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English: Quarter 3 - Module 1: Using Multimedia Resources in Oral Presentations

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Quarter 3 - Module 1:
Using Multimedia Resources
in Oral Presentations
English – Grade 7
Alternative Delivery Mode
Quarter 3-Module 1: Using Multimedia Resources in Oral Presentations

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Published by the Department of Education

Secretary: Leonor Magtolis Briones
Undersecretary: Diosdado M. San Antonio

Development Team of the Module

Writer: Maricar P. Nartatez

District Management Team:

District Supervisor, Assigned District : Longino D. Ferrer, EdD

Principal, School Head in-charge : Maribel S. Tamondong, EdD
District SLM Content Editor : Princess L. Pascual
District SLM Language Review : Vilma A. Ramos
: Rovina N. Cristobal
Illustrators : Jay C. Visperas
: Wilson A. Cayabyab


OIC, Schools Division Superintendent : Ely S. Ubaldo, CESO VI

Chief Education Supervisor, CID : Carmina S. Gutierrez, EdD
Education Program Supervisor, LRMDS : Rustico P. Abalos Jr. EdD
Education Program Supervisor, English : Marilou D. Roldan, PhD

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Telefax: (075) 522-2202
E-mail Address: pangasinan1@deped.gov.ph

What I Need to Know---------------------------------------------------------------- 1

What I know---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2

What’s New --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4

What Is It------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5

What’s More--------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10

What I Have Learned---------------------------------------------------------------- 12

What I Can Do------------------------------------------------------------------------- 13

Assessment---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 15

Additional Activity--------------------------------------------------------------------- 16

Answer Key---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 19

References----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 20
Multimedia and Multimedia
1 Resources

What I Need to Know


Good day, dear learner! Communicating with others is considered as one of

the important life skills. You should be able to communicate well to share knowledge

and information, express ideas and feelings, and form relationships with others

(Route Communication, 2018). You should remember that when you communicate,

the person you’re talking to should understand clearly what you are saying.

In today’s technological age, it is easy for us to communicate, especially

since almost all of us are using multimedia. This module is designed to help you gain

knowledge on the different multimedia resources and to give you an idea on how you

can use them in communicating with others in different contexts. Are you excited to

learn how you can improve your communication with others using multimedia

resources? Let’s proceed!

Learning Objectives

After finishing this module, you should be able to use correct and appropriate

multimedia resources when orally giving information and/or instructions, making

explanations, and narrating events in factual and personal recounts (EN7OL-IV-e-

3.10). Specifically, you should be able to:

• define multimedia;

• identify the different elements and types of multimedia;

• determine the benefits of using multimedia;

• distinguish what multimedia resources to use in different contexts, and

• use multimedia resources alongside your oral presentation.

You have just learned what are expected from you at the

end of this module. Before we start, let us see what you

already know about multimedia and multimedia resources.

Answer the Pre-Test as directed. Remember,

concentration is key. I know you can do it. Have fun!

What I Know


I. Multiple Choices. Read carefully each of the following sentences; then, answer the

questions that follow. Write the letter of the correct answer on your paper. _____1.

What term is used for a combination of two or more media elements?

A. interactivity C. multimedia

B. multielement D. resource

_____2. What description is given to a feature enables you to control the multimedia


A. digitized C. interactive

B. electronic D. navigational

_____3. What multimedia element uses consecutive display of images that give the

illusion of movement?

A. animation C. graphic

B. audio D. interactivity

_____4. What element of multimedia is considered as the most basic one?

A. audio C. text

B. graphic D. video

_____5. Which of the file formats below is under the multimedia element called audio?



_____6. What multimedia approach has content that progresses without the user’s

navigational control?

A. digital C. manual

B. linear D. nonlinear

_____7. Which of the following is categorized under nonlinear multimedia type?

A. demo show C. movie

B. hypermedia D. non-interactive lecture

_____8. What is the term for a word or group of words that links to another media or


A. author ware C. flash

B. director D. hypertext

_____9. Which of the following does NOT show the use of multimedia in education?

A. e-learning C. presentations

B. marketing D. simulations

_____10. Which of the following statements is true about multimedia?

A. Multimedia caters to a single learning style.

B. Multimedia is used in the fields of education and entertainment only.

C. Multimedia makes your audience easily forget your presentation.

D. Multimedia uses different media elements to help tell a message.

II. Matching Type. Match the multimedia resource’s icon found in Column A to its

name found in Column B. Write the letter of your answer on your paper.

