Keynesian Model of National Income
Keynesian Model of National Income
Keynesian Model of National Income
we add the consumption function,
And the investment function: I = , We also have G = and T =
Combining these five equations we have
•• PE =C(Y-)++……. (6)
• C= +MPC (Y-) PE = +MPC (Y-) + +
• PE = +MPC.Y –MPC. + +
• PE = ( - MPC. + +) + MPC.Y……… (7)
• planned expenditure as a function of the level of income.
• E Planned expenditure
• E= Keynesian cross
• 45o
• 0 YE Y (Income/GDP/Output)
The Adjustment to Equilibrium in the Keynesian Cross
Q2. How does adjustment in inventory investment help attain equilibrium in
• PE & AE
• AE
• A
• PE
planned drop in inventory E B
F unplanned inventory
accumulation = AB =positive inventory
• G investment. FG= Negative inventory I.
• 0 Y1 YE Y2 Y(Income /GDP/Output)
• If firms are producing at level Y1, then planned expenditure PE falls
short of production, and firms accumulate inventories. This inventory
accumulation induces firms to decrease production. Similarly, if firms
are producing at level Y2, then planned expenditure PE exceeds
production, and firms run down their inventories. This fall in
inventories induces firms to increase production. In both cases, the
firms’ decisions drive the economy toward equilibrium.
Q3. Derive expression for government
purchase multiplier
• An increase in government purchase of ΔG immediately raises
planned spending line by ΔG and, therefore, the economy moves
into new Keynesian cross. The equilibrium income also increases.
B New PE line
Original PE Line
△G A
△Y = Increase in equilibrium income
0 Y1 Y2 Income/GDP/Output
in income in 1st round = △G (Increase in planned G)
Increase in income in 2nd round = MPC × △G
Increase in income in 3rd round = MPC (MPC × △G) = MPC2× △G
And the process continues………..
Total change in Income = Summation of change in income in all rounds
△Y= △G + MPC × △G + MPC2×△G + MPC3× △G +………
= [ 1+ MPC + MPC2+ MPC3+........... ]
△Y / △G = [ 1+MPC+MPC2+……..]
= = = G multiplier =
• Since the value of MPC lies between 0 and 1. The value of G multiplier is
always greater than ‘1’.
• Important conclusion: Greater the value of MPC the larger the value of G
• Verify this result using your own choice of MPC values.
• AE & PE MPC=0.3 MPC=0.7
• PE line is flatter New PE Line AE & PE PE line is steeper
• Old PE line
• Y1 Y2 Income 0 Y1 Y2 Income