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Wonder Woman

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Wonder Woman


• Wonder Woman or Diana was born in the

hidden island of themiskyra, this island
only inhabited by women was created by
Zeus the king of the gods, to protect the
amazons from the outside world.

The amazons

• The amazons are a race of powerful

women and Immortal mythological
creatures created by the gods to bring love
to men, now they are Warriors since birth
and trained to defend Men’s world from
war, in an event of an invasion, more
precisely the God of War Ares, their
eternal nemesis. Being Immortal beings,
the Amazons have become experts in
combat, almost everyone in the island can
be considered an elite warrior.
• The Amazons are ruled by their Queen,
Hippolyta, she lead the revolt that freed
the amazons from slavery, by her side is her Queen Hippolyta
sister, Antiope, and her most trusted
general and the commander of the entire
amazon army.

General Antiope
• ``The girl who wondered has seen wonders... has become a woman who has traveled
the world, who has traveled worlds! A woman who has touched countless lives, has
made them better in ways beyond measure. A woman who has brought hope, and joy,
and love. A woman who is the hero of so many. The truth of you
has never changed, Diana. Even the gods themselves could not take that from you.
Why would we? It's one of the many reasons we love you.´´
• Being Hippolyta Diana´s mother, makes Diana the
princess of the Amazons, her father? Zeus! the king
of all the gods, making Diana a Demi-Goddess and a
member of the Olympian Family.
• Diana has furthermore received other titles such as,
the goddess of war, the goddess of truth, and the
goddess of peace.
Diana representing peace

Hermes visita Diana

Athena offers Diana a position among the pantheon


Origin of Wonder Woman

• Born to Hippolyta, Queen of the Amazons, Diana lived a serene and
joyful life until the intervention of Steve Trevor upon the island
of Themyscira.A tournament was held among the Amazons to
determine the representative that would return to Man's World along
with Trevor. Diana defeated the other Amazons but was tasked with
the final challenge, deflecting a bullet fired from a gun by her mother.
• After winning the contest Diana was awarded a suit of armor and
the Lasso of Truth and left for the United States, though upon her
arrival she was arrested and detained in a cell. Falling into despair,
Diana was visited by the Gods of Olympus in their animal forms: a
peacock, deer, owl, mouse, eagle, dove and tortoise, who granted her
the gifts of strength, speed, endurance, empathy and flight.
• Shortly after coming to the outside world, Diana interrupted a terrorist attack
and was named "Wonder Woman" by the press. She continued to use her gifts
to fight for peace and justice in Man's World. She later fought who she thought
to be Ares, though in truth it was Phobos and Deimos who were disguised as
their father. Fearing that she would eventually discover the truth and free Ares
from his prison beneath Themyscira, the Gods of Olympus sent Phobos and
Deimos to erase all memory of Themyscira from Diana's mind.
• The twin gods were unable to erase the memory, so instead they later
implanted false memories regarding her home to deceive Diana, leading to a
completely separate origin story and causing her to hallucinate new adventures.
Diana was unaware that her memories had been tampered with, and believed
the falsifications until her search for the truth led her to Ares himself years later.
False Origin

•In her false memories, the Amazons

traditionally procreated by raping and then
murdering sailors who happened too close
to their island. Hippolyta was barren, and
legend told that Diana was born of her
mother's strong desire for a child, a lump of
clay brought to life in the form of a girl; the
perfect Amazon, as she was born of no This section of the history takes place during the New 52, between the events of Flashpoint and DC
man.]The truth, though, was that Hippolyta Rebirth. It was later revealed that much of Wonder Woman's history from this time was an elaborate
had had an affair with Zeus, and Diana's real illusion created by the Gods of Olympus to keep her away from Paradise Island. All or part of this
parentage was hidden in order to protect section may have been part of that illusion and no longer valid in Rebirth.
the Queen and her daughter from the
wrath of Zeus' notoriously jealous
wife Hera. Unbeknownst to Diana, her
mother also gave birth to her twin, a
brother named Jason.
Justice League

• Upon becoming a super-heroine, Wonder Woman became a founding member

of the Justice League. Her ambassadorial duties required her to visit Washington
D.C., with army officer Steve Trevor as her liaison. When Parademons stormed
Metropolis, Wonder Woman resolved to defend the city, meeting the
heroes Superman, Batman, Flash, Green Lantern and Aquaman. They also met
the young hero Cyborg, who attempted to warn them against the evil alien
conqueror Darkseid. Unfortunately, Cyborg's warnings were meaningless, as
Darkseid had already arrived. Although Darkseid had initially beat them without
effort, Green Lantern rallied them in order to confront Darkseid as a team.
Wonder Woman proved crucial in Darkseid's defeat, stabbing him in one of his
eyes to prevent him from using his Omega Beams. This gave Superman and
Cyborg enough time to throw Darkseid back into his home-world.
False Origin

This section of the history takes place during the New 52, between the events of Flashpoint and DC
Rebirth. It was later revealed that much of Wonder Woman's history from this time was an elaborate
illusion created by the Gods of Olympus to keep her away from Paradise Island. All or part of this
section may have been part of that illusion and no longer valid in Rebirth.

• Main article: Wonder Woman: Blood

• While in London, Wonder Woman was summoned to help a young lady called Zola from the minions of the goddess
Hera and after Diana defeated the enemies, she was informed by Hermes that Zola was pregnant with Zeus's child,
which caused Hera's wrath. Diana then took Zola and the injured Hermes to the island of Themyscira, home of the
Amazons, where Hera's wrath reached them in the form of her daughter Strife. Wonder Woman used the Lasso of
Truth to stop Strife from hurting the Amazons, but it caused her to reveal the fact that Diana and her were sisters. The
next day, Diana learned from her mother that she was in fact Zeus' daughter and, hurt by her existence being a lie, she
decided to renounce the name Diana, and swore never to return to the island again.
• Unfortunately, not long after Diana left, Hera came for her vengeance, and though she could not bring herself to kill
Hippolyta, she could not forgive her either. Feeling regret at giving up the only real family she had, Wonder Woman
returned to Themyscira to find the Amazons absent, and her mother turned to stone. Shortly after, Wonder Woman
encountered Lennox, a man who claimed to be another of Zeus' bastard children. After learning that Zeus has gone
missing, they confronted the Gods of Olympus, Poseidon and Hades, in order to prevent them from taking over Zeus'
throne. To prevent a war between gods, Diana proposed that the two brothers share Heaven with one ruling during the
day, and the other at night. Hera angrily interceded, which was what Diana had planned, and using Hermes' staff she
transported herself to Mount Olympus to face Hera alone. She warned that she would make Hera regret what she had
done to her mother before returning to Earth. Unfortunately, by the time she had returned, Hades had kidnapped Zola
with the warning that Diana would need to make good on her bargain or Zola and her child would die.

• Main article: Wonder Woman: Guts

• Preparing to get Zola back from Hades, Wonder Woman and her male companions sought out Eros in Italy. She hoped
that he could lead them to Hephaestus, who might have been able to arm them appropriately for battle with the ruler
of Hell. He lead them to Mount Etna, where the blacksmith agreed to arm them. As retribution for his aid, though, Hades
sent a monster to kill them all, which had to be dispatched by Diana. Afterwards, Hephaestus armed Diana with new
weapons, insisting that she take Eros' guns of love with her to Hell.
• Upon arriving, Diana and Hermes found themselves under attack by Hades' minions. Though they fought them off, they
were surprised to find that time for Zola had passed much more quickly than for them. Her pregnancy was nearly at the
end of its term. When they attempted to leave with her, Hades appeared, warning that one of them must stay behind -
and if Diana was unprepared to make Hera his wife as promised - she would do. However, upon Eros' pistols, he instead
agreed to let them all go in exchange for them. When Diana's back was turned, he fired them at her, and she fell under
love's spell to him.
• Despite their displeasure at Diana's capture, Hephaestus was able to bring Lennox and Eros to Hades with him as guests
to the wedding, without the aid of Hermes' staff. As the wedding drew nearer, Hades grew annoyed that few of his
relatives had agreed to come. Diana's friends were the only attendees, aside from Strife, who merely wanted to cause her
namesake emotion. Before the wedding ceremony took place, Hades insisted that Diana should prove her love by wearing
his ring. The ring was a noose fashioned with the Lasso of Truth, and if Diana did not truly love him, he would kill her.
• Though Diana was able to admit honestly that she did love Hades, she escaped her bonds anyway, explaining that she
could still love him and refuse his proposal. Angrily, Hades sent all of the forces of Hell to kill her, but she and her friends
were rescued by Strife. Confronted by her fiancé again, Diana explained that she had not lied. Wonder Woman has the
capacity to love everyone - a concept that could never be understood by one incapable of love, such as he. The
realization that he was loved unconditionally disgusted Hades so much that he sent them all away. Before leaving,
Hephaestus gifted Hades with a mirror, and shot him with Eros' pistols, allowing, at least, for Hades to love himself.
• With Zola's pregnancy reaching full term, she insisted on seeing her own doctor in Michigan. While there, they were all
attacked by Artemis and Apollo. Unprepared, Diana and her companions were defeated, and Zola was taken to Mount
Olympus to be delivered to Hera in exchange for the throne. Apparently, Hera was willing to give up her throne for the
sake of revenge. However, she had expected Zeus to return as soon as his rule was threatened, which he did not. When
Apollo sat on the throne, he was crowned ruler, and when he learned of Hera's deceit, he exiled her from Olympus.
• With Wonder Woman arriving in pursuit, Strife warned of the prophecy Apollo and Artemis feared: a child of Zeus would
kill a god to take the throne. That child could be either Diana or Zola's child. Sending Zola back with Hermes to have her
baby in peace, Diana warned that if they were not left alone, she would fulfil the prophecy herself. Unfortunately, upon
her return to Michigan, Diana found that Hermes had betrayed them, and once Zola gave birth to her son, he whisked
the child away, and gave it to Demeter. Diana swore to get the boy back and bring Hermes to justice.

• Main article: Wonder Woman: Iron

• After recruiting a newly mortal, but still very bitter Hera into her group of companions, Wonder Woman retreated to London.
Lennox revealed that there had been seven bastard children of Zeus. He and Diana were two, two others had been killed, and
three remained. He suggested that for information on where the baby had been taken, Diana should contact their
sister Siracca in Libya. Her encounter with Siracca did not begin well, but after Wonder Woman appealed to her sense of family,
she suggested that Diana seek out their brother Milan in New York City.
• Meanwhile, the New God Orion had learned that a great danger was to be found on Earth in the form of the child of a god. He
sought out his old friend Milan for help. Nearby, Diana and Lennox decided to seek Milan by themselves, leaving Zola and Hera to
bicker with one another in the meantime. They found him in the old subway system with Orion. Though their encounter began
violently, Lennox managed to explain that they had accounted for six of the seven children of Zeus. Orion believed that one of
those seven was the child that he had been sent to kill. Lennox and Diana concluded that he was referring to Zola's kidnapped
son, and so they convinced Milan to search through the ether until he located the boy in the arms of Demeter. When they all
returned to Manhattan to find Zola and Hera in a bar with War, Diana managed to convince her uncle to lead her to Demeter's
• Hermes attacked Wonder Woman there, refusing to simply give up the child, but during their battle, War ripped the baby from
Demeter's womb and disappeared. Unable to let a grave wound such as that go unattended, Diana saw to Demeter first, and the
goddess warned that War could not be trusted. Worriedly, Diana and Orion returned to Manhattan to find that War had returned
the baby to Zola. At last, the baby and his mother were reunited - and Orion would not have to look any further for the child he
needed to kill.

