Mythology and Folklore Finals Reviewer

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MYTHOLOGY AND FOLKLORE FINALS gods and often accompanied them on their

REVIEWER adventures.

MYTHOLOGIES WITH BIBLICAL One day, Orion was out hunting when he
COUNTERPARTS discovered that one of the animals he'd
killed was a sacred hind, a creature revered
THE BORN OF ORION: (Jonah and the by the goddess Artemis. Angered by his
Whale) disrespect, Artemis turned the hind into the
constellation Taurus, which now adorns the
The earliest traditions simply name Orion as sky.
the son of Poseidon and Euryale (a
daughter of King Minos), but a later myth On another occasion, Orion pursued the
gives a more fantastical version of the myth. Pleiades, the seven daughters of the Titan
Atlas, also known as the Seven Sisters.
Some say, Orion was the son of the poor These seven young women were the
shepherd called Hyrieus. And also had a favorite attendants of Artemis, who
wife named Side, and they had daughters protected them with her bow and arrow.
called the Coronides Desperate and afraid for their lives, the
young women appealed to Zeus, the king of
Other tales even claim that he was born out the gods, for help.
in Gaea, when Zeus, Poseidon, and
Hermes united in a bull hide and buried it in Zeus took pity on them and changed them
the earth that is why his name is Orion into the constellation of the Pleiades. He
(Urine) also placed Orion in the firmament as well,
positioning the giant to perpetually chase
The Death of Orion: after the seven sisters. The story of Orion
Version 1 - Artemis though was said to have and the Pleiades is a tale of the dangers of
killed Orion when the giant forced his hubris and the futility of desire. It teaches
attention upon the Hyperborean maiden the importance of respecting nature's
Oupis, a handmaiden of Artemis. boundaries and the dangers of crossing
Version 2- Apollo arranged the death of
Orion when he became jealous of the Another version is that Orion fell in love with
closeness of Orion and his sister Artemis. the daughter of King Oenopion, Merope. He
agreed to work for him, however, he is not
Version 3- Still other legends have him killed that patient. He raped Merope causing her
by a scorpion father to be angry at him, but he can't do
anything about it because Orion is more
Summary of the story: stronger than him. After this shameful act,
In Greek mythology, Orion was a giant and Oenopion went to Eos to punish Orion.
a powerful hunter, famed for his great Orion lost his vision as a punishment but in
strength and skill. He was born the son of order to gain his sight, he went on a journey
Poseidon, the sea god, and Eurynome, an to Hephaestus and was guided by Cedalion
ocean nymph. Orion was a great ally of the
so that he will be healed from his blindness returned with an olive branch in its
as they find the direction of the sunset. mouth—a symbol of peace ever since. Then
God instructed them to repopulate the earth.
Despite his strength and skill as a hunter,
Orion did not escape a tragic end. One day, SIMILARITIES AND DIFFERENCES
while hunting in Boeotia, he was killed by
Gaia, the mother of the gods, who sent a Noah’s Ark
scorpion to sting him to death. Zeus then • God looked down on the human race and
put the scorpion in the sky as the saw wickedness, violence, and evil
constellation Scorpius, forever reminding everywhere (Genesis 6:5). He decided to
Orion's companions not to forget him. destroy all living things on the earth, except
for Noah, who had ‘found grace in the eyes
of the LORD’ (Genesis 6:8).
DEUCALION AND PYRRHA (Noah’s Ark) God instructed Noah to build an ark.
• Noah and his family survived together with
Deucalion, the son of the immortal Titan the two sets of animals per species.
Prometheus, is informed by his father of the • 40 days and 40 nights
impending massive flood that will end the • Noah and his family repopulated the world.
Bronze Age, and he constructs a small boat
to transport him and his cousin-wife Pyrrha, Deucalion and Pyrrha
the daughter of Prometheus' brother • A massive and destructive flood that aims
Epimetheus and Pandora, to safety. to destroy the entire population was brought
down by Zeus to punish sinful humans.
Noah’s Ark • Prometheus instructed his son, Deucalion,
to build a chest/boat.
Noah received a message from God about • Only Deucalion and Pyrrha survived.
a massive flood that will render the earth • They floated for 9 days and 9 nights.
new and destroy all living things on the • They threw stones and those stones
earth, except for Noah, who had ‘found became humans.
grace in the eyes of the LORD. When Noah
was 600 years old, God released the rains
that lasted for forty days and nights, causing BAUCIS AND PHILEMON (Abraham and
the Flood. Noah and his wife, his sons, and Sarah)
their wives, along with the animals he had
taken aboard the ark, were spared the flood PLOT (INTRODUCTION)
and survived. But every living thing outside
of the ark was destroyed in the waters of the The story begins with the arrival of two
flood. The ark eventually came to rest on disguised deities, zeus and hermes, in the
the 'mountains of Ararat’. Once the flood region of phrygia. Their quest for shelter
