Elective Officials Ppt1

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Elective Officials

A citizen of the RP A resident of the LGU concerned

for at least one (1) year
A RV of the locality he Able to read and write Filipino
intends to be elected or any other Phil language or
At least 23 y/o – P/HUC At least 18 y/o – SP/SB
At least 21 y/o – CC/ICC/M LCE •At least 18 y/o – PB and Sang.
and VM •At least 15 y/o but less than 21
y/o – SK (RA 9164)
Elective Officials

Disqualifications Disqualifications

Those sentenced by final

a Permanent residents in a
judgement for an offense e
foreign country or those who
involving moral turpitude
have acquired the right to
Those removed from office as reside abroad and continue to
a result of an administrative avail of the same right after
offense the effectivity of the Code

c Those with dual citizenship

d Fugitives from justice in f The insane or the feeble-

criminal or nonpolitical cases minded
here or abroad
Vacancies and Succession of Elective

Permanent Vacancy Temporary Vacancy

Fills a higher vacant position

b Refuses to assume office Temporarily incapacitated to
perform his duties for physical or
c Fails to qualify legal reasons

d Dies
•Leave of absence
e Is removed from office •Travel abroad
•Suspension from office
f Voluntarily resigns
Permanently incapacitated to
discharge the functions of his
Vacancies and Succession of Elective
Permanent Vacancy in the Office of the LCE

If a permanent vacancy
occurs in the office of the
LCE, the vice-LCE concerned If a permanent vacancy
shall ipso facto become the c
occurs in the office of the PB,
LCE the highest ranking SBM or,
If a permanent vacancy in the case of his permanent
b inability, the 2nd highest
occurs in the offices of the
LCE, vice-LCE, the highest ranking SBM, shall ipso facto
ranking SM or, in case of his become the PN
permanent inability, the
second highest ranking SM,
shall automatically become
the LCE or Vice-LCE, as the
case maybe.
Vacancies and Succession of Elective
Permanent Vacancy in the Sanggunian

By the President, through the

Executive Secretary, in the
case of the SP, SP of HUC By the city or municipal
and ICC, and the SB of mun c
mayor, in the case of the
within MMA and other sangguniang barangay, upon
metropolitan political recommendation of the
subdivisions as may be sangguniang barangay
created by law concerned

b By the Governor, in the case

of SP of CC and the SB
Vacancies and Succession of Elective

Temporary Vacancy due to local travel

When the incumbent LCE is travelling within the country but

outside his territorial jurisdiction for a period not exceeding
three (3) consecutive days, he may designate in writing the
OIC of the Office of the LCE.

In the event that the LCE concerned fails or refuses to issue

such authorization, the vice LCE shall have the right to assume
the powers, duties and functions of the said office on the fourth
(4th) day of absence of the said LCE, subject to certain
Internal Structure:
Office of
Sangguniang Office of the Provincial
Panlalawigan Governor
Office of the Prov’l

Office of the Office of the Office of the Office of the Office of the
Office of the
Prov’l Prov’l Prov’l Prov’l Prov’l
Prov’l PDC
Treasurer Assessor Engineer Agricxulturist Accountant

Office of the
Office of the Office of the Office of the Office of the
Office of the Prov’l General
Prov’l Budget Prov’l Legal Prov’l Health Prov’l
Prov’l SWDO Services
Officer Officer Officer Veterinarian

Office of the Office of the Office of the

Prov’l Office of the Prov’l Office of the Prov’l
Population Prov’l ENRO Cooperative Prov’l Architect Information
Officer Officer Officer
Internal Structure:
Office of
Office of the
City Mayor
City Government

Office of the City


Office of the Office of the Office of the Office of the

Office of the Office of the
CityTreasurer City City Budget City PDC City Engineer
City Assessor
Accountant Officer

Office of the Office of the

Office of the Office of the Office of the Office of the City General
City Health City Civil City Legal City City SWDO Services
Officer Registrar Officer Veterinarian

Office of the Office of the Office of the Office of the Office of the
City Architect City City City Office of the City
Information Agriculturist Population City ENRO Cooperatives
Officer Officer Officer
Office of the
Internal Structure:
Office of
Sangguniang Bayan
Municipal Municipal
Office of the Mun.

Office of the Office of the Office of the Office of the

Office of the Office of the
Municipal Municipal Municipal Municipal Municipal PDC Municipal
Treasurer Assessor Accountant Budget Officer Engineer

Office of the
Office of the Office of the Office of the Office of the
Office of the Municipal
Municipal Municipal Civil Municipal Municipal
Municipal ENRO
Health Officer Registrar Legal Officer SWDO

Office of the Office of the

Municipal Municipal
Architect Information
Barangay Government Structure
Barangay Assembly



Barangay-Based Workers & Institutions


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