• Main article: Wonder Woman: War

• With the boy safe, Zola decided to name him Zeke. Diana shared a drink with War, who congratulated her in uniting a
dysfunctional family and converting it into a strong band of allies. Orion began hitting on her but left after being violently
rejected by Wonder Woman.

• Wonder Woman protecting Zeke

• Suddenly, Zola and the others were attacked by Artemis, who was sent by Apollo to kill Zeke, Zola's son. While Zola and the
others escaped with Zeke, Wonder Woman took on Artemis by herself. Diana defeated Artemis and went to protect Zola and
the others, while Ares took the defeated Artemis back to Apollo.[33] However, the First Born and Cassandra, two of Zeus'
illegitimate children, attacked Zola. Wonder Woman, Lennox and Orion worked together to fight the First Born, but he proved
to be stronger than they had anticipated. Orion's Astro Harness incapacitated Cassandra, and Orion opened a Boom Tube so
that Wonder Woman and her allies could escape. The First Born attempted to pry the Boom Tube open, but Lennox sacrificed
himself so that the others could escape safely. Wonder Woman and her allies arrived at the other side of the Boom Tube and
were greeted by Highfather, who explained that they were on New Genesis.
• As her injuries healed, Wonder Woman and her friends spent some time on New Genesis. She spoke to Highfather, who agreed
to let her return to Earth. As soon as Diana and her friends returned to Earth, Orion decided to go with them. Arriving to
London, they realized the First Born had wrecked the entire city and killed Lennox. The First Born summoned an army of hyena
men to kill the intruders but Ares arrived to help Wonder Woman in the fight.

• Main article: Wonder Woman: Flesh

• Wonder Woman engaged the First Born, but he quickly gained the advantage and attempted to kill Zeke.
However, War challenged the First Born to a fight while Wonder Woman recovered. Then, Wonder Woman
grabbed a spear and impaled both Ares and the First Born. As he died, Ares congratulated Wonder Woman for
being a great warrior. Wonder Woman spared the First Born's life and went with Hades to take Ares' body to
the River Styx.
• As Wonder Woman returned to her apartment, Hermes brought her to Olympus, where the gods declared her
the new Goddess of War. Diana asked Apollo to restore Hera's godhood, but Apollo refused. Diana returned to
London, and Apollo told her that she would not be able to ignore her responsibilities as Goddess of War for
long. Diana was still angry at Hermes for his betrayal and asked him to leave, with Hermes stating that, just like
she forgave Hera, perhaps in the future, she would forgive him.
• Later, Diana, Zola and Hera had lunch while they were watched by Hermes. Orion, believing Hermes had bad
intentions, attacked him before being stopped by Wonder Woman, and at the same time Strife appeared. Back
at the apartment, Strife gave War's helmet to Diana, even though Diana still felt uncomfortable at becoming
the new Goddess of War. In that moment, Siracca entered the apartment and told Diana that Milan had been
captured by Cassandra. Wonder Woman asked Hermes to take her to Chernobyl, and he accepted to help.
• Arriving at Chernobyl, Wonder Woman, Orion, Siracca and Hermes engaged Cassandra's
forces to save Milan. Cassandra threatened to kill Milan if Wonder Woman did not reveal the
First Born's location. Wonder Woman told her the First Born was in Olympus, but as she left,
Cassandra strapped a bomb to Milan's chest. To contain the explosion, Orion took Milan
through a boom tube. Returning home, Wonder Woman discovered Zola and Zeke had left, as
Zola felt guilty that people were risking their lives to protect them.
• Wonder Woman and Hermes briefly returned to Themyscira so that Diana could pay her
respects to her petrified mother. When they got back to her apartment, they found Hera
crying and mourning the days when she used to be a goddess. As Diana comforted her, she
realized she would need help in finding Zola and Zeke. Wonder Woman went to the Taiga,
Siberia, where she asked Artemis for her help. Artemis agreed, on the condition that she and
Diana have a rematch. Knowing they are in Artemis' realm, Diana threw the fight in Artemis'
• Wonder Woman becomes the new Goddess of War
• With Artemis' help, Wonder Woman tracked Zola down to a subway station, where they
found a lock of fox fur. Realizing that Zola was with Dionysus, they went to Providence,
where Dionysus was currently located. They found Dionysus captured by Cassandra's minion,
the Minotaur. When Cassandra's forces were about to depart to Olympus, Wonder Woman
ambushed them and hung onto their plane. When the jet arrived to Olympus, the mountain
was hit by a massive explosion.
• Wonder Woman managed to stabilize the plane when it was hit by the shockwave. Hermes
and Artemis also arrived at Olympus, where Artemis discovered that Apollo had died in the
attack. Among the ruins of the tower, the First Born claimed the throne of Olympus. Wonder
Woman confronted the First Born, but he gained the upper hand. However, Hera arrived at
Olympus, having regained her Olympian powers, revealing that Apollo had restored them
before dying. Hera teleported Wonder Woman and her allies to Paradise Island. There,
Wonder Woman found Zola, safe. Hera had also restored the Amazons back to life. Wonder
Woman chose to lead them to battle as the new God of War.

• Main article: Wonder Woman: Bones

• Although the Amazons were back to normal, Hippolyta was still a statue, and Hera could not restore her back to life. Zola
wanted to leave the island, but Diana told her she and her child were safer with the Amazons. Diana addressed the
Amazons and declared her intentions to end the Amazons' isolation and that every Amazon must protect Zeke, a male
• Wonder Woman's social reforms were not initially accepted by the Amazons, even if they were morally necessary. Later,
she had a training session with Artemis, who urged her to accept the Amazons' worship as a goddess, but Diana refused.
Unfortunately, Dessa, a fellow Amazon, kidnapped Zeke and threatened to throw him off a cliff, for she disagreed with
Diana's new perspective. Diana convinced her to return the boy to Zola. Shortly afterwards, the men of Paradise Island
returned to their original home, with Diana welcoming them with open arms.

• Wonder Woman faces the First Born

• As the men helped the Amazons prepare for battle against the First Born's army, Diana received news that the First Born
had been attacking other gods' realms. With Eros and Artemis, Wonder Woman ambushed the Minotaur at Demeter's
home. Unfortunately, the First Born had already defeated Demeter, so Wonder Woman sent her companions to safety
while she confronted him by herself.
• The First Born imprisoned Wonder Woman in what remained of Olympus and ordered his forces to
attack Themyscira. As they watched the confrontation, the First Born offered her a place in his goals of
conquest, but she steadfastly refused, causing him to thrust a spike into her side.As Diana lied mortally
wounded, Eris dragged her to Themyscira, for she wanted Diana to see her home destroyed and
humiliate her. Recovering her strength, Wonder Woman punched Eris down and took Zola and Zeke to
Olympus. Her plan was to place Zeke on the throne, so that he could be the new king of Olympus and
end the bloodshed, but before she could, Poseidon revealed his presence.
• As Zola defeated Poseidon, the First Born returned to Olympus and ordered the Minotaur to attack
Wonder Woman. The Minotaur, however, refused to kill her and the First Born killed him instead. Upon
seeing the unmasked Minotaur, Diana discovered her foe was the creature she had spared in the
labyrinth.Wonder Woman furiously threw the First Born into the abyss he was originally trapped in
while Zola placed Zeke on the throne. Zola revealed herself to be Athena and Zeke to be another
iteration of Zeus himself. Both had planned for Wonder Woman to fight the First Born and accept her
destiny as a goddess. With the conflict ended, Athena planned to put an end to her human identity and
become a goddess once more, but Wonder Woman convinced her to allow Zola and Zeke to live without
godly interference.

• Main article: Wonder Woman: War-Torn

• As Hippolyta was still a clay statue, Diana was forced to take the Amazon throne, at least until she could find a way to turn her mother
back to normal. At the same time, the Justice League had discovered strange environmental events that had destroyed small villages
around the world, leaving only vegetation behind. Furious, Wonder Woman attacked Swamp Thing, accusing him of causing such
devastation, while Swamp Thing claimed innocence. Aquaman defused the situation before it could escalate any further. Later,
Wonder Woman returned to Themyscira, only to discover Hippolyta's statue had crumbled. On a training session, Clark asked Diana if
she wanted to talk about her recent experiences, but Diana replied that, as queen, grief is not a luxury she could afford. Later, Diana
was called for a meeting by the Amazon council, which forced a choice on her: become permanent Queen or abdicate the throne.
Before the discussion could continue, the island was attacked by Stymphalian Birds, Ares' pets who were now drawn to Diana as the
God of War. Accepting her new responsibilities, Diana successfully defended Themyscira.
• Later, in London, Diana talked with Hessia about what being Queen really meant. Hessia told her the changes she was trying to
impose were hard, and it might take a long time for the Amazons to accept them. Wonder Woman was called by the Justice League to
look for the survivors of another missing village. As part of the operation, Superman explored the interior of a volcano until he was
attacked by insects and lost contact with the League. Wonder Woman and Batman were next to enter the volcano and found
Superman safe and sound. Exploring the volcano further, the heroes found the missing villagers dead and their remains encased in
cocoons by one of the volcano's insectoid denizens. Wonder Woman almost killed one of these creatures, until the League intervened
and took the creature to the Watchtower for medical attention. Upon returning to Paradise Island, Diana spoke to the spirit of
Hippolyta. Comforting her daughter, Hippolyta motivated Diana into accepting her duty as God of War. Diana also learnt that relations
between Amazons and the Sons of Themyscira had gone sour and the Amazons had created Donna Troy from magical clay, an Amazon
who sought to replace Diana as Queen.
• In order to prove her devotion to her people, the Amazons issued a
challenge to Diana, one she would have to meet in two days. In the
meantime, the Justice League had tracked the insectoid queen down
to a remote mountain. The League journeyed deep into the mountain
and encountered the queen. Diana condemned her for the lives she
has taken, but the insectoid queen replied that it was Diana's actions,
namely her throwing of the First Born into the depths of the Earth,
that awoke the insectoids from their slumber.
Romance with Superman
• After a mission which saw the Justice League rescue Steve Trevor from the degenerate David
Graves, Wonder Woman talked with Superman about their individual similarities, leading to a
kiss. A fight with Cheetah led them to take the decision to be more open with their relationship.

• Wonder Woman became Superman's girlfriend.