Column A Column B

_____1. A. Canva

B. National Geographic

_____2. C. Soundcloud

D. Ted Talks

_____3. E. YouTube

_____4. Images Resource:

https://www. Google.com/search


Well done, learner! I know that you have learned

something just by doing the Pre-Test. How about

discovering more? Let us have another round of

activities. Again, follow the directions and don’t

forget to have fun!

What’s New

Activity 1. Check Me If You Can

Direction: Read the following statements and put a check ( ) on the blank if you

can relate to it.

_____1. I am very much familiar with multimedia.

_____2. I use multimedia when I communicate with people.

_____3. It is easy for me to access multimedia.

_____4. I know various kinds of multimedia resources.

_____5. I consider the use of multimedia as a great way to express myself.

Activity 2. Get Organized!

Direction: Arrange the scramble letters to form the words associated with the lesson.

Write your answer on your paper.

1. TENIRENT _____________________________

2. MANIATONI _____________________________

3. PRACHIG_____________________________

4. TRAYCITIVNETI _____________________________

5. OIADU_____________________________

What Is It

Multimedia and its related applications have almost become synonymous with

modern technology. It can be a very effective tool to communicate, educate, compel,

and convince your audience.

Multimedia is a combination of two terms: multi- meaning “more than one”

and media meaning “means or way of communication.” This simply means that

multimedia is the use or combination of more than one media element. It refers to an

electronically or digitally manipulated and delivered combination of media that can be

accessed interactively.

Elements of Multimedia

1. Text

Text is the most basic and essential aspect of multimedia. It is used in

contents, menus, and navigational buttons.

In a multimedia application, other media or screen can be linked using

hypertext. Hypertext enables you to choose your way through a series of

interconnected text segments.

2. Graphics

Graphics refers to still images whether a two-dimensional figure or illustration,

or a three-dimensional display such as statue or hologram. It is used to show more

clearly an information and to add attractiveness to the presentations by illustrating

ideas through pictures. It uses formats such as BMP (Bitmap graphic), GIF (Graphics

Interchange Format), PNG (Portable Network Graphic), and JPG/JPEG (Joint

Photographic Experts Group).

Two Types of Graphics

A. bitmaps—are real images captured from devices such as cameras or scanners

B. vector images—are drawn on the computer

3. Audio

Audio could come in the form of speech, sound effects, musical score, songs,

and other sound elements. It uses formats such as WAV, and MP3. It is used in

multimedia to make it easier for you to understand the presented message.

Two Types of Audio/Sound

A. analog—the original sound

B. digital—digital sampling of the actual sound

4. Video

Video provides a powerful visual impact in your presentation. It is an unedited

material that is originally filmed/recorded by a camera. It uses formats such as MP4

(MPEG-4), AVI, WMV (Windows Media Video), FLV, WEBM, and VOB.

5. Animation

Animation is the process of making a static or non-moving object look like it is

moving. It used to enhance/enrich experience to further understand the information

being conveyed.

The integration of these different media elements, accompanied by digitizing

and manipulating them with a computer software, gives way to interactivity.

Interactivity allows you to directly respond to and control any or all the multimedia

elements. It enables you to become active participants instead of being passive

recipients of information.

Multimedia presentations can be viewed in person on stage. It can also be

projected, transmitted, or played locally with a media player or with the use of the

Internet. There are certain multimedia projects that gives way for interactivity, others

don’t. What are they called?

Types of Multimedia

A. Linear Multimedia

A linear type of multimedia is not interactive. Here, you have no control over

the content that is being shown to you. You start at the beginning and progress

through a set sequence of events or information until you reach the end.


Movie/cinema presentations, Non-interactive lecture, Demo show

B. Nonlinear Multimedia

A nonlinear multimedia is interactive. Here, you have control over the content

that is being shown to you as you are given navigational control. You can choose

what you are interested in pursuing within the presentation.


