Expungement Power Point Version
Expungement Power Point Version
Expungement Power Point Version
Why Is My Criminal Record
Harder to get a job.
Many employers ask about criminal
records and refuse to hire people who
have records.
Some jobs are off-limits to people with
certain convictions.
One of the Most Important
Things You Can Do is….
Find out exactly what is on
your criminal record.
Helps you answer
questions about your
record accurately.
Lets you correct
Lets you see if you can
get an expungement.
What Kind of Criminal
Records Are There?
Michigan State Police: Internet Criminal
History Access Tool
Local police records
Department of Corrections: Offender
Tracking and Information System
Private background screening companies
FBI fingerprint records
How Do I Get a Copy of My
From an employer or landlord, if you get turned
down for a job or housing because of your record.
From your most recent criminal defense attorney.
From a record-keeping agency.
If you have convictions only in MI, get your ICHAT
If you have convictions in other states, get your record
from the FBI or private record company.
Can I See a Copy of the
Record the Employer Used
to Deny Me a Job?
Yes. If the employer used a credit
reporting agency to get your record, the
employer MUST show you your record
BEFORE denying you a job.
Failure to show you the record violates the
The company that prepared the record
must also give you a copy.
Getting ICHAT Records
Michigan State Police’s Internet Criminal
History Access Tool: www.michigan.gov/msp.
Then click on “ICHAT.”
Costs $10 with credit card.
Click on “FAQs” on this website for information
about how to get your record for free.
Michigan convictions only.
What does an ICHAT
record look like?
Getting FBI records
If you have out-of-state convictions, get your
record from the FBI.
Go to: www.fbi.gov/hq/cjisd/fprequest.htm for
complete instructions.
Send fingerprints, cover letter and $18 to: FBI
CJIS Division – Record Request
1000 Custer Hollow Road
Clarksburg, West Virginia 26306
If you can’t afford $18, send a notarized statement
explaining that you don’t have the money.
How Long Will My
Convictions Show Up on My
Criminal Record?
Forever, unless your conviction
is expunged.
Convictions do not
automatically drop off your
record over time.
In most cases, once you have a
conviction, it will stay on your
record for the rest of your life.
What does this really mean?
If your conviction is expunged, you no longer
have a criminal record.
Information about your crime is no longer
available to the public.
You can tell an employer that you do not have
a record
A background check should show that you do
not have a record.
However, the police will keep your record on
file in case you commit another crime.
Expungement –
Who is eligible?
1 conviction only (EVER IN LIFE!)
Always check your record before you apply to make
sure you have just one conviction.
You CANNOT get an expungement if:
You have two or more felonies.
You have at least one felony and at least one
You have two or more misdemeanors.
You can have ONLY ONE conviction on your
Can’t Apply Until Five
Years Have Passed
At least 5 years must have passed since
you were convicted, or since you were
released from prison, whichever is
You must be at least 24 to get a juvenile
adjudication expunged.
Expungement is
Discretionary with the Court
You don’t have a right to get your
conviction expunged.
You have to earn your expungement by
proving to the judge that you deserve it.
The more serious or the more recent the
crime, the harder it is to get it expunged.
Some crimes can’t be
Offenses punishable by life imprisonment
(regardless of actual sentence)
If you are trying to get a very serious crime
expunged, talk to an attorney.
CSC 1, CSC 2, CSC 3, assault with intent to
commit CSC
Traffic offenses reportable to the Secretary of
State (e.g. drunk driving)
Federal crimes
Out of State Crimes