• Their first adventure together as a serious couple involved a battle with Doomsday, a monster of
Kryptonian legend.Superman, already familiar to the monster, explained that Doomsday was
sealed into a pocket dimension called the Phantom Zone. Seeking preparation against enemies
that could match them in power, Wonder Woman asked Hephaestus to forge weapons for
them.Later, the Justice League intercepted the arrival of General Zod, another Kryptonian
survivor. Superman gave him shelter in the Fortress of Solitude, but the couple discovered their
relationship was now public knowledge.
• While Superman watched out for Zod, Diana visited the deserted Themyscira to speak to her mother, still a clay
statue. In her absence, a demon from Tartarus had escaped from its prison and roamed free on the island.
Wonder Woman destroyed the creature and sealed the gates to Tartarus with her lasso. Leaving the island, she
received word from Batman that Superman was engaging Zod and Faora in battle. Reaching Superman's side,
Wonder Woman steadily overwhelmed Faora until Zod threatened Superman's life. Wonder Woman was forced to
let the criminals go.
• In order to defeat them, Superman and Wonder Woman collected the magic armor created by Hephaestus and
intercepted Zod and Faora while they were building a portal to the Phantom Zone. At first, they defeated Zod and
Faora by detonating their armor at point-blank range, but Zod and Faora were revitalized by a beam of sunlight
sent by Apollo, which gave the criminals enough strength to beat Superman and Wonder Woman and trap them in
an abandoned nuclear reactor. As a last-ditch effort to stop their enemies, Superman and Wonder Woman caused
a nuclear explosion, but not before Clark told Diana that he loved her. The explosion trapped Zod and Faora back
in the Phantom Zone, and Superman shielded Wonder Woman with his cape.The two heroes barely survived the
explosion and Superman took Diana to Hessia, who used a healing crystal to save her.
• Later, as Diana set out to discover the truth about her false memories, Superman faced up to Mr. Mxyzptlk in a
battle that changed reality itself. A consequence of that change was that Diana never dated Clark and the
adventures they had together did not take place.
Trinity War and Forever Evil

• The Trinity War was a major conflict between the three Justice Leagues.
• After taking Despero to the authorities, Wonder Woman and Superman came across the mysterious Pandora,
someone Wonder Woman was familiar with. She believed Superman could use her box to trap the evil she
unleashed in ancient times; but when Superman touched it, he was overwhelmed by its power. While Pandora took
the box and left, the two heroes received news that a new superhuman, Shazam, was entering the borders
of Kahndaq. Their confrontation with Shazam turned violent until the rest of the Justice League and the Justice
League of America intervened to defuse the situation. Suddenly, Dr. Light lost control of his powers and began
absorbing Superman's solar energy, unleashing an energy beam at Wonder Woman. In a fit of anger, Superman
killed Dr. Light with his heat vision, an action that caused a fight between the two Leagues.
• Superman begged his fellow heroes to arrest him, and while he was taken to the A.R.G.U.S. facilities, Diana
expressed disapproval at Steve's secret Justice League. Wonder Woman travelled to the Temple of Hephaestus and
demanded Hephaestus tell her about what the box really was. Hephaestus answered that the box was not created
by the Gods of Olympus and the truth was a mystery even to them. Wonder Woman decided to seek help from
the Justice League Dark.Suddenly, the three Justice Leagues converged at the House of Mystery, where the heroes
were divided, one side led by Wonder Woman, the other by Batman. Zatanna, having taken Wonder Woman's side,
teleported the group away.Wonder Woman's group tracked Pandora's box to Lex Luthor's prison cell, where
Pandora was offering the box to Luthor. Wonder Woman grabbed the box but was overwhelmed by its power.
• A fight broke out among the heroes for possession of the box and was only ended when John Constantine took
the box, being the only one capable of doing so without being corrupted. Zatanna and Constantine took the
box to the temple of Hephaestus, where the three Justice Leagues had converged again.After yet another
battle between heroes, the box went dormant and the Justice Leagues discovered a Kryptonite sliver in
Superman's nervous system, placed there by the Atomica, a traitor working for the Outsider, leader of
the Secret Society. Then, the Outsider used the box to open a path across universes, allowing the Crime
Syndicate to enter the Justice Leagues' world.
• The Crime Syndicate imprisoned the Justice Leagues inside the Firestorm Matrixwhich psychologically placed
them in situations that depicted their greatest failures. Wonder Woman was placed in a situation where she
was forced to do battle against both Amazons and humans for the lives of Superman and Steve Trevor. Martian
Manhunter and Stargirl attempted to break her out but Wonder Woman ignored them.
• Wonder Woman and the other heroes were finally released from the Firestorm Matrix when Batman used the
Lasso of Truth on Firestorm. Superman was still infected with the Kryptonite shard inside his nervous system,
but Lex Luthor was able to extract it, saving Superman's life. Luthor also assembled a group of villains that
defeated the Crime Syndicate. Later, at the Batcave, Wonder Woman and the Justice League talked about the
enemy that destroyed the Crime Syndicate's world and came to the conclusion that Darkseid would return.
The Lies and The Truth

• After the death of Superman, Wonder Woman became depressed and

began to remember her origins differently, questioning aspects of her
past such as whether she truly was mocked as a child and her
relationship with Ares. In a fit of rage Diana crushed the helmet of War.
Realizing that she shouldn't have been able to do that, she used the
Lasso of Truth on herself and discovered that she had been deceived.
Diana traveled to Olympus for answers, but found it abandoned. She
also found herself unable to return to her home of Themyscira.

• Wonder Woman travels to a "Themyscira" that she does not recognize

• Seeking answers, Wonder Woman sought out an old friend that she believed could provide
the way to Themyscira: Barbara Minerva, the Cheetah. Cheetah agreed to help, under the
condition that Diana kill the plant-god Urzkartaga and free Barbara from her curse, which
Diana agreed to do. When she located Urzkartaga, however, she discovered Steve Trevor
and some of his fellow soldiers had been captured by Colonel Andres Cadulo, who intended
to become the embodiment of the god and sacrifice Steve in the process. Wonder Woman
freed dozens of Cadulo's captives and, with the help of Cheetah and the women he had
captured, succeeded in destroying Urzkartaga and freeing Barbara from the curse of the
Cheetah.With Barbara's help, Diana and Steve were able to find "Themyscira", though Diana
was surprised to find her mother alive and well despite remembering her as dead at the
hands of Hera. After removing her bracelets Diana realized that her past interactions with
these representations of the Amazons and her home were in fact an illusion, and that she
may have never returned home since she originally left to escort Steve to the United
States.Upon this realization, Diana suffered a mental breakdown.
• Having learnt of Wonder Woman's inability to return to Themyscira, Doctor Veronica Cale, a
wealthy and powerful woman, set into motion a plan to use Wonder Woman to find Themyscira.
Years earlier, Cale's daughter Izzy had her soul stolen by the gods Phobos and Deimos. They told
Veronica that they would only return her daughter to her if she helped them find Wonder
Woman, and got the location of Themyscira from her. Seeing no other option, Cale had formed a
team called Godwatch, dedicated to locating Diana and Themyscira.
• Veronica Cale employed the toxicologist Colonel Poison, who led Team Poison, a team that
attempted to capture Diana and Steve. In order to protect Diana in her vulnerable state, Steve
had her admitted to a mental hospital in London.Team Poison continued to pursue Steve,
Barbara and Commander Etta Candy, however. Barbara, who had been a member of Godwatch
when she was Cheetah, decided to speak to Veronica herself. Cale and Doctor Cyber showed
Barbara footage of Team Poison, who were about to kill her friends, and Barbara agreed to
become Cheetah again in exchange for Veronica calling off the team and sparing their lives.
• Diana quickly regained her sanity and was taken out of the mental hospital's care. She immediately noted the absence of Barbara and
set out to locate her. However, when she arrived at Empire Enterprises, she was greeted only by Doctor Cyber.Cale set Team Poison
onto Wonder Woman once again, and Colonel Poison managed to shoot Diana through the chest. Diana and Steve quickly overcame
their forces and followed Veronica Cale and Cheetah to a gateway that led to Themyscira. Wonder Woman and Cheetah fought, and a
drop of Diana's blood fell onto the gateway which opened the portal to Ares' prison beneath Themyscira. Phobos and Deimos, whom
Cale had turned into dogs with the help of Circe, entered the portal, along with Diana and Veronica Cale. Veronica found her daughter
beside Ares.

• Diana and her mother, Hipployta, are reunited for the first time since Diana left Themyscira
• Ares told Diana that he had been imprisoned by the other Gods of Olympus and bound in chains that were secured by Aphrodite
through the power of her love. He also told her that years ago, Phobos and Deimos had implanted false memories of Themyscira into
her mind, and these had caused her to imagine aspects of her past that had never happened in reality. Meanwhile, Phobos and
Deimos entered Themyscira and battled with the Amazons. Diana knew what she had to do, and called Ares to unite her with Phobos
and Deimos. He teleported them to her, and using her Lasso of Truth, Wonder Woman bound them through the power of her
unconditional love for them, as Aphrodite had done to Ares. With the twin gods defeated, Diana attempted to leave Ares' prison along
with Veronica and Izzy, however Izzy's essence had been attached to the realm and could not return to Earth. Izzy was forced to either
live out the rest of her days in the prison or live in Themyscira as an Amazon for eternity. She chose the latter and Veronica said
goodbye to her daughter. Diana was briefly reunited with her mother, for the first time since she left the island.
• Steve and Diana, re-united
• Cheetah sought revenge upon Veronica Cale for abandoning her, and
attempted to murder her, but was stopped by Wonder Woman.Cale
refused to transform Cheetah back to her human form, and Cheetah
herself decided that she no longer desired to be human. Having left
her Lasso of Truth binding Phobos and Deimos, Diana was given it
back by the Olympian Gods and reunited with Steve.
Heart of the Amazon

• After preventing a terrorist attack at a refugee camp in Greece, Wonder Woman returned to a
government facility in the United States and was examined by a sickly doctor, Dr. Shannon
Crawford. That evening, Diana attended the wedding of Etta Candy's brother, where she
discovered a bomb seconds away from detonation hidden underneath one of the tables.She
was able to contain the blast, but Etta was injured by a piece of shrapnel. She returned Etta to
Dr. Crawford who removed the shrapnel, before touching Wonder Woman with an Amazon-
strength sedative she had developed, leaving Diana too weak to fight back. Dr. Crawford told
Diana that she had a rare genetic illness, and that she intended to use Diana's Amazon blood
to develop a cure, saving her life as well as providing life-saving treatment for others afflicted
with the same disease. Diana awoke to discover Crawford had developed Amazonian strength
as a result of the blood transfusion. She was able to bind Dr. Crawford in the Lasso of Truth,
which rejected the lie and restored Crawford to her previous state. Having lost hope for a
cure, Crawford injected herself with the sedative, killing her. Wonder Woman was too late to
stop her, but she understood Crawford's decision to end her pain and held her as she died.
• Wonder Woman and Etta Candy fight off assassins
• Later, Etta was released from hospital and Diana accompanied her to her home. She was shot by a
sniper, but deflected the bullet and interrogated the attacker, who called herself Mayfly. She revealed
that she had attempted to assassinate Wonder Woman in return for a bounty that had been placed on
her. Shortly afterwards, Diana was attacked by five more assassins: Cat Eye, Cheshire, Abolith, Baundo
and Plastique, the latter of whom revealed that she had planted the bomb at the wedding. Wonder
Woman was able to defeat them all with the help of Etta, and they returned to an A.R.G.U.S. facility.
There, Sasha Bordeaux informed her that another scientist, Hamilton Revere, had heard of Dr.
Crawford's attempts to harvest Diana's DNA, and had apparently hypothesized that it could be used for
the treatment of numerous diseases. Wonder Woman was intrigued and decided to seek out Revere of
her own accord and hear out his plans. When she arrived, Revere informed her that in truth, he sought
to use her DNA to create an army of super-soldiers. He had also used samples of Diana's blood to grant
some of his goons super strength, who attacked her. Etta and Steve Trevor arrived to assist Wonder
Woman, and together they bound the attackers in the Lasso of Truth, which once again removed the lie
within their bodies. Revere was arrested, and Diana returned home with Steve and Etta.
Children of the Gods and Swan's Song

