Cad Lab (CG Lab) 1st Semester B.Tech CSE

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1st Semester B.Tech CSE

Computer Graphics LAB
 Computer Aided Design (CAD)

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 AutoCAD is a software application for 
computer-aided design (CAD) and drafting
 in both 2D and 3D.
 It is developed and sold by Autodesk, Inc.
  First released in December 1982

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Starting the Program
 Locate and click on the AutoCAD icon or
use the Start Menu to find the program and
start it.

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Optional Toolbar
Drawing Name
Standard Toolbar
Pull-down Menu Headings


Coordinate Display
Status Line Cursor

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Drawing Area
 The large area in the center of the screen.
 This is where you draw.
 The size can be changed at any time.

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 AutoCAD 2014onwards, a new screen
layout was added.
 the screen will look different if you are
working on 2D than it will with 3D work.
 AutoCAD Classic -screen looked as the
versions 2000-2008

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Command Line
 The three lines at the bottom of the screen.
 This is where you enter commands and
AutoCAD will prompt you to input
 The number of lines visible can be

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The Command Line Box
 There are two basic ways to input a command:
 The command line
 Clicking on a command icon. The command icons
will execute the appropriate text based command on
the command line
 Additionally some commands have a keyboard
shortcut option that normally involves the “cntrl”
or “alt” keys on the keyboard
 The command line box size can be changed to
show more or fewer command lines.

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Status Bar
 Displays your current settings.
 The settings can be turned on/off by
clicking on the word (SNAP, GRID,
ORTHO, etc) or by pressing the function
keys associated with each.

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More Grid and Snap
 It is very common to change the settings for
grid and snap often when creating a
 Grid and Snap (and other drafting settings)
can be enabled by clicking on the Status
Line buttons at the bottom of the AutoCAD
window. These also toggle on and off with
keyboard shortcuts.

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Setting Grid and Snap Dimensions
 Drawing accuracy is extremely important in
engineering graphics. Grid and Snap are two of
several commands that help us to ensure accuracy.
 An input window is available by using the “tools” pull-
down menu and selecting “Drafting Settings…”.
 You can also use the separate command line
commands “snap” and “grid”.
 Input the parameters that you want to start with.
 (Eg.:Use a Grid of 1,and a Snap of 0.5)

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Object snap

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CrossHairs/ Cursor
 The movement is controlled by the
movement of the pointing device (mouse).
 Use to locate points, make selections and
draw objects.

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 Lineweight displays the width assigned to
each object.

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Working With Toolbars
 AutoCAD has quite few different predefined
toolbars. You can access them by right clicking
on any visible toolbar
 You can edit the toolbars to meet your own
preferences. You can explore this option on
your own.

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Setting Up The Drawing
 This normally involves a couple of steps.
 Defining the units
 Defining drawing limits
 Setting grid and snap dimensions
 Using other Drafting Settings
 Note that you can redefine these items at

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Defining Units
 Either type “units” on the command line or use the
pull-down menu for “format” and select “units”
 For LENGTH units, select the type and precision.
 For ANGLE units, select the type, precision, and
direction of measure.
 The drag-and-drop scale is where you select the
unit system.
 Click on the “OK” button when done.

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Define Drawing Limits
 This defines the extent of the drawing in the units
of the object you are drawing. Since we are
drawing full scale, this should be big enough to
include all parts of your drawing.
 This can be changed later if you decide to go
larger with your drawing.
 Type “limits” on the command line or use the
“format” pull down menu and select “Drawing

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Drawing Limits (continued)
 A prompt appears on the command line for you
to input the coordinates of the lower left corner
of the drawing limits. If the point is within the
current view, you can point and click on the
location of the lower limit. Otherwise, you can
type in the coordinate pair for the point.
 The next prompt asks for the upper right corner
coordinates. Again, you can either point and
click or type in the coordinate pair.

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 At the bottom left of the AutoCAD.
 Move your cursor around the drawing area and
watch the coordinate change.
 Toggle “snap” on and off and watch the
difference in the way the coordinates change as
you move the cursor.
 Toggle three different coordinate modes with
the “f6” keyboard key.

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Using the Help function
 AutoCAD has a good command reference in it’s
help function.
 This presentation will not duplicate that
reference. You should frequently refer to the
command reference as you learn the various
 Some practical pointers are added here that may
not be easily encountered in the command

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Basic Commands
 The “Draw” Toolbar  The “Modify”
 Lines L Toolbar
 Polylines  Erase E
 Circles C  Copy CO
 Arcs A  Move M
 Offset O
 Fillet F
 MI- Mirror
 Array
 CHA- Chamfer  Trim TR
 Extend EX
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Start the Drawing
 Open AutoCAD or a new drawing
 Save the file as “yourname.dwg” in your directory
[D:\C6\{ur name}]
 Set the length type to “decimal”, precision to “0.00”, and
the drag-and-drop scale to “centimeters” or suitable one
 Set the limits to:
 Bottom left to 0,0
 Top Right to 297,210 for A4 or suitable one
 To set the view area to drawing limits:
 Enter “zoom” on the command line z
 Enter “e” (for extents)

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Drawing Lines
 Either type “line” on the command line or
click on the line icon in the draw toolbar.
 Lines can be drawn by point and click.
 Can keep an eye on the coordinates display to
make sure that you get what you want.
 Lines can be specified by their end point
 Type in the coordinates on the command line
 Lines can be specified by their first point
coordinates, then by an distance and angle.
 Select starting point, type in “@distance<angle”
 Example: @5<45 would go 5 units at a 45
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The Copy Command
 The copy command is used to make a
single duplicate of an entity or group of
 Click on copy icon in the modify menu and
follow the instructions on the command line.
 Note that copy offsets may be independent
of the actual line.

