Newton - Raphson Method

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Newton-Raphson Method.

Let be an approximate root of the equation f(x) = 0. If be the
exact root, then

Expanding by Taylor’s series ) ……..= 0

Since h is small, neglecting and higher power of h, we get

or ……..(1)
A closer approximation to the root is given by
Similarly starting with a small better approximation is given by

In general ….(2)
Which is known as the Newton-Raphson formula or Newton’s
iteration formula.

Obs.1. Newton’s method is useful in cases of large values of

f’(x) i.e. when the graph of f(x) while crossing the x-axis is
nearly vertical.
For if f’(x) is small in the vicinity of the root, then by (1), h
will be large and the computation of the root is slow or may not
be possible. Thus this method is not suitable in those cases
where the graph of f(x) is nearly horizontal while crossing the x-
•   2. Geometrical interpretation. Let be a point near the root a of the
equation f(x) = 0 (Fig.). Then the equation of the tangent at is
If cute the x-axis at

which is a first approximation to the

root a. If is the point corresponding to on the curve, then the tangent at
will cut the x-axis at which is nearer to a and is, therefore, a second
approximation to the root. Repeating this process, we approach the root a
quite rapidly. Hence the method consists in replacing the part of the
curve between the point, and the x-axis by means of the tangent to the
curve at .
Obs.3. Newton’s method is generally used to improve the result obtained
by other methods. It is applicable to the solution of both algebraic and
transcendental equations.
Convergence of Newton-Raphson Method.: Newton’s formula
converges provided the initial approximation is chosen sufficiently close
to root.
If it is not near the root, the procedure may lead to an endless cycle. A
bad initial choice will lead one astray. Thus a proper choice of the initial
guess is very important for the success of the Newton’s method.
The relation = Φ( of the iteration method.
we get, Φ
In general, Φ(x) which gives Φ’(x) .
Since the iteration method (δ 2.10) converges if
Newton’s formula will converge if in the interval considered.
Assuming f(x), f’(x) and f(x) to be continuous, we can select a small
interval in the vicinity of the root a, in which the above condition is
satisfied. Hence the result,

Newton's method converges conditionally while Regula-falsi method
always converges. However when once Newton-Raphson method
converges, it converges faster and is preferred.

Example.1.: Find the positive root of correct to three decimal places,

using Newton-Raphson method.

Sol. Let
So that .
A root of lies between 1 and 2.
Let us take
Newton-Raphson’s formula is
•   n = 0, the first approximation is given by

Putting n = 1 in (i), the second approximation is

•   n = 2 in (ii), the third approximation is

Here Hence the desired root is 1.856 correct to three decimal place.
  Find by Newton’s method, the real root of the equation ,
correct to four decimal places.
Sol. Let
So a root of f(x) = 0 lies between 0 and 1. It is nearer to 1.

Let us take
Newton’s iteration formula gives

•   n = 0, the first approximation is given by

Putting n = 1 in (i), the second approximation is

Here Hence the desired root is 0.6071 correct to four decimal place.
Example. 3.: Using Newton’s iterative method, find the real root of
correct to decimal places.

Sol. Let

(1) =
and (3) =
So a root of () = lies between 2 and 3. Let us take
Newton’s iteration formula gives
•   n = 0, the first approximation is

Similarly putting n = 1, 2, 3, 4 in (i), we get

Here Hence the required root is 2074065 correct to five decimal place.

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