• Wonder Woman faces Darkseid

• After defeating Giganta in battle, Wonder Woman was approached by a lawyer who informed her that she had
inherited the estate of Hercules, who had been killed.[90] Shortly thereafter, she was told by A.R.G.U.S. that
Hercules' body came from an area containing traces of energy unique to Apokolips. Diana visited Hercules' home
and found a letter addressed to her, informing her of the location of her twin brother, Jason. She found him in
Greece,[91] and the two seemingly began to bond, only for Jason to turn against Diana after the arrival of Grail,
who he had secretly allied himself with.[92] Grail had begun killing children of the earthly gods in order to use
their divine power to restore her father Darkseid to adulthood, as he had been turned into a baby at the end of
the Darkseid War. Jason allied himself with her in order to exact revenge on Wonder Woman, as he resented her
for not seeking him out after she learned of his existence some time ago and was envious of her. However, as
Darkseid was about to drain Diana's life force, Jason regretted his actions and joined Wonder Woman in battle
against Grail and Darkseid. Then, Hercules' lawyer revealed his true identity as the King of the Gods himself, Zeus.
[93] Zeus fought Darkseid while Wonder Woman took on his daughter, Grail. Ultimately, Zeus was defeated and his
life force was drained by Darkseid, restoring the Apokoliptian to his full adult form. The Justice League arrived,
forcing Darkseid and Grail to retreat through a Boom Tube. In the aftermath of the battle, Diana forgave her
brother for his deceit.[94]

• Wonder Woman battles Silver Swan
• Wonder Woman was soon faced with a new threat. Some years ago, Diana saved a young
girl, Vanessa Kapatelis, from death at the hands of Major Disaster. She continued to visit
Vanessa for many years as she recovered from her injuries, and encouraged her to
undergo experimental treatment involving nanites, which allowed Vanessa to walk again.
Eventually, Wonder Woman's superheroics forced her to cease her visits. During Diana's
absence, Vanessa's mother Julia died, and Vanessa was left alone and felt that Diana had
abandoned her. She began to resent Wonder Woman and declared herself her enemy,
using the nanites in her blood to create a metallic, winged suit of armor and adopting
the name Silver Swan.Silver Swan murdered a family of people that Diana had recently
saved, causing Wonder Woman to fight her alongside Jason. Diana managed to drown
Silver Swan until she lost consciousness, causing her to revert to her human form. She
left Vanessa to recover in the care of A.R.G.U.S.
Amazons Attacked

• After Darkseid and Grail's retreat, they returned to a base in the Amazon Rainforest, where Darkseid was
setting his mysterious plans into motion. He tasked his loyal Female Furies with tracking down a godly
relic he needed, but they were unable to do so thanks to the intervention of Steve Trevor and his
A.R.G.U.S. forces. Meanwhile, Wonder Woman fought a number of villains that had been recruited by
Veronica Cale: Zara of the Crimson Flame, Blue Snowman and Anglette. As Diana caught up with Steve at
A.R.G.U.S. HQ, Jason returned wearing a suit of armor gifted to him by the gods, but with no knowledge
of its purpose.[97] As news came in of an attack by Grail, Wonder Woman and Jason immediately
responded just in time to prevent Grail from killing another demigod. Wonder Woman bound Grail in the
Lasso of Truth and forced her to reveal Darkseid's plans. Grail explained that Darkseid was looking to
build himself an army of Amazons. Due to her half-Amazon blood, Grail was able to break free from the
Lasso's grip and retreated.[98]

• Wonder Woman and Jason take on Darkseid

• The final remaining relics Darkseid needed were being guarded by A.R.G.U.S. at their HQ, so
Darkseid decided to use a Boom Tube to transport the building and all its contents to his
base in the Amazon Rainforest. The Female Furies retrieved the relics and put them into
place while Wonder Woman fought Darkseid. With the relics' power, Darkseid was able to
open a portal to Themyscira. As it is impossible for one who has set foot on Themyscira to
return after leaving, Diana was unable to follow Grail through the portal. Grail invaded and
began transforming the Amazons into creatures resembling Darkseid's Parademons.As
Jason had never actually set foot on Themyscira, he followed Grail and met his mother
Hippolyta for the first time since his birth. While Jason and Hippolyta fought off the
transformed Amazons, Wonder Woman was able to defeat Darkseid through her love for
her deceased father, Zeus, and her half-siblings, calling their spirits out of Darkseid's body
and destroying him from the inside. The Amazons captured Grail and imprisoned her in the
prison beneath Themyscira, alongside Ares, while Darkseid re-emerged somewhere on
Earth. Jason was gifted a magical spear from his mother and returned to Earth.
The Dark Gods

• Since her attack on Veronica Cale, Cheetah had been captured by Cale and held in the basement of
Empire Industries, where she was being experimented on by Doctor Poison. Cheetah suddenly dropped
into a coma, before waking and massacring Empire Industries' staff, while screaming about the return of
the so-called 'Dark Gods'. She attempted to kill Cale once again, but was restrained due to the timely
intervention of Wonder Woman. Steve Trevor informed Diana that all over the world, people had begun
acting strangely and warning of the Dark Gods. As she flew through the skies of Washington, she was
suddenly attacked by a deranged Supergirl. After a lengthy battle, Wonder Woman was able to defeat
Kara and restrained her in the Lasso of Truth, which knocked her unconscious. Jason returned after
learning from the Fates that the armor that had been gifted to him by the gods was originally created for
Diana, but had been mistakenly given to Jason after Zeus' death. It also allowed Jason to channel the
power of any member of the Greek Pantheon, though he could only use one god's powers at a time.
Jason began to explain his discoveries to Diana, but they were interrupted by a group of giant monoliths
appearing in the sky, which began to activate. As soon as the siblings began to investigate, Wonder
Woman was taken by a pair of Star Sapphires who needed her assistance due to an emergency
on Zamaron. As Diana was forcefully teleported, Jason was left alone before the activating monoliths.
• The Dark Gods arrive on Earth
• Wonder Woman was taken to Zamaron where the Star Sapphires informed her that a Dark God had taken
hold there, too. Diana fought the newly-emerged Karnell, Dark God of Love, who informed Diana that he
and his brethren had come from the Dark Multiverse, which the Justice League had recently encountered.
When Diana wore the Tenth Metal during the climax of the Justice League's battle with Barbatos, Diana
had wished for the gods' return. Though she had meant the Gods of Olympus, the Dark Multiverse's gods
were chosen instead, and thus she had unintentionally caused their invasion. Together with the Star
Sapphire Corps, Wonder Woman was able to defeat Karnell, who retreated back to Earth. Wonder Woman
left the Corps and returned home. In her absence, Jason had united with the Justice League and fought the
Dark Gods, who had plunged Earth into chaos. Suddenly, the Dark Gods disappeared, only for them to
return with Jason at their side. Jason fought Wonder Woman, but after he led her away from the Dark
Gods, he revealed that he was using his armor to channel the power of Dolos, God of Deception, and was
in fact deceiving the Dark Gods. Using the wisdom of Athena, Jason developed a plan to convince the Dark
Gods to retreat back to their reality. He offered himself, along with the power of the Greek Pantheon, in
exchange for the Dark Gods leaving Earth. The Dark Gods accepted the proposal and Diana tearfully said
goodbye to her brother, who was taken with them to the Dark Multiverse. The planet was saved and its
people returned to normal, but Diana was distraught over the loss of her brother.
Doomsday Clock

• Diana had disappeared from the public eye for some time before the events of Doomsday
Clock and was thought to have returned to Themyscira. After the inciting of global tensions
due explosion of Firestorm in Moscow and the rumours of the "Supermen theory" alleging
creation of metahumans by the United States government to serve as tools, she returned to
address the United Nations and call for peace. She was attacked at the United Nations
Building by Creeper, Giganta and Black Adam who had turned against the world leaders for
their oppression of metahumans. The Amazons brought her back to the island after the
Oracle prophseized that she will be injured if she continued fighting.
• After Dr. Manhattan undid the alterations he had done to the timeline, the Justic Society of
America had been restored. Another result of the undoing of the alterations was that Diana
had fought alongside the JSA during World War II. She later arrived at Washington, D.C. in
order to assist the JSA, the Legion of Super-Heroes and Superman in stopping the ongoing
battle between metahumans. She later called for the re-establishment of the Global
Guardians in its aftermath.
Altered timeline

• Following further alterations to the timeline, Diana's debut on the global

stage was shown to have occured much earlier, during the presidency
of Franklin Roosevelt in 1939. She interrupted an assassination attempt on the
American president by a Nazi sleeper agent in New York City and subdued the
attacker. Diana also warned Roosevelt that a great evil was coming and asked
him to let her help them. Following this, she continued her heroics and thus
became a national icon as well as the world's first superhero. This and her
ability to see the greatness each human was capable of inspired the "Golden
Age" of superheroes as well as the Green Lantern Alan Scott.More effects of
this included that Diana did romance Superman and Donna Troy was created
as a weapon to destroy the Amazons.
Ares: The
God of War
• One of the three children of the supreme
Greek Olympian Gods, Zeus and Hera, Ares
is the God of War, loving battle for its own
sake. Ares never favors one city or party
over another, fighting on either side, as
inclination prompts him, delighting in the
slaughter of men and the sacking of towns.
Despite being Zeus' son, Ares never fit in
with the other gods of Olympus and created
his own realm, the Areopagus.
• Ares is hated by all his fellow immortals,
from Zeus and Hera downward, except
for Eris, and Aphrodite, who nurses a
perverse passion for him, ultimately bearing
his children, Deimos, Phobos,
and Harmonia.
• Ares is a recurring antagonist of Wonder Woman´s story.
• Though wielding considerable power in the post Crisis world, so
much in fact that not even Diana can physically threaten him save
with certain items, Ares' true strength is his ability to scheme and
manipulate from his home of Areopagus. He has come into
conflict with Diana on numerous occasions as well as her allies
Donna Troy and Cassandra Sandsmark along with others like
Batman and his allies and the New Gods.
• His perhaps greatest feat came near the culmination of the
Genesis event, where he appeared and slew Highfather of New
Genesis before attempting to gain control of the Godwave only to
become stuck in the Source Wall. Often, he is also considered the
direct or indirect reason for both the Amazon's existence and
later isolation on Paradise Island. Chiefly as they were created to
combat his influence in the world of men and later it is his
influence that spurs Heracles (or Hercules) to attempt and
succeeding in enslaving the Amazons.
• Post-Flashpoint, the character has been reinvented such that
his relationship with Diana is more akin to that between a
father and daughter. While Diana was young, Ares appeared
before her and offered to train her during the full moon's
light. Unknown to Diana, Ares was doing so because in Diana
he saw his successor.
• The two suffered a split after a year when Diana refused to
be merciless, even if Ares had been the same previously.
Ares was to have spent the next 15 years in a disillusioned
state, caring nothing for his mantle or his family while
drinking his problems away. This only seems to change
slightly when he is reunited with Diana, during her efforts to
keep Zola and her child safe, first from Apollo and later the
First Born. In a final fight with the First Born, Ares allows
himself to be killed, allowing Wonder Woman to take his
place as god of war as he intended.
Diana confronts her brother Ares the God of War
Cheetah (Minerva)