dried out, Noah sent a raven out of the ark and hospitality results in rejection from
to search for dry land, and then a dove. The numerous households, highlighting the
dove returned, so Noah waited a week and scarcity of genuine hospitality in the area.
then sent it out again. This happened However, the humble cottage of baucis and
several times before the dove eventually philemon becomes the exception, offering a
place of refuge and setting the stage for the kindness and humility.
central conflict of the story.
The rising action continues as the scarcity Zues
of genuine hospitality is further emphasized Hermes
through the rejection of zeus and hermes by
other households. Baucis and Philemon's Settings: The setting of the myth takes
selfless and generous offer of their humble place in the rural region of Phrygia, which
home to the disguised travelers serves to was known for its pastoral landscapes and
contrast the theme of hospitality with their simple, rustic way of life. The story unfolds
acts of kindness. in the couple's modest cottage, where the
primary events occur.
The climax of the story occurs when baucis Hospitality - The couple's willingness to
and philemon discover the true identity of share their meager resources with strangers
their guests - they are not ordinary travelers, demonstrates the importance of hospitality.
but gods in disguise. This revelation Reward and Punishment - Baucis and
heightens the tension as the elderly couple Philemon's generosity is rewarded, while
fears potential retribution from the gods for the neighbors' lack of hospitality results in
their humble offerings. their destruction.
Interaction and Confusion between Gods
PLOT (FALLING ACTION) and Mortals - This theme explores the idea
that divine entities can move among
Following the climactic revelation, the gods, humans unnoticed, influencing their lives in
Zeus and Hermes, reveal their true significant ways.
identities and their intention to reward
Baucis and Philemon for their exceptional NISUS AND SCYLLA (Samson and
kindness and hospitality. The couple is Delilah)
granted a wish, and they choose
immortality, along with the role of guardians EXPOSITION
for the temple built in their honor.
The story is set in ancient Greek mythology
PLOT (DENOUEMENT) and revolves around Nisus, the king of
Megara, and his daughter Scylla. Nisus
The story concludes as baucis and possesses a purple lock of hair with magical
philemon, having grown old together, are powers that can ensure his life and the
transformed into intertwined trees. This continued rule of his kingdom.
transformation symbolizes their everlasting
love and unwavering hospitality, serving as RISING ACTION
the resolution of the story and imparting a
profound moral lesson about the rewards of
Minos, the son of Zeus and Europa, wages reflecting the tragic consequences of her
war against Megara, which is an ally of love and betrayal.
Athens. The war drags on for over six
months, and Scylla, Nisus's daughter, SAMSON AND DELILAH
becomes enamored with Minos, the leader
of the Cretan army. She watches the battles The story introduces Samson, a man
from the castle tower and falls deeply in chosen by God, and the setting during the
love with him, even considering offering time of the judges in Israel. It establishes
herself as a hostage or her father's kingdom Samson's great physical strength and his
as a dowry to be with Minos. weakness for Philistine women, particularly
Delilah. Samson falls in love with Delilah,
CLIMAX and the Philistine rulers offer her money to
discover the secret of his strength. Samson
Scylla, convinced that her father is losing initially deceives Delilah about the source of
the war and wanting to win Minos's his strength, but she persistently tries to
affection, cuts off Nisus's magical purple uncover it. Samson eventually reveals that
lock while he sleeps, inadvertently killing his strength is linked to his uncut hair, a gift
him. She offers this as a gift to Minos, but from God. Delilah betrays him by cutting his
he rejects it, horrified by her treacherous act hair, leading to his capture and blinding by
and curses her. the Philistines Samson, weakened and
blinded, prays to God for strength while in
FALLING ACTION the Philistine temple.He gains renewed
strength and pushes down the temple's
Minos conquers Megara and establishes his pillars, causing its collapse, killing himself
rule. Scylla, abandoned by Minos and and many Philistines. The destruction of the
unable to stay in Megara or go to Crete, temple marks a turning point, leading to the
clings to his departing ship. Her father, now liberation of Israel from Philistine rule.
transformed into anOsprey, attacks her. Samson's actions have a significant impact
Scylla falls into the water but is saved from on the story's outcome. God forgives
drowning by a god, who transforms her into Samson for his past mistakes, and his death
a ciris. However, the sea hawk continues to ultimately serves as a means of delivering
attack the ciris as vengeance for her the Israelites from Philistine oppression.
betrayal. The story ends with the Israelites gaining
freedom and the narrative coming to a
DENOUEMENT resolution.

