Other Hospital Information System: Lesson 11
Other Hospital Information System: Lesson 11
Other Hospital Information System: Lesson 11
Enhanced comparability
Tracking Billing
Cardiology Information System (CIS) is mainly focused on the storage and
retrieval of cardiology-centric images.
The benefits and features of CIS include ease of access while maintaining
data security, flexibility in the workflow, and enhanced comparability
The functionalities of CIS are (a) editing, viewing, and storing multi-modal
cardiology data; remote access; visualization and reporting capabilities; and
EHR Integration.
A radiology information system (RIS) is a network software system
designed to manage medical imagery and associated data. An RIS is
especially useful for tracking radiology imaging orders and billing
information, and is often used in conjunction with picture archiving and
communication systems (PACS) and vendor neutral archivals (VNA) to
manage image archives and for record-keeping and billing within a hospital
information system (HIS).
The functions of a RIS are patient management, scheduling, patient
tracking, results reporting, image tracking and billing.