Diabetes: Pannasastra University of Cambodia

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Pannasastra University of Cambodia

H E A L T H E D U C A T I O N &


1. H i m C h a n s o p h a v e 5. Ith Thearoth 121058

127828 6. Pok
2. T i t h S e a v m e y Keomorokot0691229
3. C h h a n D a l i n 1 3 0 8 5 2 7. Reth Malita128999
4. P h i n S o p h a n i t h 8. Hok Noureach 0695880
W hat i s DI AB ETES ?
Diabetes is a disease that affects the body occurs when your blood glucose, also called blood
sugar, is too high. Blood glucose is your main source of energy and comes from the food you
eat. Insulin, a hormone made by the pancreas, helps glucose from food get into your cells to
be used for energy.

There are two types of diabetes:

 The body either can’t make insulin. (type 1)
 The insulin doesn’t work in the body. (type 2)
In general, people with diabetes either have :

• A total lack of insulin (Type 1 )

• Too little insulin or can not use insulin effectively (Type 2)

OF There are two types of diabetes

Type 1 [ Cannot be prevented ]

• Formerly called Junvenile-onset or insulin- dependent diabetes

• Account for less than 10% of people who have diabetes

TES • It’s a lifelong disease in which there is a high sugar in blood

Cause of Type 1 Diabetes Type 2 Diabetes [ Can be prevented ]
In type 1 diabetes, our body’s immune system destroy
the cells that release insulin, eventually eliminating
insulin production from the body.

Without insulin, cells cannot absorb sugar which they

need to produce energy.

Type 2 diabetes formerly called:

• adult- onset
• Or non- insulin- dependent diabetes

Develop at any age but it most likely appear during


Account for the vast majority of people who have

diabetes (over90%)
Cause of Type 2 Diabetes

Our body isn’t able to use insulin the right way.

( Insulin resistance)

The pancreas may make less and less insulin.

(Insulin deficiency)
The differences Between Type 1 Diabetes and Type 2
Type 1 Type 2
• Symptoms usually start in childhood or young. • The person may not have symptoms before
People often seek medical help because they are diagnosis. Usually the disease is discovered in
seriously ill from sudden symptoms of high blood adulthood, but an increasing number of children
are being diagnosis with this disease.
• Episodes of low blood sugar level are common
• There are no episode of low blood sugar level,
• It can not be prevented unless the person is taking insulin or certain
diabetes medicine.

• It can be prevented or delayed with a healthy

lifestyle including, maintaining healthy weight,
eating sensibly, and exercising regularly.
The Causes
Insulin: It is a hormone that comes from a pancreas. Your
pancreas is an organ that sits just behind your stomach. It
releases insulin to control the level of glucose in your

Glucose: It's a type of sugar you get from foods you eat, and
your body uses it for energy. As it travels through your
bloodstream to your cells, it's called blood glucose or blood
sugar. It comes from two major sources: food and your liver.
Pancreases& Diabetes
Pancreases is the organ that is responsible for producing insulin.
Pancreases role
Pancreases plays a part in two different organ system: Glucose Glucagon
Endocrine & Exocrine.
- Endocrine: produce hormones, chemicals. (Insulin& Glucagon)
- Exocrine: release substances. (Sweat, saliva)
Pancreases& Insulin

Insulin is a hormone product by a pancreases. The cells, which About 90mg to 100ml
produce insulin, are beta cells.
Pancreases& Type1 Diabetes

• The body makes little or no insulin

• Must take insulin every day
• Usually diagnosed more often in children and young adults

Pancreases& Type2 Diabetes

Glucose Glucagon
• The body prevents the insulin it does make from working right
• The body may make some insulin, but not enough
• Usually happens in people who are older or in those who are overweight
Symptoms of the Diabetes
Both type of diabetes share many similar symptoms People with type 2 diabetes may not know it because the
including symptoms aren't always obvious and they can take the
number of years to develop.
Diseases Associated with Type 1
Autoimmune disorder:
In autoimmune disorder, a persons immune system mistakenly attacks the body healthy tissues as
though they were foreign invaders.

Thyroid makes hormones that help control metabolism and growth. Thyroid disease can cause the
Thyroid Disorder: thyroid gland to make too much thyroid hormone(Hyperthyroid)/ or too little

Thyroid Disorder: Celiac disease is another type of auto immune disorder that’s more likely to affect people with
Type 1 diabetes.

Addison’s Disease: Addison’s disease is an autoimmune disease that affects the adrenal glands, The adrenal glands
produce hormone, including cortisol and aldosterone. These hormones control many body
Complication of Diabetes type
Long-term complications of diabetes develop gradually. The longer
you have diabetes the less controlled your blood sugar and the
higher risk of complications. Eventually, diabetes complications
may be disabling or even life threatening. It is possible
complications include:

 Cardiovascular disease

 Nerve damage

 Kidney damage

 Eye damage

 Foot damage Skin conditions

Complication of [Death]: Untreated gestational diabetes can result in

gestational diabetes:
a baby’s death either before or shortly after birth.

Most of women who have gestational diabetes deliver [Excess growth]: Extra glucose can cross the placenta.
healthy baby. However, untreated or uncontrolled This can cause your baby grow too large and very
blood sugar level can cause problem for you and your large baby are more likely to require a C-section
baby, like premature birth and stillbirth. birth.

Complications in your baby: Complications in the mother:

[Low blood sugar]: Can be caused by conditions such Once you’ve had gestational diabetes in one
as poor nutrition for the mother during pregnancy. pregnancy, you’re more likely to have it again with
Making too much insulin because the mother has the next pregnancy.
poorly controlled diabetes. Sometime baby of
mothers with gestational diabetes develop low blood
sugar shortly after birth because their own insulin
production is high.
Tests & Diagnosis
Test: There are two kinds of tests that are used to detect TB bacteria in the body: the TB skin test and blood tests. A
positive skin test or blood test. Diagnosis: If a person is found to be infected with TB bacteria, other tests are needed
to see if the person has latent TB infection or TB disease.

of type1 & 2 and prediabetes: characterized by having

higher than normal blood sugar levels, the cause and
development of the conditions are different.


• A fasting glucose test is a test of your blood

sugar levels taken in the morning before you have
eaten. ...
• An oral glucose tolerance test entails drinking a
beverage containing glucose and then having your
blood glucose levels checked every 30 to 60
minutes for up to three hours.
Treatment Prevention

1-Take insulin everyday 2-Eat a healthy, balance diet

4-Exercise Regularly 3- Check blood sugar levels





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