Games, Courseware, Interactive CD, Hypermedia

Multimedia plays a big role in today’s world as they are present in every

aspect of our lives, including education, mass media communication, entertainment,

advertising, business, science and technology. With regard this, it could be said that

multimedia influences our daily lives and forms of communication. It also provides a

way for people to learn and present their ideas differently. What makes multimedia


Benefits of Multimedia

• It provides an excellent way to convey content

• It reinforces ideas

• It activates multiple senses creating rich experiences

• It gives life to flat information

• It improves retention of ideas

• It enhances the effect and quality of the presentation

As a student, you should to be able to know and use these different multimedia

sources to help you in giving information or instruction, making explanations, and

narrating events. Using multimedia can help you gain and hold attention, make points

clearer, stimulate discussion, and in general, enhance the learning process.

Research shows that people remember only 20% of what they see, 30% of

what they hear, and 50% of what they both see and hear. But when you add

interaction, in this case through multimedia, they have an 80% ability to remember

what you communicated with them. Sounds cool, right? How do you do it?

When you present something, you can used multimedia in the form of:

1. Reinforcement. This means that multimedia helps in supporting what you are

saying. It provides additional meaning to your spoken words.


When you describe a beach and you showed pictures of that beach you just


2. Adjacency. This means that you multimedia can add to the idea that you are

building. It provides tangible or definitive material that will help your presentation.


When you say that you went to a beach and you showed them pictures of that


Using the ideas mentioned before, you can maximize the use of multimedia in

your everyday communication. You can make your slideshows or presentations using

authoring tools such as PowerPoint, create diagrams and infographics using online

templates, record or stream a podcast, attend or host an online meeting, or record your

screen or do a voiceover in your slideshow using Screencast, among others.

Whenever we communicate, it is important that our message be clearly

understood by others. In this regard, it would be easy to do so by using multimedia.

Do you know some resources that could help you use multimedia in making

communication with others easier?

The following are some multimedia resources you can use when you orally give

information and/or instructions, make explanations, and narrate events:

1. The Khan Academy 7. History.com

2. YouTube 8. Exploratorium TV

3. Smithsonian Channel 9. Ted Talk

4. NeoK12 10. FunEnglishGames

5. WatchKnowLearn 11. Pics4Learning

6. National Geographic

Knowing where to find multimedia is indeed very helpful. How about if you

want to make your own type of multimedia? Surely, you should know the authoring

tools necessary to create one. Here are some multimedia tools that will enable you to

personalize your content in your oral delivery or presentation:

1.Adobe Spark 8. Glogster

2.Soundcloud 9. Explain Everything

3.Book Creator 10. Canva

4.Nearpod 11. VoiceThread

5. Google Slides

6. Soundtrap

7. Piktochart

Those are just some of the multimedia resources and authoring tools you can

use in making your oral presentations engaging and understandable. Of course,

there are still a lot of resources and tools you can find that will give you access to

multimedia. Do you know of other multimedia resources?

What’s More

Activity 1. Inform Me

Directions: Study the infographic below. Answer the questions on your notebook.


1. What is the purpose of the infographic above? ____________________________

2. What multimedia elements can be found in the said infographic? ______________

3. What type of multimedia is it? _________________________________________

4. What is the topic of the said infographic? _________________________________

5. What are the for sub-topics that make up the infographic? ___________________

Activity 2. Watch Me

Directions: Watch a TEDx video of Ilana Nguyen entitled “Teens, Technology, and

the Antidote” (https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=vMc816G1T48). Answer the following

items based on what you have gathered in the presentation.

1. What is the speaker’s purpose in the video? _______________________________

2. What multimedia did the speaker use in her presentation? ____________________

3. What elements of multimedia is in her presentation? _________________________

4. In which multimedia resource did you find the video? ________________________

5. What type of multimedia was used by the speaker in her presentation? __________

Do you want to have an easy access to

the video link? Scan the QR code here

so you can immediately watch the

video. Scan now!


What I Have Learned

Activity 1. Cloze It!

Directions: Using the information you have gathered in the lesson, fill in the blanks to

complete the paragraph. Write your answer on your paper.

In this lesson, I learned about multimedia and how different multimedia

resources can help me communicate with others. I can use multimedia whenever I

want to share (1)________________ or (2) ________________, make (3)

________________, and narrate (4) ________________.

As I study multimedia, I came to know that it consists of five basic elements.

These elements are known as: (5) __________, (6) __________, (7) __________, (8)

__________, and (9) __________. If it allows for engagement from the user, there is

the element called (10) __________. Multimedia is also categorized into two types:

(11) ____________________, and (12) ____________________.

