Green Bee Control System For Agriculture: Under The Guidance of Ms Suman Arora (Assistant Professor)

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Presented by:
Under the guidance of
Aparna Tyagi (35415602816)
Ms Suman Arora
(Assistant Professor) Arsh Rana (35515602816)
ECE (F4)
 Introduction
 Objective
 Block diagram
 Hardware description
 Working
 Advantages
 Future scope
 Conclusion
 Greenhouse plays an important part of the agriculture and horticulture sectors in our country
 Green house is used to grow plants under controlled climatic conditions for optimum produce.
 These green houses are usually build in houses with glass or plastic in which plants will be
grown in controlled conditions
 Automating the data acquisition process of the soil conditions and various climatic parameters
that governed plant growth allows information to the collector at high frequency with less labor
 Automatic monitoring and controlling of the climatic parameters which directly or indirectly
govern the plant growth and hence their production
 Our objective is to create a system that reacts and controls the weather inside
a greenhouse
 We are here working on a response system which changes with the change in
climatic condition on four parameters.
 Humidity
 Soil Moisture
 Light
 Temperature
 Each of the parameter will have a predefined functioning solution to it.
 Sensors( Data Acquisition System)
 Temperature and Humidity Sensor (DHT11)
 Soil Moisture Sensor (Grove Moisture)
 LDR (Light dependent resistor)
 Arduino Mega 2560
 LCD Display
 channel 5V Relay Module
 AC & DC source
 Devices controlled( Exhaust fan, artificial light, pump, water heater)

 This part of the system consists of various sensors, namely humidity, temperature
and light.
 These sensors sense various parameters- temperature, humidity and light intensity
and then converts the Analog signal to Digital signal.
 The DHT11 is a commonly used Temperature and
humidity sensor. The sensor measure temperature
and an 8-bit micro controller to output the values
of temperature and humidity as serial data.
 The sensor can measure temperature from 0°C to
50°C and humidity from 20% to 90% with an
accuracy of ±1°C and ±1%.
 If the temperature rises to its critical value then
sensor is activated

 The Grove - Moisture Sensor is a kind of soil moisture detector

that can measures soil moisture for plants.
 The soil moisture sensor consists of two probes that allow the
current to pass through the soil and then obtain resistance values
to measure soil moisture content.
 It can be used to decide if the plants in a garden need watering.
It can be used in gardens to automate watering plants.
 It can be used very easily by just inserting the sensor into the
soil and reading the output using ADC.
 When the control is done automatically , the light
intensity in the green house is sensed by a
photosensor and a signal in the form of voltage is sent
to the micro-controller
 Its main function is to monitor the intensity of light. It
turns off the light when it need to save the power and
turns on the light when light is required in the
 The LDR light sensor is used to sense intensity of

 It is a micro controller board developed by and based on Atmega328.
 Arduino Uno is a very valuable addition in the
electronics that consists of USB interface, 14
digital I/O pins, 6 analog pins, and Atmega328
micro controller.
 It also supports serial communication using Tx and
Rx pins. It allows the designers to control and sense
the external electronic devices in the real world.

 The display section consist of 16*2 LCD, which used to display summary of IC being
inserted and result of test being conducted.
 LCD can add a lot to your application in terms of providing an useful interface for the
user , giving it a “ professional “ look.

 The relay takes advantage of the fact that when electricity flows
through a coil, it becomes an electromagnet. The
electromagnetic coil attracts a steel plate , which is attached to a
switch. So the switch’s motion ( ON and OFF) is controlled by
the current flowing to the coil, or not , respectively.
 A very useful feature of a relay is that it can be used to
electrically isolate different parts of a circuit. It will allow a low
voltage circuit to switch the power in a high voltage circuit.
 The relay operates mechanically , so it can not operate at high
 The system comprises of sensors, Analog to Digital Converter, micro controller and
 When any of the climatic parameters cross a safety threshold which has to be maintained
to protect the crops, the sensors sense the change and the micro controller reads this from
the data at its input ports after being converted to a digital form by the ADC.
 The micro controller then performs the needed actions by employing relays until the
strayed-out parameter has been brought back to its optimum level.
 As the system also employs an LCD display for continuously alerting the user about the
condition inside the greenhouse, the entire set-up becomes user friendly.
 Relay switches the water pump, exhaust fans, humidifier and LED's based on the
instruction given by the micro controller

 Increases fertility
 Better productivity
 Increase in quality of crop
 Percentage of germination of seeds is high in green house

 The performance of the system can be further improved in terms of the operating
speed, memory capacity, and instruction cycle period of the micro controller by
using other controllers such as AVRs and PICs.
 The number of channels can be increased to interface more number of sensors
which is possible by using advanced versions Micro controllers
 GSM module can also be used which sends information in the form of SMS to the
user from which the data obtained from the sensor
 Solar panel windmill can be used to supply power to the automatic green house

 The green house climate control is one of the challenging task in precision
 The system has successfully overcome quite a few shortcomings of the existing
systems by reducing the power consumption, maintenance and complexity, at the
same time providing a flexible and precise form of maintaining the environment.

Increased automation relative to increase in profitability

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