Advances in Power Transmission & Distribution: Instructor
Advances in Power Transmission & Distribution: Instructor
Advances in Power Transmission & Distribution: Instructor
5. When the angle δ is not large, which is often the case, control
of X substantially provides the control of active power.
2. Suppose we want to improve steady state stability limit by 50%. Determine (i) The
degree of series compensation required assuming no shunt compensation ( K sh=0)
and (ii) The degree of Shunt compensation required assuming no series
compensation (Kse=0). Write your comments on the result obtained.
3. The receiving end voltage of a transmission line at no load is 51.4% more than the
sending end voltage at 50 Hz frequency. Determine the length of transmission line.
4. A 50 Hz, 275 kV loss less transmission line has inductance 1.1 mH/km per phase
and capacitance of 0.012 µF/km per phase. Determine the reactive power
requirement of sending end at no load. Determine the same with 20% shunt
Flexible AC Transmission Systems
Alternating current transmission systems incorporating power
electronic based & other static controllers to enhance
controllability and increase power transfer capability.