• As a child Barbara Ann Minerva immersed herself in Greek
mythology, and she had affinity for languages. By the age of 26
she had gotten 2 PHDs in archaeology, and she spoke 7 languages
fluently. Once on a dig she found her proof of amazons, but the
cave collapsed, and left her without evidence. She obsessively
followed the star map, which she took witch her phone.
Eventually she found Themyscira, but it was just an empty island.
• Years later Dr. Minerva taught at the university. She was called to
translate for newly arrived Wonder Woman, which she did. At
first, Minerva thought Diana to be delusional, since she described
herself talking to her gods in form of animals. Minerva was
quickly made believer though, after Wonder Woman broke free
from the prison. Realizing Gods exist, Minerva coveted the divine
power. Barbara Minerva and Etta Candy had a flirtatious
relationship while they helped Wonder Woman adjust to their
• 2 years after Wonder Woman's arrival,
Barbara Minerva went to travel the world
to find gods, she now knew existed. The
first god she was tracking was Urzkartaga.
Minerva got her research funding
from Veronica Cale. In the rain-forests of
Bwunda, Minerva was readying for her
expedition. Wonder Woman stopped by
before her departure, and gave her a GPS
signaling device, in case of an emergency.
Unknown to them both Doctor
Cyber deactivated the device. Minerva
found herself in trouble, signaled Wonder
Woman, but she didn't come. Barbara
Minerva was wed to Urzkartaga and
became the Cheetah. Cheetah blamed
Wonder Woman for what she had became
and joined the Godwatch team, consisting
of Wonder Woman's villains.
• They fought numerous battles, and
eventually distanced from each other.
Cheetah moved to Bwunda.
• Cheetah is a former enemy of Wonder Woman, who came looking Cheetah in Bwunda. Cheetah
had surrounded herself with some tribesmen and werehyenas. Since Wonder Woman kept
coming further into her territory, Cheetah attacked her. Wonder Woman however was only there
to ask Cheetah for help finding Themyscira. Cheetah had remembered that she got her powers
from Urzkartaga, and was cursed to eat man-flesh. The hyenamen started hunting both the
Cheetah and Wonder Woman, because they also worshiped the god Urzkartaga. Cheetah was
wounded in their attack, and went feral, but Wonder Woman managed to calm her down again.
Cheetah agreed to help Wonder Woman to find Themyscira in change for her help to kill
Urzkartaga, and rid Cheetah of the curse. While saving kidnapped tribeswomen, Cheetah and
Wonder Woman battled Urzkartaga. Wonder Woman told Cheetah to bind Urzkartaga with her
lasso, since she realized that the women serving Urzkartaga weren't actually worshippers but
wardens, and that Urzkartaga had lied to Cheetah all this time. Cheetah and the tribeswomen
bound Urzkartaga, and he turned into a plant again, also returning Cheetah to her human form.
Minerva then helped Wonder Woman reach Themyscira.
• Barbara Minerva and Etta Candy were attacked by Godwatch, and they went into hiding. After
they were visited by Steve Trevor, Godwatch again found them. Minerva stayed behind while,
Etta and Steve ran, and she wanted to meet Veronica Cale. Minerva thought she could convince
Veronica to leave Etta and Steve alone, but was unsuccessful. Eventually Minerva agreed to
Powers & Abilities

Cheetah is the Avatar of the god (sometimes goddess) of the hunt. Her powers are
magic base, meaning that she falls under magical beings in the DC Universe. Due to
her being an avatar goddess, she has multiple powers such as:

Cheetah Form
• Barbara can transform from her human form into the Cheetah at will, giving her
the following powers:
• Fighting over the lasso of truth
• As an avatar of a god, Cheetah possesses great strength. Cheetah is strong
enough to smash down trees when she throws someone with her tail. She and
Wonder Woman displayed equivalent strength in a rope-pulling contest using
Diana's Lasso of Truth.
• Cheetah's physical durability is
enough to withstand blows from
the likes of Wonder Woman and
Superman. Cheetah's durability
doesn't protect her from bullets,
lasers, or other piercing attacks.
• Cheetah's speed is also
superhuman, Cheetah possesses
greater speed than Wonder
Woman, enhanced even further by
training with Zoom which removed
her mental block. Cheetah was
ranked as one of the top ten
fastest DC characters in 2018 by
DC. She is in the number six spot
beating out Wonder Woman,
Shazam, Godspeed, and Kid Flash.
• Cheetah's body coordination is incredible, able to tag
very fast superheroes and superheroines such as
Wonder Woman, Flash and Superman. It as being
said that multiple times, that the goddess guides her
claws, meaning that the goddess plays some part in
coordinating her movements. Her reflexes are
godlike, faster than both Flash, Wonder Woman, and
Enhanced Senses
• Being a feline-hybrid she has enhanced senses. She
can tell if someone is mind-controlled by a smell.
Claws and Fangs
• Cheetah's claws and fangs are enchanted and allow
her to cut almost anything. Even the flesh of
superhumanly durable metahumans offers little
Super Vision
• Cheetah can see through her infrared vision,
meaning that she can see and detect other creatures
through their body temperatures. Moreover, she can
see in the dark, see long distances, and detect any
Prehensile Tail
• She can grab and choke her enemies with her tail.
The power that her tail generates enables her to
chop through trees.
Hand-to-Hand Combat (Advanced)
• Cheetah is very adept at hand-to-hand combat, able
to go one-on-one with Wonder Woman repeatedly.
• Cheetah has a very good grasp of human cultures
and history.
Circe • Circe is based upon the Greek
mythological figure of the same
name who
imprisoned Odysseus in Homer's O
dyssey, she is a wicked sorceress
and a major adversary of Wonder
• She's been depicted as a blonde
(Pre Crisis), brunette (Post Crisis)
and a red head (New 52 &
• Hair color aside, all of these
versions of Circe have retained a
set of key features: immortality,
stunning physical beauty, a
powerful command over sorcery, a
penchant for turning human
beings into animals (like her
mythological antecedent), and a
delight in humiliation.

After the events of DC Rebirth, Circe's

history was altered. Seven years after Diana
left Themyscira to become Wonder Woman,
the C.E.O. of Empire Industries, Veronica
Cale, performed a ritual to summon Circe in
order to exact her revenge on the gods
Deimos and Phobos, who had taken the
soul of Cale's daughter Isadore. After
bargaining, Circe agreed to help Cale. She
gave her detailed instructions, and then
returned to her lair to begin her spell of
• Circe later confronted Wonder Woman in Al-
Doha, Qurac. She spoke in Diana's native
amazonian language, which surprised the
warrior. After killing several soldiers, Circe
tricked Wonder Woman into wrapping her
lasso around the witch, enabling her to
complete the ritual to bind Deimos and
Phobos into the forms of dogs. Circe then
teleported back to Veronica Cale and Doctor
Cyber, Cale's ally. Circe then revealed to Cale
that her daughter's soul was not in the soul
stone as she previously believed. Circe
communicated to Deimos and Phobos in their
animal forms, discovering that Isadore's soul
had been taken by Ares, who was imprisoned
on Themyscira. Circe refused to help Cale any
further, as she realized to free Cale's daughter
would involve freeing Ares from his prison.

• Years later, Circe allied herself with Lex Luthor

and Ra's al Ghul after discovering the Pandora
Pits. The trio fought a creature that emerged
from the pits, representing their fear and
hatred towards Wonder Woman, Superman,
and Batman. They managed to defeat the
creature by combining their powers.
Character Profile

• Circe is a Sorceress, former Princess, and once Goddess.

• Circe is also one of the most beautiful women of comics. Her
beauty was uncomparable that even flowers could not compete.
She has red eyes, red hair, and soft pale skin. Circe was a princess
who valued power and beauty most in the world, so she sold her
soul to the goddess Hecate. As time went on, Circe became empty
inside. Suddenly, beauty and power were not enough. She started
her long campaign for her missing part. However, that usually
leads her into conflict with wonder woman. Personality wise,
Circe is very calculating and cunning. She never stops once she set
her mind on something. She has been through literal hell and
came back to finish what she started. Sometimes she will wait
years, erase her own memories, and adopt a new identity just so
she can hurt Wonder Woman.
Powers & Abilities

• Circe is an high level witch, her sorcery allows her to

manipulate reality through incantations and spells. As
a goddess level sorceress she is granted with ageless
immortality. Her most known and main feat was to
turn objects and people alike into various sorts of
animals. With her ability to seduce others with her
natural charms and beauty, Circe is an excellent Circe is an expert in all kind of magic
master manipulator. During her time in Hell, she
gained the limited ability to manipulate the dead to
do her bidding, but much is not known of this since
her resurface to Earth. When she received Wonder
Woman's powers, she wielded the lasso of truth
added by athame she carried. Her strength and
durability greatly increased due to the power boost
she obtained, though this was only temporary as
Wonder Woman received them back.
• Projective Animal Metamorphosis: Her most known and main feat was to turn objects and people alike into various
sorts of animals. She prefers to transform men into various animals. Some of her victims have become pigs,
monkeys, large cats, boars and even birds and have retained their ability to think and sometimes even speak. In
these forms, they are subjective to Circe and often in a tranquilized state unable to retaliate. With another gesture,
Circe can restore her victims to normal.
• Matter Transmogrification: She can transform objects and beings into whatever form she desires.
• Reality Alteration: Her sorcery allows her to manipulate reality through incantations and spells.
• Immortality: As a goddess level sorceress she is granted with ageless immortality.
• Alter Minds: She can alter minds and control them utterly.
• Magic Blasts: Can fire destructive magical energy blasts.
• Magical Shields: Able to erect physical shields through her magic prowess.
• Sound Manipulation: She's shown the ability to project her voice over long distances with extreme pressure.
• Clairvoyance: Circe also seems to have limited clairvoyant potential, mostly to be able to detect guests to her island
and the presence of other immortals in her company. She was able to detect Hermes in an invisible state when he
visited her.
• Illusion Casting: Capable of creating illusions. She's also capable of making people see someone who isn't even that
person. She made it seem to Tom Tresser that she was Wonder Woman.
• Teleportation: Capable of tapping even cosmic energies, she could teleport between dimensions such as from Earth
to Olympus.
• Necromancy: During her time in Hell, she gained the limited ability to manipulate the dead to do her bidding, but
much is not known of this since her resurface to Earth.
• Superhuman Strength : (formerly) Her strength was greatly increased due to the power boost she obtained, though
this was only temporary as Wonder Woman received them back.
• Superhuman Durability : (formerly) Her durability was greatly increased due to the power boost she obtained,
though this was only temporary as Wonder Woman received them back.
• Charisma : She has the ability to seduce others with her natural charm.
• Alchemy: She can create potions to transform individuals or for granting power comparable to the gods.

