Genre Lesson
Genre Lesson
Genre Lesson
Categories of Writing
Genre = Category
All writing falls into a category or genre.
Realistic Informational
Fiction Comedy
Writing Fairy Tale
Latin Roots
Auto = Self Bio = Life Graphy = Writing
Fiction Subgenres
• Historical Fiction: set in the past and
based on real people and/or events
• Science Fiction: has aliens, robots,
futuristic technology and/or space ships
• Realistic Fiction: has no elements of
fantasy; could be true but isn’t
• Fantasy: has monsters, magic, or
characters with superpowers
Folklore Subgenres
Folklore/Folktales usually has an
“unknown” author or will be “retold” or
“adapted” by the author.
Drama Subgenres
Comedy: has a happy ending.
Tragedy: ends in death and sadness.
Nonfiction: persuasive writing, informational
writing, autobiography, and biography
Fiction: historical fiction, science fiction,
realistic fiction, and fantasy
Folklore: myth, legend, tall tale, fairy tale,
and fable
Drama: comedy and tragedy
Poetry: many subgenres we will not study…
You will be graded on participation and
completion, not on accuracy.