Final PPT On Sesmic Analysis

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Structural Loads
• Gravity loads
– Dead loads
– Live loads
– Snow loads

• Lateral loads
– Wind loads
– Seismic loads

• Special load cases

– Impact loads
– Blast loads

Seismic Loads Wind Loads


• Since earthquake forces are random in nature and

unpredictable, the static and dynamic analysis of the
structures have become the primary concern of civil

• The main parameters of the analysis of

seismic structures are load carrying
capacity, ductility,
stiffness, damping and mass.

• IS 1893-2002 is used to carryout the seismic analysis

of multi-storey building. 2
• The seismic analysis type that should be used to
analyse the structure depends upon :-

 external action

 the behavior of structure or structural


 the type of structural model selected

• The different analysis procedure are

 Linear Static Analysis

 Nonlinear Static Analysis

 Linear Dynamic Analysis

 Nonlinear Dynamic Analysis


• Also known as Equivalent Static method.

• Based on formulas given in the code of practice.


• First, the design base shear is computed for the whole building.

• It is then distributed along the height of the building.

• The lateral forces at each floor levels thus obtained are

to individual lateral load resisting elements.

Equivalent lateral shear force along two orthogonal axis

(Source: Nouredine Bourahla, "Equivalent Static Analysis of Structures Subjected

to Seismic Actions", Encyclopedia of Earthquake Engineering, Springer-Verlag
Berlin Heidelberg, 2013)

The use of this method is restricted with respect to

• High seismic zones and height of the

• Buildings having higher modes of the
vibration fundamental mode
• Structures having significant discontinuities in mass
and stiffness along the height


• Calculation of the Design Seismic Base Shear, VB

• Vertical distribution of base shear along the height of

the structure

• Horizontal distribution of the level forces across the

width and breadth of the structure

• Determination of the drift, overturning moment, and

P-Delta effect

Design Seismic Base Shear, VB
From IS 1893- 2002, Clause 7.5.3, the design base

VB = A h W

W - seismic weight of the building
Ah - horizontal seismic coefficient

Horizontal Seismic Coefficient, Ah

As per IS 1893(Part 1)-2002, Clause 6.4.2

Ah =

Provided that for any structure with T < 0.1 s, the value of Ah will not be taken less
than Z/2 whatever be the value of I/R.


Z - Zone factor

I - Importance factor

R- Response Reduction factor

Sa/g - Average response acceleration coefficient

T -Undamped Natural period of the structure

Zone Factor ( Z)

• It is the indicator of the maximum seismic risk characterized by

Maximum Considered Earthquake (MCE ) in the zone in which the
structure is located.

• According to IS 1893(Part 1)-2002, Seismic Zones are classified into

II, III, IV & V respectively.

Average response acceleration coefficient (Sa/g)

• It depends on the type of rock or soil sites and also the natural period
and damping of the structure.

• It is obtained from, Clause 6.4.5, IS 1893-2002.

Importance Factor (I)

• It depends on the occupancy category of the building.

• It is obtained from table 6, Clause 6.4.2, IS 1893-2002.

Site Class
• Site Class is determined based on the average properties of the soil within a
certain depth (30 m) from the ground surface.

Response Reduction factor (R)

• It is determined by the type of lateral load resisting system used.

• It is a measure of the system’s ability to accommodate earthquake loads and

absorb energy without collapse.

• It is obtained from table 7, IS 1893-2002.

The approximate fundamental natural period of vibration
( Ta ),
of a MRF building from Clause 7.6,
without brick infil panels,

Ta = 0.075 h0.75 for RC frame building

= 0.085 h0.75 for steel frame building

with infil panels,

Ta =

h - height of the building
d- Base dimension of the building at the plinth level
Vertical Distribution of Base Shear to Different Floor levels
The lateral force induced at any level hi as per Clause 7.7.1, IS 1893-
2002, can be determined by,

Qi - Design lateral force at floor i
Wi - Seismic weight of floor i
hi - Height of floor i
measured from base, and
n - Number of storey's in the building is the number of levels
at which the masses are located. 17
Horizontal Distribution of Base Shear
The horizontal distribution of base shear as per FEMA P749, can be
determined by

Fij : force acting on the lateral force-resisting line j at a floor level i

nk : number of lateral force-resisting elements (lines)

Kij ,Kik : story stiffness of the lateral force-resisting element (line) k

and j at level i

Fi : seismic force at floor (level) i

Drift Story
• It is a measure of how much one floor or roof level displaces under
the lateral force relative to the floor level immediately below.

