An Overview of The Scrolls
An Overview of The Scrolls
An Overview of The Scrolls
• Most made from leather (from a bovine species, now extinct); some
from papyrus
• Although the Scrolls don’t refer to Jesus or his followers but it shows
what the Jews understood about the Messiah BC and in fact it is a
prediction of Jesus.
Messianic Expectation in the
Serek (“Rule”) Scrolls
• 1QS
• 1QSa
• 1QSb
1QS: The Anointed of Israel
• “. . . Until there come the Prophet and the Messiahs of Aaron and
Israel (1QS 9:11)
• Two Messiahs?
• Zech 4:14: “These are the two anointed who stand by the Lord of the
whole earth.” (lit. “two sons of oil”)
1QSa and the
begotten Messiah
• “(This is) the procedure for the meeting
of the men of repute [when they are
called] to the banquet held by the
Council of the Yahad, when God has
begotten the Messiah among them”
( המשיח יוליד يلد אל את1QSa column 2: line
The Begotten Messiah
• Psalm 2:2, 7: The kings of the earth set themselves, and the rulers
take counsel together, against the Lord and his anointed []המשיח. . . .
7 I will tell of the decree of the Lord: He said to me, “You are today my
son, today I have begotten you [ ] ילדּתיך.”
• The משיחand ילדof 1QSa 2:11-12 allude to the language of Psalm 2:2
and 7.
1QSb and a Blessing for the Messiah
1QSb and the Messianic blessing
• 20 Words of blessing belonging to the instructor, by which to bless the Prince of
the Congregation whom God chose . . .21 . . .And He shall renew for him the
covenant of the congregation, so as to establish the kingdom of his people
forever, that “with righteousness he may judge the poor, 22 and decide with
equity for the meek of the earth” [Isaiah 11:4]. Walk before him blameless in all
the ways of his heart, 23 and establish His covenant as holy in distress for those
who seek Him, May the Lord lift you up to an eternal height, a mighty tower in a
wall 24 securely set on high! Thus may you be righteous by the might of your
mouth, lay waste the earth with you rod! With the breath of your lips 25 be the
belt around your waist, and faithfulness the belt around your loins” [Isaiah 11:5]
(1QSb 5:20-26). ~~~ Given the allusions to Isaiah 11 , is the “Prince of the
Congregation” the “Branch of David” (of Isaiah 11) ?
Aramaic 4Q246 and the
coming of the “Son of God”
‘Son of God’ . . .
• So the titles “Son of God” and “Son of the Most High” were
not a Christian invention influenced by the Greco-Roman
religion but it were in the writings of the Jewish texts long
before Jesus comes in that’s why they knew that these titles
would be given to the promised Messiah
(High priest asking Jesus Are you the Son of God? Matt. 26:63).
Column 2 Column 1
1. He will be called the Son of God, they will call 1. [. . .] [a spirit from God] rested upon him, he fell before
the throne.
him the Son of the Most High. But like the
meteors 2. [. . . O ki]ng, wrath is coming to the world, and your
• Here is the full 2. that you saw in your vision, so will be their kingdom.
They will reign only a few years over
3. [shall be shortened . . . such] is your vision, and all of it
text of the is about to come unto the world.
3. the land, while people tramples people and nation
“Son of God” tramples nation.
4. Until the people of God arise; then all will have rest
4. [. . . Amid] great [signs], tribulation is coming upon the
Frag. 2 , Col. 2.
4Q521 and the •4Q521 comprises two larger fragments. Both the
Hebrew transcription and the English translation
one, [and all] that is in them will not turn away from the precepts of the holy ones.
Strengthen yourselves, you who are seeking the Lord, in his service! Will you not in
this encounter the Lord, all those who hope in their heart? For the Lord will consider
the pious and call the righteous by name, and his spirit will hover upon the poor, and
he will renew the faithful with his strength. For he will honor the pious upon the
straightening out the twis[ted.] And for[e]ver shall I cling to [those who] hope, and in
his mercy [...] and the fru[it of ...] not be delayed. And the Lord will perform
marvellous acts such as have not existed, just as he sa[id, for] he will heal the badly
wounded and will make the dead live; he will proclaim good news to the poor and
[...] he will lead the [...] and enrich the hungry. [...] and all [....]
Parallelism of 4Q521 with Matt.11:5=Luke 7:20
Luke 7:20-22
When the men came to Jesus, they said, “John the
Baptist sent us to you to ask, ‘Are you the one who
is to come, or should we expect someone else’”
21 At that very time Jesus cured many who had
diseases, sicknesses and evil spirits, and gave sight
to many who were blind. 22 So he replied to the
messengers, “Go back and report to John what you
have seen and heard:
“. . . freeing prisoners (Isa. 61:1),
• The blind receive sight,
• giving sight to the blind. . .
• the lame walk, those who have leprosy are
• he will heal the badly wounded
cleansed, the deaf hear,
• and will make the dead live;
• the dead are raised, and the
• good news is proclaimed to the poor. • he will proclaim good news to the poor. .”
(Luke 7:22) (4Q521 frag. 2 Col.2) (miracles arranged by itself acc. to the texts)