Human Relations and Morale in Business Organization

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Chapter 7:

Human Relations
Morale in Business
People in the organization are human actors and
they should be programmed beyond fairly simple
levels of behavior. It is human nature to dislike
being dictated. They resist being “programmed”
saying they are not machines. But, there is a
goal, there are different activities and there is
the money spent and time expected. All these
constitute the problem- a problem at the center
of the study of human relations.

Significance of Human
It is the art of getting along with others. Some say it is the
process of “give and take which paves the way to loyalty, trust
and goodwill.”

 Human relations at work, Keith Davids (1972) defines

human relations as “ motivating people in an organization
to develop teamwork which effectively fulfills their needs
and achieves organizational objectives.”
Tuason (1978) says that human relations is both an art and
a process.
• Human relations is really an art, it would therefore
make sense for us to take a look at the creative and
performing arts to learn something about their
Three Aspects of Art: Craft, Vision, Communication
• Human relations is a process- meaning a progressing
series of acts aimed at a single end. It requires
interaction between two or more persons.
Principles for Creating Human
Relations Atmosphere
R e c o g n i t i o n o f H u m a n D i g n i t y a n d t h e
infinite worth of an individual.
 R e c o g n i t i o n o f I n d i v i d u a l d i f f e re n c e s .
 U s e m o t i v a t i o n , n o t f o rc e .
L o v e
E m p a t h y
U n d e r s t a n d i n g
 P r i n c i p l e o f r e c i p r o c a l b e h a v i o r.
 “you” approach.
 Person-centered attitudes needed.
Approaches to Human Relations
• BOTTOM-UP- is the stimulation of a
“ feeling of personal freedom to think
and plan boldly: to undertake new and
untried ventures: to fight back if ideas
and plans are attacked by superiors: to
take calculated risks in which mistakes
are accepted without punishment.”
• TWO-WAY FLOW SYSTEM- this is technique by
which employees and managers effectively
participate in policy making.
• AFFECTIVE LISTENING- listening permits to
define his problems more clearly and thereby to
examine courses of action.
• THE REFERRAL SYSTEM- a person who has
responsibility for other people should have
formal organizational channels for referral.
OURSELVES- if we find that we are having
difficulties that interfere with our work or with
pleasant relationship with other people, then we
should be wise enough to seek professional help.
Strategies of the Human Relations
Approach to Change

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