.8
Types of accidents (05/06)
Subjects involved (05/06)
350 309 (56%)
Bites by animals
Substances catching fire
134 (24%)
Discomfort arising from
150 inhalation of gases
92 (17%)
Heat burns or scalds
18 (3%)
Chemicals spillage
50 1 (~0%)
Eye accidents
Phy Chem Bio/H Bio IS ES/S&T
Chemicals on skin
Survey on school laboratory accidents

 EDBCM151/2009
 Collect data for 2008/09 school year
 Data input via
 Deadline: 30 November 2009
Why accidents happen?

Careless Inadequate Inadequate

Safety Training Instructions

Unsafe Overcrowding

Inadequate Facilities
Inadequate Equipment

Misbehavior Preparation

Poor Teaching
Laboratory Experiences
Responsibilities in maintaining a safe
learning and working environment
 Who should be responsible?
• Students
• Teachers
• Laboratory Technicians
• Panel Chairpersons
• School Authority
• …
 Safety is Everyone’s Responsibility
 Have you performed your duties? ( 有否盡
一己之本分 )
 Know and follow all safety rules
 Be alert in the laboratory
 Do not attempt unauthorised activities
 Exercise proper experimental techniques
 Consider the safety of oneself and the others
 Read and study lab manual before coming to
 Report lab accidents to teacher immediately
 Keep area clean
 Proper disposal of biological and chemical wa
 Do not enter preparation or store rooms
 …
 Ensure the safety of all practical activities and must b
e thorough in preparation
 Try out experiments in advance
 Check that technicians know how to carry out safely t
he requested hazardous operations
 Issue students with safety rules and explain what the
y mean and why they are necessary
 Give clear instructions to students and remind them
of the potential hazards and safety precautions
 Provide sufficient supervision and guidance to studen
ts during experiments
 Insist students to use proper personal protective equi
 Never leave students unsupervised in the lab
 Familarise with the operation of safety facilities and e
mergency procedures…
Panel Chairpersons
 Set and model high standards of safety
 Raise everyone’s concern on safety
 Ensure all panel members provide adequate safety
instructions and equipment to students
 Be well informed of laws, rules and regulations
concerning safety, assist school principal in
formulating and implementation of safety policy
 Co-ordinate the provision of safety resources /
 Organise/co-ordinate professional development on
 Access and disseminate up-to-date safety
information to teaching and technical staff
 Keep a record of all accidents and details of
treatment given
 Develop and implement a regular schedule for
safety inspection …
Laboratory Technicians
 Have responsibilities for each other’s safety and should w
arn each other of hazardous situations
 Co-operate with safety policies of panel, school and EDB,
 Prepare, operate and maintain apparatus and equipment
 Procurement of stores and equipment
 Tryout experiments
 Provide assistance in class demonstrations
 Assist teachers in supervising students performing experi
 Observe all the normal safeguard in a laboratory
 Familarise with the operation of safety facilities and emer
gency procedures
 Check regularly to ensure all safety measures are in place
 Supervise the work of other LTs / laboratory attendants …
School Authority
 Ensure school complies with the Education
 Build up an effective management system
 Draw up safety policies, administrative and
operational procedures
 Set up an accountability mechanism for such
policies and procedures including how to handle
 Provide necessary safety facilities and equipment
 Support professional development on safety
 …
Safety Management
 Setting up a Standing Committee on
Laboratory Safety to:
• convene regularly to discuss issues related to
lab safety
• plan and conduct lab safety programmes
• carry out safety inspections regularly
• formulate, implement and revise the
emergency plan
• conduct evacuation drills regularly
Safety Policy
 Includes:
• Emergency measures and evacuation
• How new staffs are to be inducted
• How students are to be trained in
safety awareness
• How safety equipment should be kept
and used
• How safety information and resources
are circulated or disseminated
• How to keep records of lab accidents
• In what circumstances non-science l
essons may be conducted in laborato
• How to carry out safety inspections
• What procedures for risk assessment
are to be adopted in open-ended inv
estigations or projects
Resources for Lab
Laboratory Safety and Management
(  References & Resources  Labor
atory Safety and Management)
Handbook on Safety in Science

English version:

Chinese version:

Learning and
Resources on
Safety in Science
In open-ended investigations
 Value learning experience from scientific
investigations and inquiry based
 Cultivate correct attitude towards lab safety
 Train students to be responsible for their
and others’ safety at lab
• Follow safety regulations
• Conduct and implement risk assessment
• Be alert and attentive of every procedure to be
Risk Assessment
 An analysis of a practical activity to
identify hazards and to take precautions
to minimise the risk
 Procedures:
• Identifying hazards
(Materials / Procedures / Equipment)
• Assessing how likely the hazard will actually
cause harm (risk)
• Deciding what control measures to reduce
risk to acceptable level
• Finding how to dispose of hazardous residues
Hierarchy of Controls
Order Control Example
1 Eliminate Removing the hazard, e.g. taking a hazardous piece of
equipment out of service
2 Substitute Replacing a hazardous substance or process with a less
hazardous one
3 Isolate Isolating the hazard from the person at risk, e.g. using a
guard or barrier
4 Engineer Redesign an experiment, piece of equipment or process
to make it less hazardous
5 Administrative Adopt safe work practices. Provide appropriate training,
instruction or information
6 Personal Protective Use of lab-coat, gloves, safety glasses, safety footwear,
Equipment dust masks, face shields, goggles, etc.
Safety information about chemicals

 Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS);


 International Chemical Safety Cards; I

Maintenance and repairs
for laboratories and
Minor repairs
 Government schools
• Expanded Subject and Curriculum Block
 IMC aided schools
• Expanded Operating Expenses Block Grant
 Non-IMC aided schools
• Composite Furniture and Equipment Grant
• Operating Expenses Block Grant (General
 Consolidated Subject Grant (EDBCM
Minor repairs

 Rates for 2009/2010 school year:

• EDBCM110/2009
 For details:
• => school adminis
tration => financial management
Major repairs
 Cost > $8000 (e.g. installation of fume cu
pboard, fire service installation, exhaust fa
n maintanance)
 Apply for non-recurrent grants in Mar/Apr
every year
• EDBCM No.60/2009 (Estimates for 2010-11 Fi
nancial Year - Aided Schools Applications for N
on-Recurrent Grants: Major Repairs/Alteration
 Estate schools => Housing Department
 Non-estate schools => Architectural
Services Department
Procedures for Major Repairs

1. Application 2. HD or 3. Classify items

for funding Arch SD into “essential” ,
by school conducts site “desirable but not
inspection essential” and
“not necessary”

4. EDB 5. HD or Arch 6. Repair

estimates SD initiates works by
budget meetings with contractor
Emergency Repairs

 Cost < $200,000

 Submit Standard Request Form for
emergency repairs to HD or Arch SD
with a copy to REO.
 Examples of emergency repairs:
• Blackboard repair, serious water
seepage, re-charging of fire
extinguishers, broken windows, etc.
Conversion with structural alteration
and extension
 Require approval from EDB
 Seek advice from
• Regional Education Office
• Housing Department / Architectural
Services Department
• Department of Health
• Fire Services Department
 For details on Maintenance of Premis
=> School administration => Regulati
=> School administration guide
=> 8.School premises & safety)
Designing and Planning Laboratories
Group Discussion
Thank you!

Sophia Cheng
3698 3439

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