Health Canada
Address Locator 0900C2
Ottawa, Ontario
K1A 0K9
Telephone: 613-957-2991 Consumer Hotline and General
Toll free: 1-866-225-0709 Information
Glass cleaner
NHP or Drug
Detergent- pods
Hand soap- Cosmetic
Once the classification is determined, simply use the prescribed hazard statements
and symbols on your label.
• Classification and determination for all five categories and sub categories
• Test methods
• DANGER is the only signal word required for extremely flammable, corrosive, or
highly toxic substances. CAUTION or WARNING can be use for all other
hazardous substances.
• You may create your own precautionary and first aid statements, as well as
instructions for handling and storage, if appropriate.
• Must have “Keep out of reach of children’ (or an equivalent) when appropriate.
• Must have instructions to read cautionary material elsewhere on the label if there
is more than one principal display panel.
The CPSC has a Specific Toxic Substances list which necessitate additional labeling.
It includes:
These must have the signal word DANGER, the statement “Harmful or fatal if
swallowed” and “Call physician immediately.”
Area of main display surface in 0-2 >2-5 >5-10 >10-15 >15-30 >30
square inches
Type size in inches
Hazard Categories
• Chronic hazards (carcinogens, neurotoxins, developmental or reproductive) found
in CPSC but not CCCR
• Sensitizer classification not required for CCCR
Hazard labeling
• Canada uses Signal Words: EXTREME DANGER, DANGER, CAUTION
• US uses Signal Words: DANGER, WARNING, CAUTION
• Statements are prescribed for CCCR but not necessarily CPSC
• Symbol are different
Labeling exemptions
• CCCR: small container exemption based on MDP (< 35cm²)
• CPSC: no small container exemption. Suggests using fold-back labels, pull off tags, etc.
which is not allowed for CCCR.
• US/CAN consumers are not familiar with the other’s language/symbols, thus
causing confusion and putting consumer safety in jeopardy
• Run the risk of non compliance, potentially resulting in stop distribution or recall.
• VOC/CARB regulations
• California Air Resources Board (CARB) has issued regulations on limiting VOCs in consumer
• Determine which category applies to your product and calculate VOC content to see if limit is
exceeded. | 519.858.5024