Different versions of the story vary in the SIMILARITIES

details of Scylla's fate. In some, she is tied
to the stern of the ship and drowns. In • Nisus and Samson both hold a source of
others, she is transformed into a sea greater strength or power in their hair.
monster by Circe and resides in a cave, • Both of the stories have similarities when it
feeding on sailors who pass by. The tale comes to betrayal.
concludes with the consequences of
Scylla's actions and her transformation, DIFFERENCES
King Eurystheus releases Hercules from his
•Delilah betrayed Samson for money duty and has reached the pinnacle of glory.
•Scylla betray her father because
• Different reasons for betraying their family RESOLUTION
or lovers.
In the end, Hercules, having completed his
Twelve Labors and endured the trials
12 LABORS OF HERCULES caused by Hera, is granted immortality and
joins the ranks of the Olympian gods, taking
EXPOSITION his place among the stars in the night sky
as a constellation, where he finds peace
Hercules is a demi-god with incredible and eternal glory. He was also called “The
strength and abilities, born out of Zeus’ Champion of Humankind.”
affair with Alcmene. So, the jealous Hera,
Zeus’ wife, gave him the curse of madness The 12 Labors of Hercules

1. The Nemean Lion: Hercules
Hercules' stepmother, Hera, plots to destroy
strangles a magical lion terrorizing
him. She uses her powers to cause Nemea and wears its pelt as a cloak for
Hercules to go temporarily insane, leading the rest of his life.
him to commit a terrible act: killing his wife
and children. 2. The Lernaean Hydra: Hercules,
aided by his nephew Iolaus, defeats the
RISING ACTION nine-headed Hydra by cutting off its
heads and cauterizing the wounds to
Hercules, tormented by guilt and grief, prevent regeneration.
seeks a way to atone for his actions and
redeem himself. He approaches King
3. The Golden Hind: Hercules captures
Eurystheus, who assigns him Twelve
Labors as punishment and redemption.
the sacred red deer of the goddess
Diana with golden antlers and convinces
CLIMAX her to allow him to take it without
The climax of the story occurs as Hercules
undertakes and successfully completes his 4. The Erymanthean Boar: Using a
Twelve Labors. These labors include giant net, Hercules captures the
defeating the Nemean Lion, capturing the man-eating wild boar of Mount
Erymanthian Boar, cleaning the Augean Erymanthus.
stables, and more. These feats demonstrate
his incredible strength and bravery.
5. The Augean Stables: Hercules
cleans King Augeas' enormous stables
in a day by diverting two rivers to flood guarding the Underworld, and returns it
and wash away the manure. unharmed after showing it to
6. The Stymphlaian Birds: Hercules
drives away carnivorous birds in SUMMARY OF SAMSON’S STORY
Stymphalos with magical bronze krotala
given by Athena. The story of Samson begins with Israel
suffering under Philistine oppression.
Chosen by God, Samson is born to
7. The Cretan Bull: Hercules captures a
previously childless parents and raised as a
rampaging bull in Crete, later released Nazarite with special vows, including not
into the streets of Marathon by cutting his hair. Despite his incredible
Eurystheus. strength, Samson makes questionable
choices, such as marrying a Philistine and
8. The Horses of Diomedes: Hercules getting involved with Delilah. Betrayed by
captures and brings the man-eating Delilah, Samson reveals his hair as the
horses of the Thracian king Diomedes to source of his strength, and she cuts it while
Eurystheus, who dedicates them to he sleeps. Captured and blinded by the
Hera and sets them free. Philistines, Samson's hair begins to grow
back, and he prays for strength. During a
Philistine gathering, he pushes down the
9. Hippolyte’s Belt: Hercules faces
temple pillars, sacrificing himself and killing
complications stealing an armored belt many Philistines, ultimately delivering Israel
from Amazon queen Hippolyte due to from oppression.
Hera's interference, resulting in the
10. The Cattle of Geryon: Hercules MYTHOLOGY)
travels to Africa and steals the cattle of
the three-headed monster Geryon, APOLLO AND DAPHNE
overcoming Hera's obstacles.
In this myth, Apollo, the god of light and
poetry, scolds Eros (Cupid) for using bows
11. The Apples of Hesperides:
and arrows to create love. In retaliation,
Eurystheus sends Hercules to steal Eros shoots Apollo with two arrows—one
golden apples guarded by the gold-tipped, causing him to fall in love with
Hesperides, requiring help from the nymph Daphne, and another
Prometheus and Atlas, and eventually lead-tipped, making Daphne reject love.
returning them to the gods' garden. Despite Apollo's persistent pursuit, Daphne
seeks help from her father (or Mother
12. Cerberus: For his final challenge, Earth), who transforms her into a laurel
Hercules goes to Hades and kidnaps plant to escape Apollo's advances.
Cerberus, the three-headed dog Heartbroken, Apollo makes the laurel a
symbol of tribute to poets, and it becomes