• Moly: The herb disrupts

Circe's magic.
• Immortality Immunity:
She is unable to use
some of her more basic
magics on immortals.
Instead she must plot
and plan different
strategies to affect
immortals such as
Wonder Woman and
other gods in creative
and indirect ways.
Hades • God of the Underworld, Minerals, Gold and the Dead.
Greek & Roman Mythology
• Hades is the god of the Underworld and with his three-headed
dog Cerberus who guards the gates to prevent the dead from
leaving. He is married to Persephone (daughter of the
goddess Demeter), depending on which version, where Persephone
found a way into the Underworld and wanted to stay or was
kidnapped, but regardless both grew to love each and Persephone
became queen of the Underworld. He is the older brother
or Zeus and Poseidon, and the eldest of the sons of the Titan Cronos.
• His Roman counterpart is Pluto.

In the New 52, Hades appears to be but a child with pasty white skin, a
dark suit of armor and most unusually a number of candles where the
melted wax obscures most of his face above the nose. As a more
modern name for himself he told Lennox to call him Hell.
He is still the ruler of the underworld and the dead, but it appears
deeper than it first sounds, more that the reason his realm carries his
own name is because he literally is his own realm and everything in it is
an extension of his will.
• Despite being seen as an evil character in several media, there isn't
much to suggest that he's evil, in comparison, Hades is the more far
and just gods in Greek Mythology. When individuals came to him in
their time of need, he choice not to turn them away, but instead
gave them the chance to earn what they desire. He is not against
helping those in need, but only if they can prove themselves worthy.

•  Doria Zuel had a blood disease from when she was a child,
because she could not participate in activities she was often
mocked and bullied however this drove her to become a
doctor to help people. She apparently had a successful
career but her time was running out and she made a cure
for her own disease, fearing she was close to death she
used the untested vaccine on herself and while it did
indeed cure her illness and gave her the ability to grow to
gigantic sizes, it also dropped her intellect and filled her
with rage.
Character Evolution • After Donna Troy assumed the identity of Wonder Woman,
Giganta teamed up with the Cheetah and Dr. Psycho to search
for the 'real' Wonder Woman, Diana. After holding Donna
hostage, they eventually clash with Wonder
Girl, Robin, Hercules and Diana, who was under the guise of
Diana Prince, government agent. Giganta is ultimately defeated
by Hercules in this conflict.
• Giganta's next appearance featured her as an instructor at Ivy
Town's University, but under the control of M'Nagalah, the
Cancer God. Under his influence, she was assigned to seduce
and capture the new Atom, Ryan Choi. She ended up
swallowing him whole but he managed to escape by making
her sick, thus causing her to cough him up.
• Free of the M'Nagalah's control, Dr. Zuel remained in her
position at the university. She has also since approached Ryan
for a second chance, despite the unusual nature of their initial
• The two do make a second date, but before it happens Ryan is
asked by Wonder Woman, on behalf of the Department of
Metahuman Affairs, to wear a wire on his date with Doris.
During their date, Doris discusses her desire to reform. When
Ryan is away, however, she learns that he was wearing a wire
and angrily tears off the roof of the restaurant to see Ryan and
Wonder Woman talking, unaware that he had removed his
wire. Wonder Woman and Giganta fight, with Wonder Woman
emerging victorious. Ryan intervenes, preventing Wonder
Woman from beating her further. Wonder Woman admits she
lost her temper, but both realize that Giganta had escaped. It is
unknown whether or not Doris heard Ryan's pleading on her
Powers & Abilities

• Giganta can grow from human size to hundreds of feet tall in a matter of seconds. Her
strength and durability increase to superhuman levels as she increases in size, as well.
Initially, Dr. Zuel lost her intellect as she grew in size, becoming more brutish and
violent the bigger she grew. She has since transcended that limitation, retaining her
full intellect at any size. Giganta's powers appear to be mystical in nature; Giganta has
been shown to be aligned with the forces of magic. The clothing she wears changes
size when she does, and also increases her invulnerability during giant-size.
• Powers Size Alteration: The ability to increase her size from roughly 6'6 to several
hundred feet in seconds. This power appears magical in nature, as it violates the
square cube law.
• Superhuman Strength: Above average in normal form, superhuman when gigantic.
• Durability: Her durability is higher then an average woman but it is not superhuman
(Until she begins growing).
• Enhanced Intellect: Giganta is also a brilliant scientist who now retains her full
intelligence at any size from normal to maximum.
• Colonel Marina Maru, a Japanese soldier working for the organization called Poison which
Doctor Poison had been founded by her family. During Wonder Woman's first few months in the United
States, the amazon discovered a group of men infected with the Maru Virus, a poison that
drives its victims to rage-induced murder. Ten years later after Wonder Woman had
discovered she had been living a lie for several years, Veronica Cale sends Doctor Poison to
attack the Amazing Amazon.
Powers and Abilities

• Gifted Intelligence: She is highly intelligent as shown by

her capabilities to create several different toxins and
chemical substances.
• Expert Chemist: She is shown to be an expert at creating
and deploying several different toxins and chemicals.
• Armed Combat: She is able to hold her own in an armed
gun fight due to her military training.
• Multilingualism: Maru can speak several different
languages including Turkish, English, German and the dead
Sumerian language.
Dr. Psycho
• Dr. Edgar Cizko, Dr. Psycho is a telepathic criminal and
sworn enemy of Wonder Woman. He was once a
psychologist who was often mocked and ridiculed by his
peers for his studies in psionics and the power of the
mind, even giving him the moniker "Dr. Psycho", causing
him to swear vengeance on all who mocked him. He
later developed vast psychic powers that allowed him to
enter and sometimes shape people's dreams, control
minds, and project illusions.
• Doctor Psycho was created by William Moulton
Marston, creator of Wonder Woman and a psychologist.
His character was created with a strong hatred of
women. Doctor Psycho is one of the few Wonder
Woman villains to have appeared in the Golden, Silver,
and Bronze age comics of the series. He has also been
featured in the early issues of the post Crisis on Infinite
Earths issues.
Powers and Abilities

• Doctor Psycho's power lie in his formidable mental powers, both in terms of his
criminal cunning and his telepathy. He is also a skilled psychologist. Due to his
small stature he is a below average hand to hand combatant (in fact he is rarely
seen fighting at all.) However, he is a masterful hypnotist and can use this gift
on a nearly superhuman level.
• Often he employs his psionic powers to warp the perceived realities of those
around him, making things happen around him that are not really there or
using his powers to make himself appear different. Such as impersonating
Veronica Cale for some time while the real person was tied up in a closet. Also
he appears capable of mentally dominating people, bending them to his will.
He can create hallucinations, have one bend to his will, and even torment foes
with their own fears. However his powers appear to be mostly ineffective
against Wonder Woman due to the Lasso of Truth's proximity that allows her to
see through his illusions. Also is appears baser minds are also immune to his
powers as Catman was able to threaten him to go away with the pride of lions
he was living with.
• Dr. Psycho, due to his childhood trauma, has an almost infamous hatred of
women, while it doesn't prevent him from working with them. The story in
Odyssey however begs to question the depths of his hatred.

• Grail is Darkseid's daughter, born to

Amazonian assassin Myrina on the same
day as Wonder Woman's birth. She is
currently the Herald of the Anti-Monitor.
• Grail was created by Geoff Johns for DC
Comics' New 52 reboot. Her presence on
Earth is given as the reason for Darkseid's
invasion in the origin arc of the Justice
League series, but she herself is never
revealed to the reader. At some point, she
was captured by A.R.G.U.S and held
prisoner in a massive vault with Darkseid's
omega symbol on the doors. Throughout
all this, her appearance is never shown,
but her confinement and subsequent
escape is a prominent subplot of
the Vibe series. She appears on-panel for
the first time in Justice League
#40, designed by Jason Fabok, though she
first appears off panel via dialogue only
in Forever Evil #7 and appears for the first
time fully revealed in Divergence #1.
Powers and Abilities
• As a hybrid of two powerful race and particularly as a Darkseid's daughter Grail possess powers strong
enough to hurt Metron while sitting in his Mobius chair even when Anti-Monitor's antimatter could
not. Grail was described as a planetary-level threat by A.R.G.U.S while they held her prisoner. Due to
her few appearances most of her powers are still mystery, but as a New God/Amazon hybrid she
possess at least following powers:
• Superhuman Strength: As a New God/Amazonian hybrid Grail possess strength strong enough to
overpower beings like Wonder Woman easily.
• Superhuman Durability: Grail possess great durability against physical and energy attacks as she was
able to fight against Wonder Woman and take punch and lightning attack from Shazam without any
visible injury. She was also able to tank blast from Green Lantern without any discomfort.
• Superhuman Speed: Grail's is able to move faster than even the finest human athletes as her fighting
speed was at least a match against Wonder Woman.
• Superhuman Stamina
• Superhuman Agility/Reflexes
• Healing Factor
• Immortality: Grail is immortal and won't age beyond her prime. She cannot be hurt nor killed by
conventional means.
• Omega Beams: She has shown the ability to fire powerful red beams from her eyes that are either very
similar or identical to her father's Omega Beams. These beams have been able to hurt Metron while
sitting in his Mobius chair even when Anti-Monitor could not and break Wonder Woman's magical
bracelets even while Darkseid could not.
• Teleportation: Grail can seemingly also teleport between universes. Though seemingly to do so she
has to find a certain frequency to ''lock into'' before she can teleport.
• Energy Manipulation: She can also (possibly) absorb Green Lantern's willpower and even shut down or
control Green power ring.
• Hand-to-Hand Combat (Advanced)
• Grail is also seemingly very talented and trained in martial arts as she was able to defeat whole Justice
League with an axe.
Chang Tzu
• Chang Tzu was the scientific master of Oolong Island and employed as a
weapon smith by Intergang.
• Chang Tzu established a collective of "mad" scientists dubbed the Science
Squad. The Science Squad were chiefly responsible for bioengineering four
immensely powerful beings, which came to be known as the Four Horsemen.
One of the Science Squad members, Will Magnus, finally had enough of the evil
being perpetuated by Chang Tzu's scientists and turned against them. With the
aid of miniaturized versions of his Metal Men, Magnus killed Chang Tzu.
• Chang Tzu showed up again in a different cyborg body, only to be defeated
by Cassandra Cain, Power Girl and Wonder Woman.
• Though he has been killed on more than one occasion he never fails to
reappear eventually. He has hinted that his "resurrections" are accomplished
through cloning.
Powers and Abilities

