Uses of Beryllium: Made by Evgeni Genev 9E

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Uses of Beryllium

Made By Evgeni Genev 9E

History of Beryllium
Beryllium is the fourth element on the Periodic Table with the symbol "Be". Beryllium was first
found in 1798 by French chemist  Louis-Nicholas Vauquelin. He discovered it when he
identified beryllium oxide in beryl.  He named it glucinium, because it tasted sweet like
glucose. In 1828 Elemental beryllium was isolated in 1828 by two chemists, working
independently: Antoine Bussy (France) and Friedrich Wöhler (Germany). In 1920s copper
beryllium alloys were first patented and used as the conductive spring components of
telephone switchboard relays produced in Germany. Pure beryllium was first
commercialized for use in medical x-ray windows in 1930s. In 1950s demand for
beryllium and beryllium-containing materials grew rapidly in postwar markets for
telecommunications, appliances, automotive components and plastic mold tooling. In
1960s Beryllium came into its own as an essential structural material for space
exploration and high-technology defense applications. In 1970s Copper beryllium
became more prevalent in the automotive electronics and mainframe computer
Uses of Beryllium in Medicine
The special properties of beryllium are
essential to medical technologies that save
and enhance lives. Improving
imaging. Because it is strong, stable, can
handle elevated levels of heat resistance and
is highly transparent to x-rays, beryllium, in
thin foil form, has long been critical to the
operation of medical and scientific x-ray
equipment. Beryllium foil provides the window
through which tissue-penetrating x-rays are
focused, while maintaining the vacuum inside
the x-ray tube generator. Enabling Lower
Levels of radiation. Beryllium foil remains
indispensible for high-resolution medical
radiography, including CT scanning and
mammography. Beryllium in newer generation
mammography equipment enables a lower
radiation dose scan with significantly finer
tumor resolution, enabling breast cancer
detection at its early, most treatable stages.
Uses of Beryllium in
Lightweight beryllium alloy connectors
are used throughout the electrical
systems of cars and trucks for their
reliability and to improve vehicle fuel
efficiency. Copper beryllium
components are found in traction
controls, transmissions, electric motors,
anti-lock braking and fuel injection
systems. Further, copper beryllium
electrical connectors are used in
electrically assisted steering systems
that are replacing older, heavier hydraulic
and electromechanical systems.

Copper beryllium components

Uses of Beryllium in Aircraft

In commercial aircraft, landing gear bushings and bearings made

from copper beryllium handle great compressive and wear forces
despite corrosive atmospheres and exposure to wide ranges of
temperature. The higher strength of copper beryllium compared to
alternative bronze landing gear materials allows the bearings to be
made smaller and lighter. These weight savings, in turn, make
planes more fuel efficient which results in reduced exhaust
Uses of Beryllium in Spacecraft

From NASA’s earliest days, when beryllium

heat shields protected Mercury spacecraft
during re-entry, scientists, designers, and
engineers continue to depend on this stiff,
lightweight and versatile material to meet their
most demanding challenges. Orbiting the
earth. Beryllium serves on current NASA
vehicles including the Space Shuttle, where it
adds strength, dissipates heat and lightens
weight in window frames and door systems.
Beryllium components also fly in the Spitzer
Space Telescope. Two Mars Rover vehicles,
Spirit and Opportunity, have far exceeded
original expectations. Aluminum beryllium
components helped protect the rovers on their
landings, and then served again to unfold their
drive-off ramps. Aluminum beryllium parts Spirit Rover
used in the Rovers’ rock exploration tools have
helped our understanding of the planet.
Uses of Beryllium in Telescopes

Fixing Hubble. When the Hubble space telescope could not

see clearly, its new “corrective lenses” were mounted in
beryllium fixtures that met the requirements for lower
weight, high stiffness and resistance to dimensional
distortions brought on by extreme temperatures. The next-
generation James Webb Space Telescope, scheduled to deploy
in 2021, will depend on a 6.5 meter beryllium mirror to see
objects 200 times fainter than visible before. Such mirrors
must combine high stiffness and lightweight with an
extraordinarily smooth, precise and defect-free surface. And
they must retain their visual quality for decades in deep
space, where temperatures never exceed minus 253 degrees
James Webb Space Telescope
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