associated with him. This myth explains the a lion, she leaves her scarf behind. Thisbe's
origin of the laurel and its significance in scarf becomes stained with the blood of a
connection to Apollo and the oracle of lion, and when Pyramus finds it under the
Delphi. mulberry tree, he believes that Thisbe has
been killed. The color of the mulberries,
Natural Phenomenon - Daphne’s which were originally white, turns red due to
transformation into a laurel tree. the blood. This transformation of the
mulberries is a natural phenomenon that
PYRAMUS AND THISBE symbolizes the tragic turn of events and the
enduring impact of their love.
In Babylon there lived the most
handsome pair of young lovers in the 2. The Lion: The appearance of the lion is
East. Pyramus loved Thisbe and she loved another natural element in the story. The
him, but although they were next-door presence of the lion represents the
neighbors they could never get together unpredictability and danger of the natural
because both sets of parents opposed world, which interferes with the lovers' plans
the courtship. In order to converse they and ultimately leads to their tragic
had to whisper through a chink in the wall separation.
that separated them. Tired of this
subterfuge, they agreed to meet one night
outside the city to elope. Thisbe arrived at CEPHALUS AND PROCRIS
the meeting place under a mulberry tree
and was frightened off by a lion with bloody Characters:
jaws. The lion found her scarf and ripped it, Cephalus - a beautiful young man who is
staining the scarf with blood. When fond of manly sports
Pyramus came along he discovered the Procris - the wife of Cephalus
scarf and the lion's tracks and he Aurora - the goddess who fell in love with
assumed Thisbe had been killed. No Cephalus
longer wishing to live, he took his sword
and plunged it into his body. The blood Story
spurted upwards and dyed the white
mulberries red. Thisbe returned to find The story follows Cephalus, a youth
her lover at the point of death. She devoted to hunting, who is abducted by
obtained his sword and committed suicide. Aurora, the goddess of dawn, due to his
The two of them were buried in a single urn. exceptional beauty. Despite Aurora's
Since that time, the mulberry tree has advances, Cephalus remains faithful to his
always put forth red berries. beloved wife, Procris. Procris, favored by
the goddess Diana, gives Cephalus a dog
1. The Mulberry Tree: The most prominent and a javelin. After resisting Aurora's
natural element in the story is the mulberry advances, Cephalus returns to Procris and
tree. Pyramus and Thisbe decide to meet continues his love for hunting. A deity sends
near the tree. The mulberry tree symbolizes a fox to trouble the land, and Cephalus
their secret love and clandestine meetings. lends his dog, Lelaps, to help. The ensuing
When tragedy strikes and Thisbe flees from chase between Lelaps and the fox ends in
both being turned into stone by divine One day, the sky is cloudy. Juno, the jealous
intervention. Despite losing his dog, queen, suspected her husband Jupiter was
Cephalus continues hunting. hiding his affairs so she paved away the
Misunderstandings arise when Procris clouds. So, in an effort to conceal their
hears Cephalus speaking to the breeze, relationship, Jupiter transformed Io into a
leading to a tragic event where Cephalus white heifer calf. However, Juno saw
accidentally kills Procris. In her dying through the disguise, demanded the heifer
moments, Procris reveals the as a gift, and appointed Argus, a giant with
misunderstanding, asking Cephalus not to 100 eyes, to guard Io. Concerned, Jupiter
marry the imagined "Breeze." The sent Mercury to kill Argus and free Io. But
disclosure comes too late, and Procris dies Juno sent a gadfly to torment Io, causing
with forgiveness for her husband. her to wander the earth endlessly.
Eventually, Io reached Egypt and was
1. The Breeze: restored to her human form by Isis. Later,
- Natural Phenomenon: Aurora's romantic Juno had another rival, Callisto, who was
infatuation, symbolizing the fleeting and pregnant with a son. Out of jealousy, Juno
intangible nature of dawn's beauty, which turned Callisto into a bear, forcing her to live
Cephalus metaphorically addresses as a a solitary life in the forests for many years.
"sweet breeze" in his moments of solitude. Years later, while hunting, Arcas
encountered Callisto but failed to recognize
2. The Turning into Stone: her as his mother. Jupiter intervened, saving
- Natural Phenomenon: Divine Callisto from Arcas, and transforming them
intervention by heavenly powers into constellations in the heavens - Ursa
transforming the pursuing dog, Lelaps, and Major (Great Bear) and Ursa Minor (Little
the ravenous fox into stone statues, Bear). Juno is furious and curses the two to
illustrating a supernatural outcome to a move round and round in heaven, but never
mortal chase, frozen in the very act of sink beneath the ocean as the other stars
pursuit. do.