I have also familiarized myself with multimedia resources I can use in making

my oral presentations. Some of these are (13) ________________, (14)

________________, and (15) ________________.

Activity 2. Think It!

Directions: Write five sentences that tell your thoughts/insights about multimedia.

Write your sentences on your paper.

1. _________________________________________________________________.

2. _________________________________________________________________.

3. _________________________________________________________________.

4. _________________________________________________________________.

5. _________________________________________________________________.

Activity 3. Leave It!

Direction: Complete the sentence stem in the exit slip below.

I consider using multimedia resources helpful when orally

communicating my message to others because _____________________



What I Can Do

Activity 1. Vlog Spot

Directions: Record yourself as you present a topic. You can share information, give

instructions, make explanations, or narrate events in your vlog. Show two or more

multimedia elements in your presentation and use any of the available multimedia

resources that you have access to. Choose one topic below. Your topic can be:

A. informing others about the new strain of COVID-19

B. instructing others how to wear face mask properly

C. explaining to others the need to be vaccinated against COVID-19

D. telling others about your “new normal” day as a student

Your video outputs shall be graded based on the following rubric:

Criteria 4 3 2 1

All the Most of the At least half of Least amount

necessary necessary the necessary of necessary
Content &
information to information to information to information to
build up one’s build up one’s build up one’s build up one’s
topic topic topic topic
has been has been has been has been
presented presented presented presented
Information Most Information Information
has been information was not was not
organized in a has been organized in organized in
clear and organized in an understand- an understand-
understand- an understand- able way able way
able way able way

Has a Has a loud and Has an Has a soft and

consistently clear voice inconsistent unclear voice
loud and clear most of the loudness and quality
voice time clarity of voice Has
Has Has Has pronounced
pronounced all pronounced pronounced almost all the
words correctly most words most words words with
Has worn correctly with difficulty difficulty
proper attire Has worn a Has worn Has worn
Has used all proper attire improper attire improper attire
the necessary Has used most Has little Has no idea on
verbal and of the verbal and using verbal
non-verbal necessary non-verbal and non-verbal
cues verbal and cues cues

Two or more Two One No other

multimedia multimedia multimedia multimedia
elements were elements were element element was
used used was used used
All multimedia All multimedia The
elements used elements used multimedia
were impactful were helpful in element used
in the the quite helpful in
presentation presentation the

The overall Most of the The quality of The quality of

Video Quality
quality of the quality of the the video is not the video and
video and the video and the very good, but the focus were
focus were focus were the overall not very good
excellent satisfactory focus is

Activity 2. Creative Block

Directions: Take pictures of your family, neighborhood, or community that tells a

story on what life is like under the “new normal.” Then, present these pictures in a

form of a slideshow, video, collage, etc. using the multimedia resources presented in

this lesson or the multimedia resources that you know. Your output should be able to

meet the following criteria:

_____/2 pictures are a representation of the new normal way of life

_____/2 editing of pictures was done in a presentable manner

_____/2 pictures are good quality—used angles, blockings, etc.

_____/2 output used text and graphics in conveying information

_____/2 output was submitted on time


You have already learned about the definition, elements, and types of

multimedia and the different multimedia resources which you can use in your oral

presentations. This time let us find out how you understood the lesson.


I. Identification. Find out the term being described in each item. Write your answer on

your paper.

_________1. It refers to the use of two or more media elements.

_________2. It is a feature of Web-based multimedia that gives user control over the


_________3. It is a word that links to another screen or media.

_________4-5. These are the types of multimedia according to approach to navigation.

_________6. It uses consecutive display of images that create an illusion of motion.

_________7. It is a multimedia element that includes bitmaps and vector images.

_________8. It is a use of multimedia in which it helps support what you are saying.

_________9. It is the term for an original recorded sound in your file.

_________10. It is a multimedia resource that is a leading source of different video


II. Modified True or False. Write TRUE if the underlined word completes the

statement or write the correct term for the sentence if it is incorrect. Write your answer on

your paper.

________1. Text is considered the most important element in multimedia.

________2. Animation is an unedited material that is originally recorded by a camera.

________3. Adjacency is multimedia providing a definitive material that will help your


________4. Multimedia improves the quality of your oral presentation.

________5. Linear type of multimedia is interactive for it can be navigated by users.

Additional Activity

Activity: Late Introduction

Directions: In this activity, you need to have at least three multimedia elements—

graphics (images), audio (sounds), and video. Record a video and/or take a picture

of yourself doing your hobbies or loved activities at home. In a separate audio file or

in the video itself, introduce who you are as a student. Combine these elements

using a multimedia resource or authoring tool that you know.