• Unique Physiology: Red eyes, yellow skin which
resembles an eggshell, lacks arms and legs, areas
around eyes and mouth have a "cracked" texture.
• Cybernetic Enhancement
• Enhanced Intellect
• Medical Science
• Multilingualism: Can speak both English and Chinese.
The Lasso of Truth

• The Lasso of Hestia , most known as the lasso of truth, is

an indestructible golden lasso forged of the purest gold
available from Mount Olympus, made by the smith God
Hephaestus. It is one of Wonder Woman's primary tools
both in and out of combat. This lasso grants Diana the
power of forcing anyone who touches it to tell the truth
and obey her commands, being capable of forcing even
gods themselves to do so , this lasso is also capable of
curing insanity and mental illness, restore lost memories,
protection from magical attacks, summoning the Goddess
Hestia’s fire, dispel illusions and mind control, protection
against emotional manipulation, being able to stretch
infinitely, forces out anything unnatural from a person,
can napalm or burn away your soul , is Indestructible
unless the truth is challenged and is also able to bind
spirits and later even destroying them if she wants to.
Bracelets of Submission

• Diana also has among her arsenal , the Bracelets of Submission , made
from the remains of the Aegis shield of Zeus himself, this bracelets are
Indestructible and can block nearly any attack, one time Wonder Woman
blocked the entire combined might and power of the Greek pantheon
with this bracelets, they can also blast or create powerful concussive
shockwaves when slammed together or against an object, these
shockwaves are strong enough enough to pushback gods, this bracelets
also allow Diana too summon Zeus’s lightning, they are able to summon
the Aegis of Zeus from which the bracelets were made from, they can heal
wounds and can conjour magical weapons. If Wonder Woman removes
her bracelets she goes into a "berzerker rage" of power. Wonder Woman's
bracelets are what protects her opponents from her intense power.
Wonder Woman using her
bracelets to deflect attacks
• Her most known sword is The Sword of Athena, a magically-
empowered sword wielded by Wonder Woman in battle,
replacing the God Killer sword after the later was destroyed by
Ares. Diana as also access to a very special sword, a sword
capable of slicing through atoms, this weapon already
provoked a nuclear explosion , that blew up in the faces of
both Wonder Woman and Superman.
Sword of Athena
• At some point the sword was presumably created and wielded by the Olympian Goddess of Wisdom, Crafts,
and Strategy, Athena. Some time after World War I, Wonder Woman somehow acquired a replacement for
God Killer, the sword that Ares had destroyed. Wonder Woman would eventually proceed to wield the sword
against Doomsday, managing to slice off the monster's right arm with it.

• The Sword of Athena is an incredibly sharp and durable weapon, showing no apparent damage after Diana's
extensive use of it. It is likely also magical in nature, as are many Themysciran weapons, due to it's ability to
injure otherwise invulnerable beings, like Superman and Doomsday.

• It has an inscription carved in a form of Greek on the blade, which translates to English as follows: "Life is
killing life all the time and so the goddess kills herself in sacrifice of her own animal".
God Killer
• Diana originally acquired the God Killer from a special tower on Themyscira, which
contained the "many gifts" that the Gods gave the Amazons, believing it would be the
only thing that would slay Ares the God of War. Etta Candy was briefly entrusted with
the sword and eventually used it to prevent a German spy from escaping and
threaten him into surrendering, before returning it to Diana. Diana used the sword
several times on the battlefield when she went to "Man's World" to help stop World
War I by killing Ares. Diana notably used it to kill General Ludendorff, stabbing him
through the heart with it, as she wrongly believed him to be Ares. During their battle,
Ludendorff briefly disarmed her and tried to use the sword against her, until she
disarmed him and took it back.
• The sword was ultimately and casually destroyed by the real Ares, who revealed that
the so-called God Killer sword was not the true "God Killer" meant to kill him, but
that Diana herself was. The blade was almost completely disintegrated, but the rest
of the sword remained intact. What became of it is unknown.
• At some point, she replaces the God Killer with the Sword of Athena, using it as one
of her weapons.

• The God Killer is an incredibly sharp and durable weapon, showing no apparent
damage after Diana's extensive use of it during World War I. It was likely also magical
in nature, as are many Themysciran weapons. However, it can still be destroyed by
the divine power of an Olympian God, as Ares eventually did.
• Diana also has several Shields and Swords,
all are very resistant to powerful attacks,

• Over the years she has had a

number of different suits, one
which is specified for war.
• Diana also has access to a full
body armor, the armor
consists of a red leather
bodice, topped by a golden
eagle, connected to a blue
leather skirt, seemingly held
together by a golden belt that
resembles a 'W'. In addition
to this main piece, the armor
also seems to have a set of
matching boots, consisting of
adjustable greaves, as well as
a matching armband which
resembles the shape of the
'W' belt.
Golden Eagle Armor

• A ceremonial battle armor created by Pallas and gifted to

Wonder Woman. She donned it whenever she needed to
face a powerful villain, such as Devastation or Imperiex.
• There were silver and bronze variants, used by Donna
Troy and Cassie Sandsmark.

• Capabilities
• Crafted of pure gold, the armor provides the following:
• Invulnerability: Providing protection from explosions,
gunfire, electricity, and most forms of physical and energy
• Sealed Systems: The helmet has a retractable faceplate.
When in use, the wearer has a protected air supply.
• And finally, her tiara, This tiara can be used
as a throwing weapon, similar to that of a
boomerang. With her level of super-human
strength Wonder Woman is capable of
cutting very durable substances, a prime
example being when she cut Superman's
throat to temporarily disable him.

Superhuman Strength (Stronger than

Heracles — the God of Strength)

• She moved the entire Sun with her

unbreakable lasso once, the sun is about
330,000 Earths.
• Wonder Woman helped superman lift
eternity, which is seemingly weightless.
• She also helped both Martian manhunter
and Superman to move the earth itself.
•Wonder Woman clashing with Superman has been
stated to have ``Rocked the Heavens and the Earth
•The Statement could be just for the sake of hype
and have no true mening beyond that,but
according to the DC ``Multiversity´´ guide
``Heavens´´ and ``Earth´´ could be synonymous
with the Dc universe and ``Sphere of Gods´´ which
resides on a higher dimesnion than the normal
•Wonder Womans also saved Martian Manhunter
from the gravitational pull of a black hole.
•Broke the Fortress of Solitude's doors down when
H'el locked Superman out and took control of it.
• Wonder Woman has fought traded blows and once defeated
Darkseid and another she pierced his eye with her sword.
• She has also managed to overpower both Green Lantern and
• She managed to defeat both the goddess Artemis and the god
of war Ares, as well as draw blood from The First Born.
• Redirects a blast from the combined power of the Olympians
• Punches a freshly sun-dipped Kryptonian Batman to the moon, who
mentions it's the strongest punch he's ever taken
• Noted to be one of the potential people who could "move a planet
by hand"
• Gifted with the strength of Gaia, said to be stronger than Hercules
Other Strenght feats
• (Rebirth/New 52) - She dominated Supergirl in a fight and knocked her out.
• (Superman/Wonder Woman Annual #1) - She also stopped/defeated SuperDoom, a
combination of Superman and Doomsday.
• (Trinity 2008) - While injured Wonder Woman managed to knock the wind out of a being
called Konvikt, when earlier Konvikt had just tanked punches from Superman that he
claimed could shatter small planets.
• (Wonder Woman-2016- #56) - Wonder Woman showed to overpower the foot and then
knock over the Shadow God Tez, it was implied she was stronger than Zeus here.
• (Wonder Woman-2016- #34) - Wonder Woman shows to grab Grail (Darkseid´s daughter) by
the throat then slam her into an island causing a massive chunk of the island to break off.
• (Wonder Woman-2016- #12) – Wonder Woman showed to seemingly lift a large tank and fly
with it with relative ease.
• (Wonder Woman-2016- #38) – Wonder Woman shows to hold up a bank and fight while
holding it up.
Casually throws a planet Rips Island apart while fighting Grail Knocks out Supergirl

Lifts a bank while fighting God Mode Wonder Woman vs Superdoom Knocks the wind out of Konvikt
• Superhuman Durability: Diana possesses a high resistance to damage , magical attacks, immunity
to extreme temperatures ,Immunity to mind control and Immunity to illusions.Wonder Woman can
fight with and withstood considerable damage in the form of hand to hand combat with
opponents such as Superman and Gods. Also she was self-sufficient in the fact that Wonder
Woman did not have to eat or sleep and could hold her breath under water for hours and hours.

• She has withstood considerable bludgeoning damage in the form of hand to hand combat with
metahuman opponents such as Superman and Shazam. 
• She and her teammates tanked a full-on assault from the Qwardian Void Hond. The machine
referred to as Void Hound was a powerful Qwardian weapon which had easily destroyed 10 Star
Systems in it´s test run. Yes, Wonder Woman and some of the Justice League tanked an attack
capable of destroying a dozen solar systems.
• Once more, she withstood an attack from an angry quantum being who was more powerful than
the Reality-altering 5th dimensional imps.
• She has taken punches from angry Goddess Pele, whose punches are stronger than Superman´s and
as strong as a full swing from Thor´s hammer.
• Wonder Woman took a full blast from the God of War Ares.
• She took punches from a berserk Superman even while he was not holding back and going all out on
her and survived. All the while she was the one who held back.
• Diana has tanked multiple punches which hit with the force of a white star, from Zoom.
• Hunter Zolomon punches Diana from Themyscira, to
Paris, to China and back to Themyscira at lightspeed
• Tanks being punched by Superman from the Sun
back to the Earth
• Tanks a thermonuclear missile with no harm
• Takes attacks from Amazo, who had more strength
than Diana and Supes combined
• Survives the pressure of a black hole, one that light
explicitly couldn't escape from
• Survives a point-blank Imperiex probe explosion
• Magic attacks don't affect her the
Durability: Magic same way it does Superman
• Takes full strike from Zeus as
• Endures Hades assault
Durability: Mental

• Knocks out Dr. Psycho trying to

mind control her
• Immune to Maxwell Lord's mind
Durability: Matter Manipulation/Reality Warping
Reforms herself after Clayface reverts her back to clay
• Resists being turned into a gorilla
Healing Factor

• Wonder Woman has an accelerated healing factor, and it is advanced.

