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• Is the art and science of designing buildings
and other physical structure. A wider definition
often includes the design of the the total built
environment from the macro level of town
planning , urban design, and landscape
architecture to the micro level of construction
details and , sometimes , furniture.
• The Spaniards inroduced stone as housing and
building materials . The introduction of
Christianity brought European Churches and
Architecture which subsequently became the
center of most town and cities.
• Famous in pyramids
• Significally advance in this era , allowing
egyptian to createtheir famous structure ,
which could reach heights.
• They use ston that e ponders , and copper
blades that were placed on chisels and drills .
• Classical architecture of Ancient Greece had a
huge influence on the builders and engineers of
centuries followed. Like the Ancient greeks
were also found of using Architecture as way
to demonstrate wealth and power , especially
when it came to temples.
• Ancient greek architecture is best known from
its temples.
• Style of orders of ancient greek architecture
• Doric – recognized by its capital , of which the echinus is like
a circular cushion rising from the top of the collumn of the
square abacus on which rest the lintels
• Ionic –is ecognized by its voluted capital in which a curved
echinus of smilar shape to that of doric order , but decorated
with stylished ornament
• Corinthian -
• Romans are responsible for highly ornamented in
their use of concrete was the new beginning of a new
era in construction .
• Romans use stone/ Marble , Roman bricks
• During 527-1200 In Bryzantine and Romanlesque periods
majority of architecture they began to brick instead stone to
build a buildings they provide also some of fine examples
which western architecture was changing . They use of
hundreds arches during this time to construct a churches and
cathedrals .
• The gothic period marked another shift the evolution of
architecture which characterized by elements that could
support taller and more elaborate building – building could be
design to reach much higher without sacrificing anything to
Pre Industrial Revolution
• Between the gothic period and the arrival of the industrial
revolution there were a number of a key architectural styles
that made a big impact, including rococo, rennaisance ,
boroque and Neoclassim.
• In recent years the biggest influence on architecture has been
the availability of technology such as computer programming
and software this has made ever more ambitious project
possible,from eco structures through to those that appear to
desy gravity.New structural methods such as cantile vering,have
become common and constraction today often involves
innovative materials as well as anusual aesthetic.
• The current period of architecture is often called Neo-
modernism and is characterized by the boldness and
eccentricity of design that is enable by the involvement of
technology like computers.Frank Gehry’s Guggenherm,
museum in bilbow,Spain is a great example.
• It was created in 2012
• The modern building was created for a company.
• The building is made of glass, metal, iron , and concrete.
• The building is in atlanta G.
• It is newly created hasn’t had time to age, a company is in
posseson of it.
• The structure and inovative modern design shows us its in a
futuristics period of time the modern colors and metal how as
• The time period is future and is focused on creating a modern
futuristic design.

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