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 Layers are used to organize drawings. It is
necessary to control the drawing and turn
some layers off and view only the ones you
 You will be creating a layer for the
dimensions, one for the objects (lines that
were drawn) and another for the text. Start
the LAYERcommand (LA).

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Selecting Objects
 AutoCAD has several ways to select objects.
 Click on each object that you want to select.
 Make a window that encloses all the objects that you want
to select.
 Click on the lower or upper LEFT corner of desired window area
 Click on the opposite corner of the window area
 Make a boundary that selects every thing that is within the
boundary and that CROSSES the boundary.
 Click on the lower or upper RIGHT corner of desired window area
 Click on the opposite corner of the window area

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More drawing
 Follow the instructor through the process of
creating the objects shown on the handout.
You will learn to use several more draw and
modify commands in the process.

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Plotting your Drawing
 Select File>Plot
 Select Plot Device and choose HP laser
 Select Plot Settings tab
 Under Plot Area, choose Limits
 Under Plot Scale, choose 1:1
 Under Plot Offset, choose Center
 Click Full Preview, then if OK,
R-click >Plot
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Function Keys

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Function Keys Cont.

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Special Function Keys
 ESC- Cancels the current
command, menu, or dialog
 ENTER- Ends a
command; or will repeat
the previous command if
the command line is blank
 SPACE BAR- Same as
the end key except when
entering text.

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Coordinate Display (F6)
 In the ABSOLUTE mode: Displays the
location of the crosshairs/ cursor in reference
to the origin. The first number represents the
horizontal (x axis) and the second number
represents the vertical (y axis).
 In RELATIVE POLAR mode: displays the
distance and angle of the cursor from the last
point entered.

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 Increment Snap controls the movement of
the cursor. If it is off the cursor will move
smoothly. If it is ON, the cursor will jump in
an incremental movement. The increment
spacing can be changed, at any time using
default spacing is .250

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 The grid is merely a visual “drawing aid”.
The default spacing is 1 unit. You may
change the grid spacing at any time using:

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 When ORTHO is ON, the cursor movement
is restricted to horizontal or vertical. When
ORTHO is OFF, the cursor is free to move.

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 POLAR TRACKING creates “alignment
paths” at specified angles.

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 RUNNING OBJECT SNAP- specific object
snaps can be set to stay active until you
turn them off.

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“alignment paths” at precise positions using
object snap locations.

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 Switches your drawing between paper
space and model space.

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 Common types to bring up the boundary
 Also used to make line segments for 1
uniform shape.

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 Used to get database info for an object.
 Layer
 Space
 Center Point
 Radius
 Start Angle
 End Angle
 Length of line or arc

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Multiple Drawing Environments: MDE
 You can open as many files as you have
memory for.
 Like other Windows documents, you can
work in any drawing by minimizing or
maximizing the screen.
 You can only copy, match properties and
move in MDE.

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 Set by layers
 LWT- turns them on or off

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 Don’t use spaces if possible.

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 Programs allow you to combine math and
AutoCAD functions and use products in
your CAD drawings.

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External Reference (XREF)
 Used to share common objects.
 Can bring an object from outside and put
on screen, but not into drawing.
 You can’t change on screen. Can only be
changed at the network server origin.

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 Attach- attach to drawing
 Detach- discard from drawing
 Reload- made change from server, hit
reload, and it picks up the current changes.
 Bind- becomes a block and not an xref.
(Becomes part of the drawing.)

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When to bind an XREF
 When you cant non-global changes.
 When you send work to a client.

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Linetype Codes
 Linetypes start with the letter “A”
 “A” stands for alignment field
 A positive number represents the length of
a dash
 A negative number represents the length of
a space
 A dot will give you a space

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 #1 (color), #1 (lwt)
 #2 (color), #2 (lwt)
 Plot style/ select form view/ color #1, lwt #1,
color #2, lwt #2

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Plot Units= Drawing Units
 ¼=1 1=48
 1/ =1 1=96

 ½=1 1=24

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Stuff you should know/ understand
 MView= creates viewport in paper space
set aperture size= Tools/options/selection
 Vmax= zoom max view you can get without
 Nested Block= block within a block
 If no is used, when you select text to edit,
where does the grip show up?

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Stuff you should know… cont.
 In layer names do not use dots.
 A view is a saved zoom in AutoCAD
 Items that can be used in naming items
 Numbers
 Letters
 Underscores
 Hyphens

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