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Week 4

Welcome back folks!

Outline of the week
● Test results and evaluation
● Video blog: peer review & homework review (writing)
● Unit 6 activities
● Debate
Test results and evaluation

Check Padlet and download your word doc for final results and feedback.

If you have any questions, email me for more information!

Highest: 97
Video blog: peer review
What is peer review?

Kanami -> Tatiana -> Maki -> Jose -> Yeni -> Kanami

How to peer review?

Example: See Padlet


See comments! Don’t forget the gradings.

Videoblog Grading rubric
Delivery (0-5) Language use Topic
(0-5) development (0-
5) Mispronounced Inappropriate
words /incorrect words
“Does he/she “Does he/she use “Does he/she and expressions
sound clear? accurate sound
Can you words and reasonable?”
understand correct
him/her?” grammar?”

- Clear and - Accurate use - Sufficient and suggestions Good words and
understandabl of grammar accurate expressions
e pronunciation and vocabulary responses
- Appropriate - Using different - Clear
pacing, stress, sentence relationship
and intonation structures between ideas
to express
Writing Assignment: feedback

Read your peer’s news for more information.

Prior to our exciting Debate Session...
● Story telling
● reasoning
Unit 6 Storytelling
For Florence and UI2 folks
Unit 6 - storytelling
1. Components
a. When
b. Where
c. Who
d. What (What happened? What do you think?)
e. Why (Why did it happen?)
2. Describing time
a. Expressions
b. tenses
3. Frequently used expressions
Activity 1
First Round Instructions:

Discuss with your partner(s) and come up with a story to describe this picture.

Fill in the when, where, who, what and why.

You can use your wild imagination to make an interesting story!

6 minutes to discuss. Then every group has 1-2 minutes to share your story.
Group 1
when During the lockdown

where The woman’s apartment in Paris

who 3 colleges

what They stuck in one apartment when

they arrived in Paris (is was a work

why They missed the last airplane Paris-

Tokio because of a traffic jam
Group 2
when In the morning, when she is going to

where In the front of road to her parking


who Mary, 30 years old, owns a car, she

has been working as a manager in a

what She can’t go out and hit a car

because somebody parked in a bad
way to block her way.

why She didn’t recognize that car

because it shouldn’t be parked in that
place. And she was a bit sleepy.
Words to describe time order (fill in!)

Once upon the time,
CONTINUING That’s how…,
3 months ago,
Finally, ...
When the pandemic
So, then, accidentally, At the end, ..
suddenly, however, In conclusion, …
One day,
therefore, besides, As a result, …
On October 12th,
Last time when I was
with my friend,
Words to describe time order

as soon as,
after that, eventually,
Once upon a time,
but then, lastly,
Not long before,
immediately, finally,
On/In + date,
next, in the end,
it was when.....,
then, at the end of the
Once, ....
not long after, xxx, ...
soon, ...
Can you make a sentence with these
P49 3B
Something that
happened before
Happened at the another event in the
Happened later: same time: past (past perfect):

Afterwards, When, Up until then,

Later, As soon as, Before that,
The next day The moment I got Until that time,
to ...
I had never lost
anything important.

Simple past
● Present tenses
○ Simple present: “I drive the car every day.”
■ Everyday activity
○ Present continuous: “I am driving the car right now.”
■ Emphasize on doing something now.
● Past tenses:
○ Simple past: “I walked, I stopped, I smiled.”
■ behaviors and actions
○ Present perfect: “I have finished writing the book.”
■ emphasize on “having done” or finished something that has an impact on “now”
○ Present perfect continuous: “I have been enjoying the book.”
■ emphasize on “have been doing” something for some time till now
○ Past perfect: “She had had five coffee before she left.”
■ something done before the past
Make the sentences with the illustrations
Activity 1
Second Round Instructions:

Introduce your picture in round 1 and tell the story to your partner.

Use 2-3 time order words to clarify what happened.

Decide your tenses on slide 12 and you can refer to the story descriptions on slide 13, but
you don’t have to follow them.

Both/All of you need to tell your story.

2 min prep, 1-2 minutes for each person. Total: 6 min

How to be a good listener? - How to respond to a
- Give comments
- “That’s so interesting!”
- Ask clarification questions
- “Sorry I didn’t catch you. Where did it happen?”
- Ask follow-up questions
- “Why were you doing xxx?”
- “What happened later?”
- Give a similar story
- “What a coincidence! I have had exactly the same experience.”
- “This reminds me of what happened when I was 6...”
- Body language, eye contact, facial expressions
More expressions...
Activity 1
Third Round Instructions:

Exchange the picture! Do group 1 if you did group 2 and vice versa. (if you hated both, try
the picture in the next slide.)

Describe the new picture to your partner using phrases we have learned.

You can also pick 1-2 favorite phrases from slide 18 to use!

And don’t forget slide 12 & 13!

2 min prep, 1-2 minutes for each person. Total: 8 min

Optional illustration




Did you have any questions or anything fun when you were telling the story?