• It is the ratio of the difference in deflection between two adjacent

floors divided by the height of the story that separates the floors.

Overturning Moment and P-Delta Effects

• There is a tendency for the moment created by equivalent
static force acting above the base to overturn the structure.

• The dead weight of the building is sufficient to resist the overturning

force, but it must be checked always.

• The “stability coefficient” for each story as per FEMA P749,
be calculated as,

Pi - weight of the structure above the story being evaluated

i - is the design story drift determined

Vi - is the sum of the lateral seismic design forces above the


hi - story height 20

• Also known as Pushover Analysis

• Used to estimate the strength and drift capacity of existing

structure and the seismic demand for this structure subjected to
selected earthquake.

• It can be used for checking the adequacy of new structural

design as well.

• It is an analysis in which, a mathematical model incorporates

the nonlinear load-deformation characteristics of individual
components and elements of the building which shall be
subjected to increasing lateral loads representing inertia forces
in an earthquake until a ‘target displacement’ is exceeded.

• Response characteristics that can be obtained from the
pushover analysis are

– Estimates of force and displacement capacities of the


– Sequences of the failure of elements and the consequent effect

on the overall structural stability.

– Identification of the critical regions, where the inelastic

deformations are expected to be high and identification of
strength irregularities of the building.


 In Pushover analysis the magnitude of the lateral load is

increased monotonically maintaining a predefined distribution
pattern along the height of the building.

 Building is displaced till the ‘control node’ reaches ‘target

displacement’ or building collapses.

 The sequence of cracking, plastic hinging and failure of the

structural components throughout the procedure is observed.

 The relation between base shear and control node

displacement is plotted for all the pushover analysis.

Schematic representation of pushover analysis procedure

(Source: Jan, T.S.; Liu, M.W. and Kao, Y.C. (2004), “An
upper-bond pushover analysis procedure for estimating
the seismic demands of high-rise buildings”.
Engineering structures. 117-128) 25
• Pushover analysis may be carried out twice:

(a)first time till the collapse of the building to estimate

target displacement.

(b)next time till the target displacement to estimate the seismic


• The seismic demands for the selected earthquake are calculated at

the target displacement level.

• The seismic demand is then compared with the corresponding

structural capacity to know what performance the structure will

Lateral Load Patterns

 FEMA 356 suggests the use of at least two different patterns for
all pushover analysis.

Group – I
i) Code-based vertical distribution of lateral forces used in
equivalent static analysis

ii)A vertical distribution proportional to the shape of the

fundamental mode in the direction under consideration

iii)A vertical distribution proportional to the story shear

distribution calculated by combining modal responses from a
response spectrum analysis of the building 27
Group – II
i)A uniform distribution consisting of lateral forces at each level proportional to the
total mass at each level

ii) An adaptive load distribution that changes as the structure is displaced

Lateral load pattern for pushover analysis as per FEMA 356

(Source: Jan, T.S.; Liu, M.W. and Kao, Y.C. (2004), “An upper-bond
pushover analysis procedure for estimating the seismic demands of
high- rise buildings”. Engineering structures. 117-128)
Target Displacement
Two approaches to calculate target displacement:

(a) Displacement Coefficient Method (DCM) of FEMA 356

(b) Capacity Spectrum Method (CSM) of ATC 40

• Both of these approaches use pushover curve to calculate

global displacement demand on the building.

• The only difference in these two methods is the technique used.

Displacement Coefficient Method (FEMA 356)

• This method estimates the elastic displacement of

an SDOF system initial linear
assuming properties and damping ground
excitation under
the consideration. motion

• Then it estimates the total maximum inelastic displacement respons

the building at roof by multiplying with a set of displacement coeffici

Capacity Spectrum Method (ATC 40)

• Uses the estimates of ductility to calculate effective period and


• This procedure uses the pushover curve in an

acceleration displacement response spectrum (ADRS) format.

• This can be obtained through simple conversion using

dynamic properties of the system.

• The pushover curve in an ADRS format is termed a

‘capacity spectrum’ for the structure.

• The seismic ground motion is represented by a response spectrum

in the same ADRS format and it is termed as demand spectrum. 31

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