The Total Quality Management: Prof: Mohammad Al Nuaimi

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The Total Quality Management


 The Total Quality Approach to Quality Management
 What is Quality
 Total quality approach defined
 Two view of quality
 Total quality pioneers
 Keys to total quality pioneers
 Keys to total quality success
 The future TQM in twenty-first century
 Quality certification

 Gain wide in late of 1980 to the early 1990.

 Six segment :
 Lean
 Team work
 Continual improvement
 Customer satisfaction
 Employee involvement
 Customer review: quality very Cleary using
specification, standards and other measures.
 Quality is in eye of the beholder.
 Perceived quality is a major factor by which
people make distinctions in the marketplace.
 We concern ourselves with quality when we :
grocery shopping, eating in a restaurant, and making a major
purchase, such as an automobile, a home, a television, or a
personal computer
 One way to understand quality as a consumer-driven concept
is to consider the example of eating at a restaurant. How will
you judge the quality of the restaurant? Most people apply
such criteria as the following:
 •Service
 •Response time
 •Food preparation
 •Environment or atmosphere
 •Price
 •Selection
 Total quality is a much broader concept that encompasses not just
the results aspect but also the quality of people and the quality of
 Fred Smith defines quality as “performance to the standard
expected by the customer.”
 The General Services Administration (GSA) defines quality as
“meeting the customer’s needs the first time and every time.”
 Quality is a dynamic state associated with products, services,
people, processes, and environments that meets or exceeds
expectations and helps produce superior value.
 dynamic state element speaks to the fact that what is considered
quality can and often does change as time passes and
circumstances are altered
 The superior value element acknowledges that
quality is a key element in providing superior value
 Superior value has three basic elements: superior
quality, superior cost, and superior service.
 Total quality is a broad-based approach that
encompasses all three of the elements of superior
value. Continually improving the quality of
products, processes, services, and costs is what total
quality is all about—hence the name total quality
 The distinctive characteristics of total quality are these: customer
focus (internal and external)

 Traditional view  Total quality view

 Measures process performance in  Measures defective parts per million
defective parts per 100 produced. product
 Focuses on after the fact inspection  Focuses on continual improvement
of product. of product, processes and people in
 Saw employees as passive workers order to prevent problems before
who followed orders they occur.
 Expects one improvement per  Employee are empowered to think,
employee per year and make recommendations for
 Focuses on short term profits. continual improvement .
 Employees are given the freedom to
make decisions within boundaries .
 Expect at least 10 improvement per
employee per year.
 Focuses on long term profits.
Total quality view Traditional
Lasting productivity gains are Productivity and quality are Productivity vs. quality
made only as a result of always in conflict and you
quality improvements can’t have both.
Quality means satisfying Quality is defined solely as How quality is defined
customer needs and meeting customer
exceeding customer specifications.
Quality is measured by Quality is measured by How quality is measured
establishing high establishing an acceptable
performance benchmarks for level of non-conformance
customer satisfaction and and measuring against the
then continually improving benchmark.
Quality is determined by Quality is inspected into the How quality is achieved
product and process design product.
and achieved by effective
control techniques.
Total quality view Traditional
Defects are to be prevented Defects are an expected part Attitude toward defects
using effective control of producing a product. And
systems and should be are measured in defects per
measured in defects per hundred.
million. ( six sigma)
Quality should be fully Quality is a separate function Quality as a function
integrated throughout the
organization ( it should be
everyone’s responsibility. )
At least 85% of quality Employees are blamed for Responsibility for quality
problems are management’s poor quality.
Supplier relationships are Supplier relationships are Supplier relationships
long-term and quality short-term and cost-driven.
Strategically Based Continual Process Improvement
Customer Focus Education and Training

Obsession with Quality Freedom Through Control

Scientific Approach Unity of Purpose

Long-Term Commitment Employee Involvement and


Teamwork Peak Performance

Strategically Based
 The strategic plan of total quality has at least four elements:
1- vision
2- mission
3- broad objectives
4- activities

 The strategic plan of a total quality organization is designed

to give it a sustainable Competitive advantage in the
Customer focus

The customer is driver

External the quality of the product or
customer service delivered.

Internal define the quality of

customer the people, processes, and
environments associated with the
products or services
Obsession with

“How can we do
this better?”

“good enough” is
never good enough.
Scientific Approach

• the scientific approach in structuring work

and in making decisions and solving
problems that relate to the work.

• hard data are used in establishing

benchmarks, monitoring performance,
and making improvements.
Long-Term Commitment

• the implementation of total

quality with the long-term
commitment to change that is
necessary for success.

Teamwork will
lead to success
Continual Process Improvement

• Products are developed and services delivered by

people using processes within environments

• it is necessary to continually improve systems.

Education and Training

The best way to improve people

on a continual basis.
Freedom Through Control

• Involving and empowering employees

is fundamental to total quality as a
way to simultaneously bring more
minds to bear on the decision-making
process and increase the ownership
employees feel about decisions that
are made.
Unity of Purpose

• internal politics have no place in

a total quality organization.
Rather, collaboration should be
the norm.
Employee Involvement and Empowerment

• The basis for involving employees:

1- increases the likelihood of a good decision.