• Granted by Demeter (Goddess of Earth). In the rare instance when
Wonder Woman is harmed, her body heals from any injury instantly
without scarring.
• Below are examples of Wonder Woman’s advanced healing and regeneration abilities:
• In Wonder Woman (2016)—I think vol. 5 or 6—With her scythe, Grail impales Wonder Woman to the
ground at her upper chest, just above her bodice. After Grail removes the scythe, Wonder Woman is
shown bouncing back, up and walking, minutes later with no trace of a wound. In one of the Wonder
Woman Rebirth issues, she is shot straight through the chest by Doctor Poison, and another time by a
stray bullet. Again, she picks herself back up, and minutes later, no trace of a wound.
• In Wonder Woman (2016) Vol. 6 or 7 I believe, her brother, Wonder Boy, gets his throat cut by Silver
Swan’s razor-sharp wings. Within seconds, his wound has healed, and he tells Diana it must be
another power they both have in common, because he saw her heal from the wound inflicted by
Grail’s scythe, with no trace of that wound—not even a scar. Wonder Woman said she believed the
regenerative healing power was granted by Demeter.
• In the Wonder Woman movie, Diana is shot in the arm by a German bullet. She is quickly patched up
as someone else here mentioned, but after the battle, once the plaster is removed, there is no sign of
any wound—not even a scar. Only the trace of blood on the gauze. The nurse curiously commented,
• There are many other instances where Diana gets shot, sliced,
stabbed, gashed, and cut up, but a few moments later, those wounds
have disappeared, and she is back to normal. This makes sense since
we’re always seeing her thrown through windows and scraped against
boulders and debris, yet within minutes she is pretty much back to
normal. Besides, she has superhuman durability, so those wounds are
often shallow.
• Also, she is immortal,so a regenerative healing factor totally makes
sense she inherited a few tricks from her father, which includes an
accelerated healing factor.
• Diana possesses the power to fly at hyper-sonic
speeds able to keep up with Superman.
Superhuman Speed

• Superhuman Speed(Faster than Hermes — Messenger of the

Gods), she is able to think, react, run and move at superhuman
speeds. According to Flash, she can keep up with him if he is at
regular cruising speed (but not at top speed). She has also
caught Zoom in her lasso while blind ,and while he wasn’t just
running ahead of her in physical space, he was also running
ahead of her in time! Among this incredible speed feats, she
has also been able to block trillions of god shards, coming at
her from every corner of the universe , faster than light speed it
self, and wonder woman stood in the way and block every
single one of the shards, making this feat almost physically
impossible, as if there were literally many wonder woman’s at
that time, just to have a notion of her speed.
• She has been shown to be on par with some of the fastest
characters in the DC Universe such as Jesse Quick. She can
disarm human opponents of their weapons instantly and she
can immobilize her opponents in the blink of an eye, as she
showed when she speed blitzed White Martian and Genocide
into space in no time and was able to take down Amazo before
he could finish a word. She is such a well-trained athlete that in
Wonder Woman has entered the combat, her reflexes even surprise the likes of Superman.
SpeedForce before.
• Superhuman Reflexes: Wonder Woman's
reflexes are far beyond the limitations of
the finest human athletes. She has been
able to react to a barrage of gunfire from
multiple opponents at once unharmed.
Batman noted that her reflexes are
superior to that of Superman.
• Superhuman Agility: Wonder Woman's agility is far beyond that of
even an Olympic level athlete, as is her balance and coordination.
• Superhuman Stamina: Wonder Woman can fight till she drops
dead, she does not need to rest. Wonder Womans's agility is on a
super-human level.Wonder Woman can last a great deal of time in
any fight and with virtually anyone. She has held her own in
combat with foes as powerful as Doomsday. She doesn't tire out,
as her body produces no lactic acids in her muscles.
• Accelerated Healing: In the rare event of suffering a serious injury,
Diana can heal from mild to moderate injuries at an amazing rate.
Her normal regenerative abilities allow her to recover from injury
within seconds to minutes. She possesses an incredible immunity
from poisons, toxins, as well as disease.

Although not a real power

in itself, she received a
blessing of great beauty
from Aphrodite.
• Granted by Artemis (Goddess of the Hunt).
Eyesight, hearing, taste, touch and smell
are all on super-human level. She has
Enhanced exceptional hearing and night vision and
has even shown the ability to track her
Senses enemies by scent in some instances
(especially in natural environments).
Wonder Woman has the (Hunters Eyes)
which allows her to always hit her mark
and see far distances.
Divine Wisdom

• Granted by Athena (Goddess of Wisdom), this gives her the knowledge and wisdom
of Athena herself and gives her a strong moral sense as well. Originally in the Golden
Age, her wisdom primarily consisted of her deep knowledge of, and ability to
navigate through, human emotions. When she first showed up in Man’s World, she
learned enough English language to converse with others in a few hours only. This
also aids her in her tactical ability. She is among the smartest and wisest members of
the Justice League, along with the Martian Manhunter and Batman.
• Wonder Being one of the the most knowledgeable beings on the planet is of course
an element of one’s skill-set that transcends the typical powers like super strength,
speed and agility, just to name a few. Knowledge and intellect can be used obviously
in instances where strength of the mind, is needed more than the strength of one’s
• Diana’s knowledge from Athena allows her to be a master tactician and strategize
with ease. With her Amazonian battle training, skilled in both weapons and hand-to-
hand combat, alongside having Athena’s wisdom, it’s no wonder that she’s so
formidable on the battlefield


• Teleports 12 delegates to
Paradise Island
• Teleports to Themyscira
• Can take a magic portal
to Themyscira
• Teleports a bunch of
people of people off
Animal Empathy
• Tells some birds to bother Superman
• Talking to polar bears
• Riding dinosaurs
• Can hear and recognize Pegasus while
Divine Sight
• Athena returns Diana's sight
• Sight improved
Soul Magic
• Can exorcise people by punching them
• Can see souls and interact with spirits
• Enters the soul of an unborn child and
heals them
• Creates an alchemical portal
• Solar power and magic-based power do not mix well
• Has a very strong aura
• Resistant to a dragon's flames that are fueled by lies
• An alien race, the Khunds, built her a statue out of
respect and call her "The Destroyer"
• Has limitless love for everything
• Is willing to kill

• She has also been shown to project
herself astrally in order to commune with
the gods and ask for special favors from
them. She has also been shown to take on
the abilities of certain of her patron
goddesses as when she became a form of
divine midwife to save the life of an
unborn child.
God of War

• After taking on the mantle

God of War after killing her
mentor War. Diana have
shown some new abilities. She
can now telepathically
communicate and control all
soldiers on the planet since
she is their greatest leader.
She hasn't shown the ability,
but as her predecessor was
able to bring back dead
soldiers to fight alongside him,
she might be able to do so as
Witching Mark
• When she was a child, Diana was marked by the goddess Hecate and
bestowed with a fraction of her magical ability. This power lay dormant
until it was activated by the Upside-Down Man. Zatanna remarked that
Wonder Woman's magical power was unlike anything she had ever seen
or felt, and Diana possessed at least enough power to cast out the
Upside-Down Man, an immensely powerful demon, from the world. 
• After the Justice League Dark defeated Hecate, the Witchmarked's power
was taken from them and absorbed by Circe.
• The Godwave was a cosmic force of divine energy that was formed
The Godwave when the Second World of Urgrund had split in two five billion years
ago from the modern day and echoed from the essence of
the Source. After the Ragnarok War which killed off the Old Gods, the
God Wave was generated from the planetary explosion and spread
across the universe.
• The wave of power swept across the cosmos, leaving a seed of divinity
wherever it touched, and became responsible for creating various
pantheons of gods and divine entities on various planets. As the energy
wave spread, it eventually reached the edge of the universe and
rebounded, making a second pass that created the potential
for superhumans on planets such as Earth a thousand years from the
present. In time, the resonance created by the Godwave began to
expand and contract whereupon it returned to the Source. This
expansion and contraction began to affect the powers of various beings
throughout the universe. As a result, the cosmic energy force began to
tear apart the structures it had created whereupon it would wipe the
universe clean to bring about the emergence of a new and terrible Fifth
World to replace it.
• The Godwave was responsible for creating the likes of the Speed Force,
the Quantum Field, and the Emotional Spectrum channeled by
the Guardians of the Universe.
• Wonder Woman has been hable to channel this power in the past
• Summons the Godwave to fight Rama.
• Immortality: Because of her divine nature by being the daughter
of Hippolyta and Zeus making Diana a demigoddess and a true
Immortal, Wonder Woman will never die of old age. Diana is 5000
years old in the Batman VS Superman movie.
- Aviation: Wonder Woman pilots her invisible jet with expert
- Enhanced Intellect: Diana possesses great wisdom and intelligence.
She is among the smartest and wisest members of the Justice
- Enhanced Senses: Wonder Woman´s vision,hearing,taste,touch
and smell have all ben accelerated by the Goddess of the Hint,
- Diplomacy
- Leadership: She led the Justice League alongside Batman and
Superman from its very formation and has individually led the Justice
League Dark and Star Sapphire Corps as well.
- Multilingualism: Wonder Woman spoke only her native Themysciran
until she ventured into Man's World. She learned English within days
due to the Lasso of Truth's powers of language translation.
- Equestrianism: Diana is a great horse rider; her favourite mount is
her mare Kachi.
• Martial Combat(Advanced): Diana is the finest warrior ever born among the
Amazons of Themyscira. She is a master of both armed and unarmed combat,
and is highly skilled in the exotic martial arts styles of the Amazons. Batman
himself stated that that wonder woman was the world´s greatest melee
fighter, and this is an incredible feat considering well, Batman. Even when
depowered, she is on par with some of the best hand-to-hand
combatants in the DC Universe.
• In the New 52, the night when she turned 8, Ares appeared before Diana
and offered to train her above and beyond the abilities of the Amazons,
having seen her potential to eventually become his replacement as the
God of War. Though the training was one for one night each month, the
year was noticed with Diana improving tremendously compared to the
other Amazons.

• Tactical Analysis
• Weaponry: Wonder Woman is proficient with nearly every weapon ever
made, especially the bow, the sword and the javelin.
• Archery
• Swordsmanship
• Throwing
• Beats up a large armed crowd and even
Powerless deflects a bullet
• Acrobatics
• Fights Beowulf
• Fighting demons with Beowulf

• Spars Against Superman, testing her

newly regained power.
• Sparring against Donna Troy
Spars Against Others
• Against Martian Manhunter in some
weird monster form
• League testing blind Wonder Woman
• Training with Manhunter
Notable Fights
Against Superman
• Maxwell Lord controlled Superman vs Wonder
• Circe-controlled Superman vs Wonder
• Wonder Woman vs Amazo
• Wonder Woman vs Zoom
• Wonder Woman vs Power
• After having been chosen to test whether Gorilla
Grodd's new genetically improved combat unit could
beat Superman or not, Diana trashes them
• Injured Wonder Woman vs Imperiex Probes
Amped Versions
Dinanna Truthqueen

This sections covers the period of time in which Wonder

Woman, alongside Superman and Batman, were the gods of a
new world, called Proto-Earth 1.
• Dinanna and Kellel fighting (Superman under the same
amp) causes the world and heavens to shake
• Slits Kellel's throat with her nails
• Dinanna, Atmahn, and Kellel fighting causes their world to
shatter in 12 pieces
This section covers the period of time
in which Wonder Woman, Superman
and Batman all received a third of
Krona's power.
• The Creation Trinity heals their
• Drain Cheetah of her powers
• Each member received a third of
Krona's powers, who was said to
be galaxy busting
• Use Krona to replace the Earth
Goddess of Truth
This section covers the period of time where Diana died and
was resurrected as the Greek God of Truth.
• Became Goddess of Truth for a bit, didn’t stay though
• Gave away her Morphing Disk
• Can repair and mend alternate timelines with the Lasso as a

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