Newton - Raphson Method
Newton - Raphson Method
Newton - Raphson Method
Let be an approximate root of the equation f(x) = 0. If be the
exact root, then
In general ….(2)
Which is known as the Newton-Raphson formula or Newton’s
iteration formula.
Newton's method converges conditionally while Regula-falsi method
always converges. However when once Newton-Raphson method
converges, it converges faster and is preferred.
Sol. Let
So that .
A root of lies between 1 and 2.
Let us take
Newton-Raphson’s formula is
• n = 0, the first approximation is given by
Here Hence the desired root is 1.856 correct to three decimal place.
Find by Newton’s method, the real root of the equation ,
correct to four decimal places.
Sol. Let
So a root of f(x) = 0 lies between 0 and 1. It is nearer to 1.
Let us take
Newton’s iteration formula gives
• n = 0, the first approximation is given by
Here Hence the desired root is 0.6071 correct to four decimal place.
Example. 3.: Using Newton’s iterative method, find the real root of
correct to decimal places.
Sol. Let
(1) =
and (3) =
So a root of () = lies between 2 and 3. Let us take
Newton’s iteration formula gives
• n = 0, the first approximation is
Here Hence the required root is 2074065 correct to five decimal place.