A Three-Dimensional Constitutive Model For The Large Stretch Behavior of Rubber Elastic Materials

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A Three-dimensional Constitutive Model

For The Large Stretch Behavior Of Rubber

Elastic Materials



To develop a fully three-dimensional mechanistically

motivated constitutive relationship for nonlinear
elasticity which would successfully account for the state
of deformation dependent response of rubber
A good constitutive model should represent the three-
dimensional nature of the stress -stretch behavior
using a minimal number of parameters to represent
physically the deformation process.
This parameters should obtained from small number of
experiments, preferably one.
From Figure : The load-
stretch curve is highly
dependent upon the state of
imposed deformation
Gaussian Statistics

The first statistical mechanics approach to

describing the force on a deforming polymeric
network assumed Gaussian statistics to apply, that is
the chains never approached their fully extended
length where N is the number of statistical
links of length I in the chain between chemical
Gaussian distribution is helpful for small stretch. At
high elongation ,chains are highly stretched and this
behavior is not shown by Gaussian statistics.
Investigators since have built networks from chains
described by Gaussian statistics or have modified the
chain statistics to allow larger stretches than are
afforded by the assumption of Gaussian statistics,
then incorporated these non-Gaussian chains into
networks of three, four or an infinite number of

Many of the existing models fail in the task of

describing the response of a rubber material under
different states of deformation without changing the
model parameters. And this parameters required to fit
the data or the mathematical complexity.
So author’s find out that there is need for a
constitutive relationship which possesses
mathematical simplicity, requires one test to
characterize the material and has a limited number of
parameters. And this prompted the authors'
development of the given model.
Langevin chain statistics
Use of Langevin chain networks-
The use of Langevin chain statistics in networks has
been considered in t three chain model and it was
aligned with the principal stretch space during
Again Langevin chain statics is used in tetrahedron
model. The response of the tetrahedron model was
slightly dependent upon the orientation of the
volume element with respect to the extension
Later concluded that models possess an inherent anisotropy which
could be eliminated by a system of a large assembly of chains, each of
length equal to the root-mean-square chain length,, which occupy
random orientations in space.
In this manner the contributions from chains in several orientations
may be averaged to give the overall response.
Total assembly of chains model requires integration over the
distribution of chains for each subjected stretch state, a procedure
which was mathematically cumbersome.
So authors are motivated by model which averages several spatial
They proposed a model which possesses the cubic symmetry of principal
stretch space as it averages eight orientations of that space in
determining the network response with mathematical ease.
Proposed chain model

The cube edges are taken to remain aligned with principal stretch
space during deformation, chains linked at the centre of the cube
extend to the eight corners
Experimental Results

Each of the three materials shows the basic characteristic response of a

limiting stretch which is dependent upon the state of deformation.
The three materials differ significantly in their initial moduli and/or
locking stretch values.
Results From Simulation

The Stress-Stretch equation has been used together

with the appropriate boundary conditions to simulate
the uniaxial extension, biaxial extension and shear
responses of the proposed model.
Characterization of a particular material requires
determination of two parameters. The initial modulus
and limiting extensibility, which is accomplished by
fitting the model to the data for any one deformation
The authors chose to fit Treloar's uniaxial extension
data for calculating parameters.
The proposed model was used to predict the plane strain
compression responses of the three materials examined in
this study based on the constants derived from their
corresponding uniaxial compression responses.
Each of these materials differs in the modulus and/or locking
The model accurately captures the state of deformation
dependence of all three materials.
the eight chain model the successful prediction is a result of
correct usage of the finite extensibility parameter as that of
an averaged measure of applied stretches over eight spatial

Ellen M. Arruda, Mary C. Boyce. “A three-

dimensional constitutive model for the large stretch
behavior of rubber elastic materials.” Journal of the
Mechanics and Physics of Solids, Elsevier, 1993, 41
(2),pp.389-412. 10.1016/0022-5096(93)90013-6
Treloar, L. R. G. (1944). Stress-strain data for
vulcanised rubber under various types of
deformation. Transactions of the Faraday Society,
40, 59. doi:10.1039/tf9444000059 

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