Did anyone of you use the optional picture?

Do you think it’s hard or easy to tell a story? Do you like telling a story? What do you
think is the hardest part of it?
Did you have any questions or anything
fun when you were telling the story?

Did anyone of you use the optional

Feedback Do you think it’s hard or easy to tell a
story? Do you like telling a story?
What do you think is the hardest part of
Exit ticket - Jose
What have you learned?

Learned new words to start, continue and finish a story.

What do you think is difficult?

For me it is difficult to find the words i´m thinking in spanish to translate them into
english. I´m trying to not get stuck with a word and think another one.
Exit ticket - Kanami
What have you learned?

I learned how to use starter, connecting, and finishing word.

What do you think is difficult?

I have to memorise all words.

Exit ticket - Maki
What have you learned?

I have learned how to tell a story more appropriate and convey it easy to a partoner.

What do you think is difficult?

Using a lot of tences with appropriate is little difficult tome especially with some reinking
Exit ticket - Tatiana
What have you learned?

A lot of new starting, continuing and ending phrases.

The differences between “in the end” and “at the end of…”

What do you think is difficult?

To memorize all phrases and use them.

Exit ticket - Yeni
What have you learned?

-Very useful linking words for starting, continuing and closing a story

-Ways to show attentions for the person who is telling a story

What do you think is difficult?

-To tell a story without blinking is difficult. Because the story in the class was not fully
memorized yet, it is difficult to recall the story, find appropriate expressions and tenses
and speak it out loud with correct pronunciation at the same time.

1. Evaluate peer’s w3 videoblog on Padlet

2. Workbook sheet (screenshot on Padlet)
3. Review test results and email me if you have any questions
Quick Review
Peer review: Very informative!

Workbook sheet: Will provide answers shortly.

U5 test results: Any questions?

What did we learn last class?

Suggestions: write 1-2 of your favorites on your notebook !

Take a picture or download this doc FYI.

Words to describe time order

as soon as,
after that, eventually,
Once upon a time,
but then, lastly,
Not long before,
immediately, finally,
On/In + date,
next, in the end,
it was when.....,
then, at the end of the
Once, ....
not long after, xxx, ...
soon, ...
Can you make a sentence with these
P49 3B
Something that
happened before
Happened at the another event in the
Happened later: same time: past (past perfect):

Afterwards, When, Up until then,

Later, As soon as, Before that,
The next day The moment I got Until that time,
to ...
I had never lost
anything important.

Simple past
More expressions...
Chill Time!

Choose one of the six stories, fill it up,

and read it with intonation!
Choose one, fill the gap, and read!

You can take notes in your

own textbook.

You can use the “continuing”

expressions when you fill the

Delivery - What would you like to emphasize on?

- E.g. “I like you.”
- “What’re you doing tonight?”
- Syllables
- stress - Slow?
- Quick?
- Rising intonation
- To be continued
- Linking the words
- Questioning
- Having doubt
E.g. kind of = kinda,
- Falling intonation
- Decisive
I am about to go. = imaboutogo
- Indicating the end
Activity 2
Choose a new story, fill it up and read it with appropriate intonation, stress, etc.

Your partner needs to be a good listener and give feedback or reply.

You can take notes in your own textbook.

After 1 round, switch your role. (storyteller becomes listener)

Total: 15-20 minutes

How to be a good listener? - How to respond to a
How to be a good listener? - How to respond to a
- Give comments
- “That’s so interesting!”
- Ask clarification questions
- “Sorry I didn’t catch you. Where did it happen?”
- Ask follow-up questions
- “Why were you doing xxx?”
- “What happened later?”
- Give a similar story
- “What a coincidence! I have had exactly the same experience.”
- “This reminds me of what happened when I was 6...”
- Ask for opinions
- “So what do you think about this person/situation? Any thoughts? Do you agree with him/her?”
- Leads to a discussion of agreement/disagreement.
Any interesting stories from your partner?

Any interesting conversation when you’re trying to be a good listener?

Listening Activity - Story 1
when The day was planned to repair his What time order phrases did he/she
mother’s ring at a jeweler. mention?
where His house
The store

who His mother asked him to bring her

ring to the store for repairing. Later that day, after all, just before,
when, then, up until then, so
what He thought he lost his mother´s old

why He was a little stress, and went out of

the store in a rush so he didn't took
the ring back to his house. Then the
jeweler called him and told he had
the ring in the store.
Listening Activity - Story 2
when In the morning before a very important job
meeting What time order phrases did he/she
where In the subway mention?
who The girl, the female passenger and the
boss That day
what Her skirt was stuck between subway After a couple of minutes
doors. One of the passengers tried to help
her to pull the skirt out but is was not
successful. She had to wait when doors Later
opened 6 or 7 stops. She missed her stop
and was late to her office.

why Her skirt was stuck. This was just a

mishap or bad luck.
Round 1 Instructions:

Group 1 talks about Story 1, and Group 2, Story 2.

