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• Thanks for joining, will start by 9:30 pm GST 5:30 PM GMT

A brief Intro for todays activity

Feel yourself with your breath

Laughter is a medicine, let’s laugh
Let’s talk about catharsis
Volunteer yourself for introspection , which leads to catharsis
Activity 1: Breath and feel yourself
Activity 2: Laughter is best medicine
Lets release our emotions
What is Catharsis ?
• normal meaning of catharsis is to purify or to clear or to get
emotional release from painful events that may cause negative
emotions traumatic emotions and negative perception of reality
How to release emotions
• The best way to release emotions, is to talk about the emotions with someone
who will not judge the situation .

• If we can get one good listener, most of the emotional issues will be solved
automatically. So get someone or be the one.

• And the second way could be introspection.

Know your thinking style
Reality thinker or analyst: one who perceives situation as it is. And able
to analyze situation based on the stimulus that may have provoked the

Hypothetical / critical thinker or analyst: one who perceives situation

based on their beliefs, assumptions and critically evaluate the events
most of the time.


practical or hypothetical or
reality our critical
Now what is introspection ?

• Developing some insight into the emotions that we have already

faced i.e re-analyzing the situation Not based on assumptions rather
than reality which means understanding our way of perceiving things
and how the person present at that moment would have perceived it
• Help the volunteer by encouraging him to speak his/her emotions
loud. Do not judge or make fun, be an emphatic listener.
• Participate now
• Categorize past emotions into reality, hypothetical or critical
Activity: Time to evaluate
• Consider an event that has caused emotional distress in you.
• Analyze if your reaction was influenced by hypothetical or critical
• If the answer is yes then Get hold on your memories and try to
influence same event with practical or reality thinking.
• Check how positively you can think about the same stressful
encounter that is understanding why someone has reacted in the
way he or she has? What has provoked the situation to stress Also if
same situation is encountered again What will be your reaction.
Activity: Reality check

• Analyze how you perceived past situation.

• What would have been a better option for perceiving the same
• How the other person would have perceived same situation
• Re-analyze yours and others perception who were present at that
• Was your reaction okay.
• How you feel after talking or reanalyzing about the same stressful
situation now.
Share your experience
• How do you feel after knowing your emotions?
3 meditation for the day

• Feel the rhythm of mind and heart.

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