You will be graded based on the following rubric:

Criteria 4 3 2 1

All the Most of the At least half of Least amount

necessary necessary the necessary of necessary
information has information has information information
been been has been has been
presented presented presented presented
Content &
Information has Most Information Information
been organized information has was not was not
in a clear and been organized organized in an organized in an
understandable in an understandable understandable
way understandable way way

Has a Has a loud and Has an Has a soft and

consistently clear voice inconsistent unclear voice
loud and clear most of the loudness and quality
voice time clarity of voice Has
Has Has Has pronounced
pronounced all pronounced pronounced almost all the
words correctly most words most words words with
Has worn correctly with difficulty difficulty
proper attire Has worn a Has worn Has worn
Has used all proper attire improper attire improper attire
the necessary Has used most Has little verbal Has no idea on
verbal and of the and non-verbal using verbal
non-verbal necessary cues and non-verbal
cues verbal and cues

The three Two One No other

multimedia multimedia multimedia multimedia
Multimedia elements were elements were element element was
Incorporation used used was used used
All multimedia All multimedia The multimedia
elements used elements used element used
were impactful were helpful in quite helpful in
in the the the
presentation presentation presentation

The overall Most of the The quality of The quality of

quality of the quality of the the video is not the video and
video and the video and the very good, but the focus were
Video Quality
focus were focus were the overall not very good
excellent satisfactory focus is

Congratulations! You made it this far. You have finally reached the end of this

module. Did you learn a lot from this module? I’m sure you did! By now, you should be

maximizing the use of multimedia in your communication with others. Have fun and

see you next time!

Answer Key

.5 A .5 audio Transmission
.4 B .4 interactivity Symptoms,
.3 E .3 graphic Prevention,
.2 C .2 animation .5 Novel coronavirus,
.1 D .1 internet .4 COVID-19
.II Activity 2. .3 linear
.10 D .2 text, graphics
-answers may vary
.9 B information
Activity 1.
.8 D .1 sharing
What’s New

.7 B -possible answers
.6 B Activity 2.
.5 B
.5 linear
.4 A
.3 C
.4 YouTube/Ted
.2 C
.3 text, graphics
.1 C
.2 slideshow
Pre -Test
.1 sharing
What I Know

-possible answers
Activity .1
What’s More
answers vary
Activity .3
answers vary .5 Nonlinear
.Activity2 .4 True
.3 True
.2 Video
answers vary .14
.1 True
.12 nonlinear
.10 YouTube
.11 linear
.9 analogy
.10 interactivity
.8 reinforcement
.9 animation
.7 graphics
.8 video
.6 animation
.7 audio
.5 nonlinear
.6 graphics
.4 linear
.5 text
.3 hypertext
.4 events
.2 interactivity
.3 explanations
.1 multimedia
.2 instruction
.1 information
Activity .1

What I Have Learned



Department of Education. (2017). English 7 Learner’s Material (1 ed.).

Electronic Sources

Ascione, L. (2020, July 15). 16 multimedia learning tools for the classroom. eSchool

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azira96. (2015). Chapter 1: Introduction to Multimedia. [PowerPoint slides]



Grimm, J. (2021) Effectively Delivering the News to Your Audience [video file].

Retrieved from https://www.coursera.org/lecture/deliver-the-new/why-should-


migormans. (n.d.). 30 Online Multimedia Resources for PBL and Flipped Classrooms

[Blog post]. Retrieved from



Multimedia. (n.d.) Prentice Hall Inc.


Multimedia Examples. (n.d.) Teaching and Learning with Technology at Reed.



Penalba, J. (2010). Introduction to Multimedia [PowerPoint slides].



Role of Multimedia in today’s world. (2019, November 12). Study Section.


Sarokin, D. (2019, April 9). 5 Components of Multimedia. Chron.


TEDx Talks. (2019, 4, December). Teens, Technology, and the Antidote / Ilana

Nguyen/ TEDxOakland [Video] Retrieved 2020, February 2) from


Tuteja, S. (2011). Multimedia: Revolution of the Century [PowerPoint



Types of Educational Multimedia Resources (2017, March 24) Educational Technology





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