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Nursing Diagnosis (4pts NANDA) (2.5pts Nursing Diagnosis (4pts NANDA) (2.

5pts Patient Data (6pts)

etiology): ineffective breathing pattern 1 Hoda Hayek 2 etiology): Altered nutrition related to • Masaad Henry Del Saad
related to spinal muscle atrophy mechanical ventilator and muscle • Premature baby
Evidenced by (2.5pts): nasally intubated atrophy • Male
on SIMV machine Evidenced by (2.5pts): NG feeding and • Twin birth
• One month old born on
Interventions (7.5pts): assess the respiratory vitamin supplements
rate Interventions (7.5pts): assess the baby for
• Born with GA= 35 w
• Assess the work of breathing signs of dehydration 
• Monitor the breath sounds for any &5D
• Assess the physical signs of poor nutritional
Current Status and • Delivery by elective
wheezing or crackles intake( pale and dry skin)
• Monitor chest X-ray results Chief Complaint repeated C-section
• Weigh the baby daily using the standard
• W=2630g
• Administer mechanical ventilator and weighing scale
• H=50cm
monitor it Spinal muscular • Administer NG tube 75ml of neosure
• Head circumference=
• Perform chest physiotherapy atrophy, premature • Administer medication as needed ( Pedavit,
• Perform suction every 4 hours 31.5cm
& Ferrous sulfate)
• A+
• Place patient with proper body alignment • Monitor lab results( serum albumin, Hgb,
• Born with spinal
for maximum breathing pattern Hct)
• Document an episode of apnea
History: C-section, muscular atrophy
respiratory • APGAR score of 5& 7
problems, twin Nursing Diagnosis (4pts NANDA) (2.5pts At 1 & 5 minutes respectively
Nursing Diagnosis (4pts NANDA) (2.5pts etiology): Ineffective coping related the • Vitals: BP= 79/48
etiology):Impaired physical mobility related
birth, single T=36.6
patient’s disease
to reduction in muscle strength umbilical artery Evidenced by (2.5pts): The mother HR=151
Evidenced by (2.5pts): absence of RR=35
didn't visit the baby and didn’t ask the
movement of all lower extremities doctor about her baby • Single umbilical artery
Interventions (7.5pts): Assess the strength to Interventions (7.5pts): • PFO on echocardiography
perform ROM to all joints. • Assess level of understanding and coping • Vital signs:
• Assess input and output record and nutritional • Assess for the influence of cultural beliefs • Respiratory problem
pattern. of the parents • On SIMV
• Monitor nutritional needs as they relate to Prioritization (3pts) • Help parents determine and understand • NG feeding 75 ml of (Neos
immobility. the disease of their baby • On ferrous sulfate,
• Assess the skin integrity for any redness or • Facilitate modeling and role-playing to help biolane, pedavit, hypromellose
pressure ulcer 3 4 family improve parenting skills
• Positioning the baby every 2 hours • Teach them how to treat the baby’s
• Provide foam to prevent pressure ulcer situation
Explaining the relationship of clinical presentation to the underlying disease by providing scientific rationales (25pts)

1- Ineffective breathing pattern is directly related to the spinal muscular atrophy since this disease affects all the muscles in the body and decrease its strength
so it’s related to the weakness in the intercostal muscles( muscles that support the chest wall) leaving the diaphragm as a primarily breathing muscle. This
will cause respiratory complications because the baby cannot be able to breath adequately or to cough normally which leads to a shortness of oxygen and a
carbon dioxide build up , resulting in hypoventilation. Also, the impaired physical mobility lead to shallow and ineffective respirations. This will force to increase
the accumulation of secretions leading to ineffective breathing pattern.

2- Altered nutrition is directly related to the spinal muscular atrophy because the muscles in the mouth and throat are weak, so the baby is not able to
swallow and suck. This causes a lack in vitamins and proteins because the baby is not breastfed and he cannot be able to get a good nutrition.

3- Impaired physical mobility is directly related to the spinal muscular atrophy because weakness and atrophied muscles leads to hypotonia (low muscle tone)
so the baby is hypoactive and he cannot able to move all of his extremities. It’s also related to altered nutrition because of low calcium and vitamin D that are
important for the bone growth and muscle contraction. The insufficient calcium causes the body to take calcium from the bones to ensure normal cell function,
which can lead to weakened bones and impaired physical mobility.

4- Ineffective coping of the parents is related to all baby’s diagnosis and situation since it is a new situation for help and still has knowledge gap and anxiety to
deal with the situation

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