Check your answers with your partners, fill in the form in slide 44/45 and practice to retell
the story.

5 minutes
Round 2 Instructions:

Retell the story you just prepared to your new partner.

Things to keep in mind:

Tense - simple past

Time order expressions (try to use what you heard or use your favorites)

Delivery - pronunciation, intonation, pacing, stress, linking, etc.

About the tense
Simple past tense: to describe events

-ed form

Past continuous tense: to describe background information or the overall situation

E.g. “It was a sunny day. The sun was shining, and the birds were singing. I was walking
on the road when I saw someone standing there. I walked up to her and started our
conversation. ….”
1. Prepare for the story telling of the listening material. Check slide 43/44.

2. Take a look at slide 51 and choose 1-2 topics to prepare for a story sharing

3. Preview the linking words of giving a speech, choose your favorites and get ready for
next class’s debate session. (slide 55-57) Note down those that you don’t
understand or have questions with, bring them to class!
Round 2 Instructions:

Retell the story you just prepared to your new partner.

Things to keep in mind:

Tense - simple past

Time order expressions (try to use what you heard or use your favorites)

Delivery - pronunciation, intonation, pacing, stress, linking, etc.

Good listener - reply actively.

Telling a story - free talk activity
Activity 3

Choose one topic, tell a story of your own (or of your friend’s) using what we have
learned in class. 10 minutes in total.

Things to keep in mind:

Tense - simple past

Time order expressions (try to use what you heard or use your favorites)

Delivery - pronunciation, intonation, pacing, stress, linking, etc.

Good listener - reply actively.

In the following day: in the next day

Frightening/terrifying/horrifying experience

Surprising, shocking

Terrible, horrible, awful, bad :(

The person is armed (with a gun/with weapons).

It is more possible/probable/likely that the man has a gun.

Go on/keep on/continue the journey

With a low voice

“Restaurantophobia” (I made it up) phobia = scared of something

I would like/love to have a cup of …

At noon, in the morning/afternoon/evening

I am fortunate = I am lucky

I have fortune = I have money

Giving a speech
How to start a speech
1. Start with a story/saying
2. Start with greetings and small talk
a. Should be connected with your topic
3. Start directly with a topic sentence
a. In my opinion/from my perspective/I think that…./I consider xxx as…
b. I agree/disagree that...
Linking words
When you have a problem, do
you ask other people for help or
opinion, or do you solve the
problem on your own?
Ask people for help or opinion
pros - To be provided various range of opinion
- To solve the problem with speed, more rapidly
- The solution is supported by other people.
- To help to build a close relationship by doing this for me or others
- Others to start to help to care of my situations
- You can get the best and confirmed solution from the experience that is the
same situation with this and that is already finished.
- To discuss something with others usually drives for a better opinion than
think by oneself.
- Usually people like to help others.
- During a discussion with others, you can develop a solution and then the
solution can be perfect(flawless).
- We don’t have the problem to discuss with others always.
- We can compromise the opinions from our own and from others to make the
final solution.

Cons of solving - Sometimes, it is not a good way to only rely on the others instead of to have
problems on your one’s perspective.
own - If there’s no one to ask it, you can’t use this way.
We are accustomed to

Solve problem on our own/by ourselves

On my own/ by myself

Ask for suggestions/advice


To add on my opinion

TENSE?: simple present tense

There’s one concern.

There’s a proverb that goes, “the wheel is already invented.”

Hidden meaning: “why would we reinvent the wheel?”


Common sense = horse sense

In the workplace
Solve problem on your own
pros We don’t bother other people unnecessarily.
We can learn from problems and find solutions by myself at anytime.
We can be independent.
Get more confident
You can help other people with what you learned through your personal
You win experience
Get achievement.

Cons of Makening a mistake.

asking Lost confidence
people for It takes time to ask for someone´s help
help or It could cause depression.(mental helth)
Debate 101
Stage 1: Stage 2:

Both sides, 1 minute for a brief introduction of Counter argue, 1 person raises a counter argument.
your opinion. (1 person from each side) (30s)

*You don’t have to read all the points. The other side can argue (no limit)

The other side should take notes and prepare to 10 minutes in total.
counter argue!

Stage 3:

Both sides, 1 minute to make a closing statement.

(summarizing the pros and cons, but try to keep your
After thoughts
Reading Activity
Read the two passages on P51 and answer the following MC questions on the google
Homework for the week
1. Reading activity as homework on the weekend and will be discussed on next Monday
link as below:

2. Write a self-reflection on the debate session. You can talk about:

- What phrases (transition words) have you learned and used? What phrases do you want to try later in class?
- What do you think about the topic now? Have you changed your answer to the question? (You don’t have to
choose one side. You can talk about the pros and cons of both sides.)
- What do you think about the debate session?
1. Have you had the chance to express what you think?
2. Do you like this way of discussion?
3. Anything you don’t like or feel uncomfortable with? Anything you’d like to change?
Upload on W4 column.

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