Lucent Technologies: Creating A Corporate Identity
Lucent Technologies: Creating A Corporate Identity
Lucent Technologies: Creating A Corporate Identity
Creating a Corporate
Identity By Group 2 | Section B
Binayjeet Singh 19P079
Divita Ahuja 19P082
Kunal Sadhwani 19P089
Lokesh Raizada 19P091
Mansi Mangla 19P092
Nakul Baweja 19P096
Background AT&T-
○ 1983
■ Employees = 1,000,000
■ Revenue = $150 billion
● AT&T, aka Bell System was the
○ 1984
single largest company in the ■ Employees = 373,000
world ■ Revenue = $34 billion
In 1984, after a series of antitrust ○ 1995
suits, it separated into 7 ■ Employees = 303,000
independent regional operating ■ Revenue = $75 billion
companies-Baby Bells plus AT&T ○ 1997
■ Employees = 121,000
■ Revenue = $49 billion
September 1995- AT&T split into
AT&T now is a telephone equipment three companies-
supplier and long distance company
○ AT&T- $50 billion
They wanted to compete in the highly
profitable local telephone service telecommunications
business, but the dilemma was why will services company
○ NCR- a computer firm
the competitors buy their products?
○ An unnamed $20 billion
● The unnamed system and technology company
was now called S&T company
The employees were confused
The S&T Two school of thoughts:
Company Senior Management
January 1996- deadline for the largest IPO
Henry Schacht- CEO
Rich McGinn- President and COO
Carry Fironia- Executive Vice President
● The team formed had VPs of
marketing/communication for each of each
business unit, one trademark attorney and
the VP of public relations for Bell Labs
The S&T The primary function of the team was to act
as an advisory to the external, professional
Company corporate identity development agency
The new S&T company was composed of:
Network systems
Business systems
Consumer products
Getting Underway
● Beginning of October 1995 ● The cross development team decided
Two names popped up to interview three leading corporate
American Bell Laboratories identity firms on the following
AGB, Alexander Graham Bell criteria:
○ Track record for speed
○ Relevant experience
○ Creative approach
○ Ability to provide a dedicated
team ready to begin immediately
● October 10, Landor Associates was
● Patrice Kavanaugh was the incharge
The Work Plan Plan for the interviews:
○ Management interviews
■ 30 with S&T Management
• Landor team and cross-unit team ■ 3 with AT&T Corporate
decided to hold up weekly meetings ■ 10 with External agencies
• Decided to conduct fact finding ○ Employee Interviews
interviews with management, ■ 5 employee focus groups across
customers & dealers around the different geographies like Asia-
• world
Needed senior management team’s Pacific, USA, Middle East,
approval on 3 primary questions: Europe and Latin America
○ External Research
• What equity from past should be kept?
■ Telecom Decision Makers
• What should be left behind? ■ Dealer/VARs
• What attributes should be added? ■ Microelectronic customers
■ Network System Customers
Awareness and perception of Bell Labs by principal
Senior management wanted new company to move beyond telephony, thus, bell laboratories
name was quite limiting
Communications Positioning Platform:
Desired Image Attributes
Based on the limited communication before IPO because of SEC rules and trade-off in having a
renewed brand perception vs retaining core attributes, They concluded on the following desired
➔ Problem
- Even internal communication was limited
- Cross unit development team could hardly communicate with divisional management about the
evolving identity plans for the new company
➔ Challenge
- concern about the credibility of the recommended new positioning in the eyes of investors and
- convincing everyone that it was a brand new company, with a new vision and mission, but one that
had retained the herItage of Bell Labs and AT&T
Visual Audit
knowledge or enlightenment
● Red was also a new colour, which would have Reference:
● 10 member development team, Landor project group, ● No external communication can be made regarding the
three senior company executives, few executives from IPO of the stock
McCann-Erickson knew about name, symbol, tagline ● Prohibited publicity and corporate advertising
and colour ● Internal announcement can be made to the employees
● No information can be conveyed to internal staff but they can not support that using any external
● Once filled, the reporter monitoring SEC filings will run communication
the new name on associated press wires
● Management had to choreograph internal
announcement to begin immediately upon filing with
Next steps after Launch Day
Set up an implementation task force to: ● Took core decisions including funding,
budget concerns immediately
● Address do’s/don’ts and for monitoring
● Planned for consumer marketing
● Respond to calls for information
perishables (stationery, promotional
● Develop and distribute general guidelines
literature, packaging
● Select and train vendors for marketing materials
● Planned around non marketing
● Educate and train employees perishables like signage and vehicle
● Conduct seminars graphics providing significant exposure
for the new name and logo
The “House Style”