2- to promotes ownership of decisions by involving

the people who will have to implement them.

Empowerment: means not just involving people

but also
involving them in ways that give them a real voice
Peak Performance

• means that all personnel and

processes are operating at their best
The Deming
1. Conduct consumer
research and use it in
planning the
product (plan).
2. Produce the product (do).
3. Check the product to
make sure it was produced in
accordance with the plan
4. Market the product (act).
5. Analyze how the product
is received in the
in terms of quality, cost, and
other criteria (analyze).
Deming’s Fourteen Points
Deming’s Seven Deadly Diseases
• Deming’s fourteen points: summarized and
operationalized his philosophy on what a company
must do to effect a positive transition from business
as usual to world-class quality.

• Deming’s seven deadly diseases, summarize the

factors that he believed can inhibit such a
Juran’s Contributions
• Juran’s has four philosophies :

1. Juran’s Three Basic Steps to Progress

2. Juran’s Ten Steps to Quality Improvement
3. The Pareto Principle
4. The Juan trilogy
Juran’s three basic steps to

- Achieve structured improvements on a continual

basis combined with dedication and a sense of
- Establish an extensive training program.
- Establish commitment and leadership on the part of
higher management
• Juran’s ten steps to • The Pareto principle:
quality improvement: also known as the
you will see some 80/20 rule its a theory
overlap between them maintaining that 80% of
and Deming’s fourteen the output from a given
points. situation or system is
determined by 20% of
the input.
The Juan trilogy
• summarizes the three primary managerial
1. Quality Planning
2. Quality Control
3. Quality Improvement
Crosby’s Contributions

• He is known for Crosby’s fourteen steps to quality

improvement and Quality vaccine which consist of
three ingredients:
1. Determination
2. Education
3. Implementation
A. Senior management delegation and poor

- Some organizations attempt to start a quality

initiative by delegating responsibility to a hired
expert rather than applying the leadership
necessary to get everyone involved.
B. Team mania
• - Teams should be established and all employees
should be involved however working in teams is an
approach that must be learned.

• - Supervisors must learn how to be effective

coaches and employees must learn how to be team

• - The organization must undergo a cultural change

before teamwork can succeed.
C. Deployment process
• - Some organizations develop quality initiatives
without concurrently developing plans for
integrating them into all elects of the organization
D. Taking a narrow dogmatic
• - The approaches and principles prescribed by
different scholars are not a one-size-fits-all

• - Even experts encourage organizations to tailor

quality programs to their individual needs.
E. Confusion about the difference among
education, awareness, inspirations and skill

• - In order for people to do their part in making the

total quality approach work effectively they must
have the skills to apply the fundamental tools of

• - Help them develop the actual skills necessary to

implement the concept must also be part of the
transformational process.
The Future Of Quality Management
In the 21st Century

Several trends that

will shape the future
of quality management:
1- Increasing global competition:

More and better competition

from emerging industrialized
nations will be an ongoing part
of life for organizations.
2- Increasing customer expectations:

Global customer is interested

in not just the quality of a
product provided but also the
quality of the organization
that backs it up.
3- Opposing economic pressure:

The global marketplace exerts enormous,

unrelenting pressure on organizations to
continually improved quality
while simultaneously reducing
the prices they charge for
goods and services.
4- New approaches to management:

Companies that succeed in

the global marketplace have
learned that you manage
budgets, but lead people.
Quality Management Characteristics
for the Future:
1- A total commitment to continually increasing
Value for customers, investors, and employees.
2- A firm understanding that market driven means
that quality is defined by customers,
not the company.
Quality Management Characteristics
for the Future:
3- A commitment to leading people with a bias for
continuous improvement and communication.
4- A recognition that sustained growth requires the
achievement of :
a. Customer satisfaction b. Cost leadership
c. Affective human resources.
d. Integration with the supplier base.
Quality Management Characteristics
for the Future:
5- A commitment to fundamental improvement
through knowledge, skills, problem solving, and
6- A commitment to fast-paced, constant learning,
and an ability to respond quickly to changes in the
competitive environment.
Quality Management Characteristics
for the Future:
7- A commitment to achieving end-to-end
collaboration using web-based, on-demand tools
that are fully integrated throughout the supply chain.
8- A commitment to maintaining an environment in
which creativity, critical thinking and innovation are
not just encouraged and supported, but demanded.
Quality Certifications
In a competitive work environment, one of the ways
that quality professionals can distinguish themselves,
enhance their credibility, and improve their career
potential is to become
certified in an appropriate
quality discipline.
- Manager of Quality/Organizational Excellence:

This certification is for managers who lead

and champion continual process-improvement
initiatives, facilitates and leads team effort to
establish and monitor customer and supplier
- Quality Engineer:

This certification is for individuals who develop and

operate quality control systems, apply and analyze
testing and inspection procedures, used metrology
and statistical systems to diagnose and correct
quality problems.
- Quality Technician:

This certification is for paraprofessionals who

-under the direction of quality engineers and
managers- analyze and solve quality problems,
repair inspection plans and instructions.

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