Avionics: Prepared By: Akhil A Chandran Dept. of Aeronautical Engineering Mvjce
Avionics: Prepared By: Akhil A Chandran Dept. of Aeronautical Engineering Mvjce
Avionics: Prepared By: Akhil A Chandran Dept. of Aeronautical Engineering Mvjce
Unit II
SAW Resonator
• Consider the situation where it is required to align an inertial navigation system to the
local geographic co-ordinate frame defined by the directions of true north and the local
• For the purposes of this analysis, it is assumed that the navigation system is stationary
with respect to the Earth.
• In this situation, the accelerometers measure three orthogonal components of the
specific force needed to overcome gravity whilst the gyroscopes measure the
components of the Earth's turn rate in the same directions.
• The alignment of a stabilised platform system in which the instrument cluster can be
rotated physically into alignment with the local geographic reference frame.
• In this situation, it is usual to refer to the accelerometers whose sensitive axes are to be
aligned with the north, east and vertical axes of the reference frame as the north, east
and vertical accelerometers respectively.
• Similarly, north, east and vertical gyroscopes may be defined.
10/29/2020 10AE82 - Avionics Unit II 20
IV. Inertial Alignment – Contd..
• In a platform mechanisation, alignment is achieved by adjusting the
orientation of the platform until the measured components of specific force
and Earth's rate become equal to the expected values.
• The horizontal components of gravity acting in the north and east directions
are nominally zero.
• The instrument cluster is therefore rotated until the outputs of the north and
east accelerometers reach a null, thus levelling the platform.
• Since the east component of Earth's rate is also known to be zero, the
platform is then rotated about the vertical until the east gyroscope output is
nulled, thus achieving an alignment in azimuth.
• This type of process is referred to as gyrocompassing
• An equivalent alignment process, sometimes referred to as analytic
gyrocompassing, can be used to align a strapdown inertial navigation system
as described next.