3. The Fox and Lelaps Chase: Natural Phenomena

- Natural Phenomenon: A mortal hunt
involving the relentless pursuit of a Cloudy Sky: The sky becomes cloudy,
ravenous fox by the swift and skilled dog, likely indicating an overcast or rainy weather
Lelaps, showcasing the natural instincts and pattern.
prowess of the animals, culminating in a
race that defies the usual laws of nature as Creation of a Gadfly: Juno sends a gadfly
both are turned into stone in the midst of the to torment Io, resulting in a natural
chase. occurrence of a gadfly causing distress to
the transformed Io.

JUNO AND HER RIVALS Transformation of Callisto: Juno turns

Callisto into a bear, showcasing another
SUMMARY magical transformation.
Creation of Constellations: Jupiter
transforms Callisto and her son Arcas into ECHO AND NARCISSUS
Ursa Major (Great Bear) and Ursa Minor
(Little Bear) constellations, involving In this myth, Echo is a nymph who, due to a
celestial events in the story. curse, can only repeat the last words
spoken by others. Narcissus is a beautiful
Cursing of Ursa Major and Ursa Minor: youth who rejects all romantic advances.
Juno curses the constellations to move Nemesis, the goddess of revenge, punishes
round and round in heaven but never sink Narcissus for his arrogance by making him
beneath the ocean, indicating a fall in love with his own reflection in a pool
supernatural and perpetual movement in the of water. Tragically, he becomes so
night sky. infatuated with his own image that he
cannot tear himself away and eventually
wastes away, turning into the narcissus
CEYX AND ALCYONE flower. Echo, who had fallen in love with
Narcissus, also wastes away and is
King Ceyx and Alcyone were deeply in love. transformed into an echo, only able to
SUMMARY Ceyx, troubled by his brother's repeat the words of others.
death and ominous signs, decides to
consult the oracle at Delphi Ceyx leaves for Natural Phenomena
Delphi despite Alcyone's worries.
Reflection in Water: Narcissus falls in love
Caught in a storm, Ceyx prays to the gods with his own reflection in a pool of water,
to send him to Alcyone if he dies. Alcyone involving the natural phenomenon of
creates a robe and prays to Hera for Ceyx's reflection.
safety. Hera, moved by Alcyone's prayer,
sends Iris to Hypnos, the god of sleep, to Transformation into Flowers: Narcissus
give Alcyone a dream. Morpheus, Hypnos' transforms into the narcissus flower, and
son, transforms into Ceyx and appears in Echo transforms into an echo, symbolizing a
Alcyone's dream, informing her of his death. supernatural metamorphosis in the natural
Awakening from the dream, Alcyone rushes
to the shore and sees Ceyx's body.
Grief-stricken, she leaps into the sea and PERSEPHONE
transforms into a kingfisher. Her love for
Ceyx transforms him into a kingfisher as Persephone, the daughter of the harvest
well. goddess Demeter, is abducted by Hades,
the god of the Underworld, while picking
Natural Phenomena flowers. Persephone became the rightful
wife of Hades and Queen of the
-Zues’ thunderbolt created a violent storm. Underworld. During her six months in the
-Zues transformed Ceyx and Alcyone into Underworld, her mother, Demeter,
Halcyon Bird. saddened, neglected the harvest, causing
the Earth to wither. In Greek belief, this
period represented Autumn and Winter,
marked by infertile land. When Persephone
returned to Olympus, Demeter rejoiced, and
the Earth flourished during the months of
Spring and Summer. The myth explains the
seasonal cycle, illustrating the perpetual
rhythm of Nature's death and rebirth.

Natural Phenomena

Seasonal Cycles: Summer, Spring,

Autumn, and Winter

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